It’s been about a year since I was a member, but the time has come to get back into the fray.
I really enjoy the Bill Whittle Now series, as it keeps me current on the latest assaults on our freedoms. In fact, there’s times that I wish that The President, or Congress, or the Supreme Court were watching these episodes!
And, the Firewall series of videos are keepsakes. If there were a compilation of them, I’d purchase it. What better way to communicate with my kids about “Why Benghazi Matters”, for instance.
Keep up the fantastic work folks.
Oh, and a big “Thank You!” to the spouses of the team. I know that they’re behind the scenes; supporting and sacrificing so that we can reap the benefits of the creative time and efforts that go into making this possible.
4 replies on “Re-joined! And feeling good about it.”
Welcome back, Chris! Add to your list and join us for The Stratosphere Lounge sometime!
Welcome Back, Chris! Cheers to you.
Welcome, Chris! We’re glad you found your way back home.
Welcome friend! You’ll find a good home here, so many nice people!