BW Member Blog

Re-joined! And feeling good about it.

It’s been about a year since I was a member, but the time has come to get back into the fray.

I really enjoy the Bill Whittle Now series, as it keeps me current on the latest assaults on our freedoms.  In fact, there’s times that I wish that The President, or Congress, or the Supreme Court were watching these episodes!

And, the Firewall series of videos are keepsakes.  If there were a compilation of them, I’d purchase it.  What better way to communicate with my kids about “Why Benghazi Matters”, for instance.

Keep up the fantastic work folks.

Oh, and a big “Thank You!” to the spouses of the team.  I know that they’re behind the scenes; supporting and sacrificing so that we can reap the benefits of the creative time and efforts that go into making this possible.

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