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Reflections on the Paris Climate Accords

When I was growing up in the 1970s, we had long, cold and harsh winters. Days or even weeks of forty to fifty degrees below zero wind-chills were not uncommon. The fledgling Envirofascist Movement, under the guise of protecting the environment and saving the planet, warned that carbon dioxide emissions were bringing on an Ice Age. Within a generation, they said, the Earth would be an uninhabitable ball of ice, hurtling through the void. Naturally, it was only the carbon emissions of the United States that were the problem. The ChiComs and Soviets got a pass, despite being worse polluters than we were. Because, if there’s one thing Envirofascists love more than controlling people, it’s Communists. 

But, something went wrong. The 1980s were a period of increased solar flare and sunspot activity. Here on Earth, it got warmer. Summers were longer and hotter, winters more mild (hmmm…I wonder if there’s a connection). Clearly, a change of tactics was required. No one was going to buy predictions of an icy doom, when faced with a week of ninety degree days. So now, carbon dioxide was causing global WARMING. Now, within a generation, everyone was going to burst into flames, right before they drowned in melted polar ice water.

The Movement got a lot of mileage out of this. In fact, after Al Gore bombed out in his bid to become president, he found a new way to make billions, by becoming the High Priest of the Movement. He wrote a book, made a movie and flew around the world in his private jet, lecturing the little people on reducing their carbon footprint. The irony of this was lost on him and his followers. But, something went wrong again.

In the early 2000s, solar activity quieted, and Earthly temperatures flatlined (probably just a coincidence). The Earth wasn’t warming or cooling! The University of East Anglia, one of the principle propagandists…er, researchers for the UN’s IPCC, fretted about how they were going to hide the decline in global temperatures. Nothing was working out. Polar ice fields were larger and thicker than they’d been in decades. Polar bears were thriving. People were getting skeptical of the world’s parboiled demise.

Time to change tactics, again. A new phrase made its way into the public lexicon; “Climate Change”. Now, those pesky carbon emissions were disrupting weather patterns, causing geologic upheavals, fomenting terrorism and killing the very biosphere, because…reasons. There’s no proof of any of this, of course. Everything is based on computer models based on faulty data, and has been for decades. But, to Envirofascists, if there’s any discrepancy between the models and reality, reality’s got it wrong. 

I’ve heard all the crap about the “consensus of scientists” and “settled science” and all the rest. But, here’s the thing; science isn’t up for consensus or ever truly settled. If ninety-nine out of a hundred scientists are saying one thing, but the actual data supports the lone dissenting voice, the dissenting voice is the right one. A thousand years ago, the scientific consensus was that the Earth was flat and at the center of the universe. Just because the majority agree, doesn’t mean they’re right.

My friends, Anthroprogenic Climate Change is a scam. And the Paris Climate Treaty was an attempt to fleece the United States to the tune of Four Trillion Dollars. To stay in that agreement would have been economic suicide. The devastation would take generations to recover from, if we even could. Make no mistake, we dodged a huge bullet, here. It’s funny; a little over ten years ago, Al Gore predicted that New York would be under water by 2016. Well, 2016 has come and gone and New Yorkers’ feet are still dry. It’s a wonder that guys like him and Bill Nye still have any credibility. 

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