Sidney Powell appeared on the Lou Dobbs show and she’s on the hunt!
9 replies on “Release THE KRAKEN!”
Democracy today: republicans cast the votes and democrats count them.
scary stuff
I hope she has a bodyguard and a “safehouse” while she is doing what could be the only thing that can expose these dirtbags. I wonder how long it will be before LOU DOBBS “retires” ?
Thank you for posting this. I am grateful to know that people like her are on the case.
How did FOX miss this? Sidney Powell needs to be very careful. People have been disappeared for less. Dobbs is to be commended. Instead he may be “retired”.
Donna was doing his best to speak obliquely, but I felt he was visibly shaken by what Sidney said.
Apologies this is my first comment/reply and Dobbs was changed to Donna…not sure how to edit yet!
That’s OK, I understood what you said 🙂
Gene (King of the typos)
I’m with Gene — I also understood it. After all of my typos I could fairly and reasonably challenge him as King of the typrs. LOL
9 replies on “Release THE KRAKEN!”
Democracy today: republicans cast the votes and democrats count them.
scary stuff
I hope she has a bodyguard and a “safehouse” while she is doing what could be the only thing that can expose these dirtbags. I wonder how long it will be before LOU DOBBS “retires” ?
Thank you for posting this. I am grateful to know that people like her are on the case.
How did FOX miss this? Sidney Powell needs to be very careful. People have been disappeared for less. Dobbs is to be commended. Instead he may be “retired”.
Donna was doing his best to speak obliquely, but I felt he was visibly shaken by what Sidney said.
Apologies this is my first comment/reply and Dobbs was changed to Donna…not sure how to edit yet!
That’s OK, I understood what you said 🙂
Gene (King of the typos)
I’m with Gene — I also understood it. After all of my typos I could fairly and reasonably challenge him as King of the typrs. LOL