BW Member Blog

Revisiting the Ekranoplan KM

In which the decadent West has a lot of fun playing with a vehicle originally developed by the Soviets–which didn’t really work in the way they wanted, because all it wants to do is fly instead of skim just above the ground/water. There’s possibly a metaphor in that….

Goes pretty well with Bill’s “The Cold War” series, especially as the gentleman in the video wears a pin reading “Communism Sucks” and points out that the problem with communism as a system is that it works great on paper and falls apart when put into practice. Just like the Ekranoplan.

3 replies on “Revisiting the Ekranoplan KM”

Glad you enjoyed it! Don’t have many people IRL who are interested in geeking out over aviation with me, so it’s nice to have someplace like this to share it. 😀

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