4 replies on “Richard Dreyfuss – Surprisingly good idea”
I hadn’t heard about this. Thanks for sharing. I signed the petition but he needs to get more vocal. I visited his website and it doesn’t show much recent activity. Same for the Facebook page.
I have been worried about my granddaughter’s education because she’s in public school. I suggested my son sit with her and at least go through the Hillsdale college constitution overview course with her. I don’t trust the school to teach it.
Every American high school student should be required to take a one semester class studying the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. One whole semester just on that. I had to go out of my way to take an American Government class at community college just to get a taste.
At LEAST. I got a healthy dose of Constitution in 8th grade American History, and a whole year of Civics and Government in the 11th grade. All of this alongside 4 years of elective, Military Science (JROTC).
Well, dayum. First, didn’t know that Mr. Dreyfuss was a dedicated Constitutionalist.
Second, I looked up his site. The idea behind it is glorious, but still pretty bare bones. Looking forward to it being fleshed out a bit more.
4 replies on “Richard Dreyfuss – Surprisingly good idea”
I hadn’t heard about this. Thanks for sharing. I signed the petition but he needs to get more vocal. I visited his website and it doesn’t show much recent activity. Same for the Facebook page.
I have been worried about my granddaughter’s education because she’s in public school. I suggested my son sit with her and at least go through the Hillsdale college constitution overview course with her. I don’t trust the school to teach it.
Every American high school student should be required to take a one semester class studying the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. One whole semester just on that. I had to go out of my way to take an American Government class at community college just to get a taste.
At LEAST. I got a healthy dose of Constitution in 8th grade American History, and a whole year of Civics and Government in the 11th grade. All of this alongside 4 years of elective, Military Science (JROTC).
Well, dayum. First, didn’t know that Mr. Dreyfuss was a dedicated Constitutionalist.
Second, I looked up his site. The idea behind it is glorious, but still pretty bare bones. Looking forward to it being fleshed out a bit more.
Thank you so much Patrick for sharing this!