Backstage Right Angle

Right Angle: BACKSTAGE [03/26/2019]

Scott Ott, Bill Whittle and Stephen Green convene to create the production slate for this week’s episodes of Right Angle.

One Moment Please

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42 replies on “Right Angle: BACKSTAGE [03/26/2019]”

As a fan of lame humor, I truly appreciate the between the lines banter. I know its tangential to the intended content, so you all probably wish to keep it to a reasonable minimum… but it does add a good bit of character and personality to the show 🙂

As the lonely petunia in my local onion pack, I need to hear your commentary. I am actually the only right leaning person among the people I volunteer with or among my friends. I love you guys because I can hear something that makes better sense to me. Keep up the great shows.
Scott, high and tight. That is the way my Dad cut my brothers hair.

Finally, Scott gets a decent haircut. Looks like he’s ready to enlist. Now if we could just get something done about those other two Pompadour-wearing sissy-marys.

As You Were.

I went to a barber shop a few years ago that I never been to before. This young guy set to work on me and seamed to finish, but then started again. Well, this happened a couple more times. I’m easy to get along with so I said nothing. After what seemed like about 45 minutes I got up, paid him and left the shop. I got in my truck and look at the cut and I was nearly shaved. He must have been pretty new and kept getting it crooked or something. So, he just kept cutting until it was even. That one took way more than two weeks to fix itself!

What RG said…and, on most screens there’s a little notification bell in the lower right corner with a red indicator if you have new messages.

I just sent you a private message, so you should get an alert. You can change your notification settings on the Account page to determine which notices you get where.

Here’s a first hand fact. Scott. “Do you believe that he is innocent?” CBS reporter @adrianasdiaz asks First Assistant Cook County State’s Attorney Joseph Magats about dropping charges against Jussie Smollett. “I do not believe he is innocent,” Magats responds.
Also, Smollett logged a total of 18 hours of community service over 2 days — with Jesse Jackson’s organization, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition — and that was enough to satisfy prosecutors in Chicago.

What’s really frightening and unbearably frustrating is the brazen openess of the corruption. This is a trend I’ve been observing for quite a while now.

Scott, the last is first comments are actual blessings because you can delete the nasty comments & not have to un-remember them. That is my biggest reason for leaving twitter.

Bill – do you own the Afterburners? If some of your best hits were posted here that could also drive traffic (3 1/2 day, et al). If PJ Media owns those then can you link to youtube from here?

I still would love to see the Time Over Targets over here.

Honestly, I only watched them in the hope that Bill would go over his 3 minute allotted time, and blow up real good.

Never happened, dammit. 😀

Wait. Do we have emojis? 🙂

I think we do! 😀

We still need a heart emoji, though. <3

HMM, I can’t delete this one. too much wine?

And now I can. Good night!

The little man with the gear just under LEAVE A REPLY up above will let you delete it.

Scott – True Story. Went into a great clips because I can’t keep a calendar for sh#t. I did not know what guard my regular person used. I guessed. The young girl started right down the middle of my head.
My hair was shorter than my Marine Sgt godson. Oops.

I told her it’s ok if I look like I’m Air Force. I think she heard me say AWACS.

The young lady couldn’t have been more than 19. If she had started on the sides like yours did, it would have been somewhat ok. But right down the top middle, reverse mohawk. My wife and daughter laughed for weeks. On the plus side I did not need a haircut for almost 3 months!

Scott – dumb question. I got notices that I had replies from Scott Ott and Web McMaster, who are both you. If i click on both, they come to this comment. Are both names under the same login for you?

I initially posted in my official role, but then deleted and re-posted using my Membership account.
And this one is also in my official role.

So you lead a double identity life. Cool, I won’t tell your wife.
I will send you something tomorrow from work but it may be on your gmail account as I can’t get to the website to go to the contact form.

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