Pharaohs, bad teeth and Scott Ott, the smell of Vitalis, deadly tides and very, very bad damage to a brand… all this and so much less on this edition of Right Angle: Backstage.
Pharaohs and Scott Ott, the smell of Vitalis, deadly tides and very, very bad damage to a brand.
Pharaohs, bad teeth and Scott Ott, the smell of Vitalis, deadly tides and very, very bad damage to a brand… all this and so much less on this edition of Right Angle: Backstage.
44 replies on “Right Angle: Backstage 05/02/23”
Dawn dish soap works well in removing oil. Other dish soaps don’t work as well.
I watched that “early years PJTV” Gitmo trip with Crowder and Bill, and recall Crowder being dismissive to Bill on the boat ride. Whittle was just so amazed they were actually going to Guantanamo Bay and you could feel that excitement come through. Crowder came across as a sarcastic, annoyed, dismissive p.o.s.. I also recall Crowder’s “investigation” into how much Detroit sucked, and his “expose’ on the Canadian health care state. Same shtick, different location.
I guess if you only have 1 trick, and 5 million folks have watched you at least once, ride that pony as long as you can. Looks like he just got bucked off.
“Gee, Road, why don’t you really tell us what you think of Crowder”, said nobody…ever…
The pyramid = 7/11 one I remember was an Eject^3 essay named Magic. I should look through the Firewalls and see he did a version of that on video.
In regards of saving the planet, I remember a bumper sticker I think from the 80s… “Save the whales, collect the whole set”
I thought I also read about a meteor over Ohio, though that was speculation about a flash and I don’t think they saw anything.
To Scott’s social media post, I think they have the causations flipped. People who feel lonely because they don’t have real friends spend a lot of time in social media apps trying to pretend they have friends.
I also recall that Afterburner. One of my favorites. That one Afterburner hooked my oldest daughter into BW commentary, she was in her early 20’s when she saw it, and still today she can recall many of the parts word for word. Bill’s Afterburners helped her find balance while going through the California State University system/indoctrination as she was trying to get her teaching credentials.
Super proud ‘dad moment’ when, years later, we were able to attend a speaking engagement Bill had in Monterey, and I was able to introduce my daughter to Bill. Once again, she recited many of the parts of that Pyramid vrs the 7/11 to Bill. It meant more to her than he might ever imagine.
While Bill touts his Atomic Bomb or History of Political Correctness as his top creations, I’d add this “7/11” Afterburner, as well as the one I call “The tale of 2 America’s” featuring Walt Fricke, Veteran’s Airlift Command, Welfare Square, the Girls of Four Moore, and of course, Mike Schlitz, to the list of his top Afterburners.
Funny ‘dig’ from that Pyramid vrs the 7/11….
“Father, there’s a big bowl in the back room from which everone can drink”….
I found Crowder’s behavior re: DW very disappointing. This doesn’t help him.
I remember that Firewall. Great column.
My mom lived in NJ during the war. She told us that the only reason they had tires for their car, during the war was that her dad worked for a defense contractor. He was considered essential. Their neighbors would always travel with them. Back then there were shops close so no need for a car every day.
Shoes on the other hand had to last as long as possible. The neighborhood would trade shoes back and forth to cover growth spurts.
Our film workers thanks you for your service. Manitoba has some great people, and studios.
I watched the video, Crowder was an *ss. I had already watched his vids on how DW was trying to play him. I had stopped watching his LwC shows because they mostly ended up being a frat boy party. He did this to himself, and I don’t know how he will recover.
Steve had the right idea about Crowder, I always said that the only reason that there are abusive men out there is because there are some women who will put up with crap like them. My wife of nearly 50 years is like Steve’s wife….she wouldn’t put up with crap like that for a nanosecond.
Stop looking at my peccadiloes!
I’m a Dapper Dan Man, now that Wildroot Creme Oil (Charlie) disappeared.
Crowder is spiraling down the drain. Seeking glory and fame can do that to even the most vocal of Christians. We have seen this a million times over. Pray he repents.
I always seemed to be a few steps ahead of Crowder on a lot of things…this too. I got “called” away from his show for a related reason. He’s become thoughtless, selfish, and a prima donna I hear. A Rumble channel found a video, probably made by a former employee…where it shows how anal he is about getting what he wants. The channel is called “Revenge of the Cis”…lol.
An unfortunate skateboarding face-plant into a concrete drainage ditch when I was 16 resulted in a lifetime of dental work and countless procedures across the top 6 front teeth. You name it, I got it. Fillings, root canals, crowns, crown re-do’s, extractions and finally a partial plate which I lived with for 20 years. 5 years ago, the owner of our company paid for 6 implants to replace my partial plate and fake teeth. I think he felt guilty because almost 50 years ago I was his young test pilot for his new product, a Road Rider urethane skateboard wheel with the first precision bearing. That face-plant happened while I was testing those prototypes, in 1974!
That 6 months time period for implants which Bill spoke of happened to me. Not sure if Bill made this clear in this backstage, but you have to have your front teeth extracted, then the holes packed with an artificial bone material, and it takes months for that to “take hold” within your jawbone and be firm enough to hold the titanium implants. That “firming up” takes months and I opted to live, work and communicate without my upper front 6 teeth for all those months. Add a month or more after the titanium is implanted into your jawbone, so that can get settled in and happy. Finally, awesomely beautiful ceramic choppers are bonded to those titanium stubs. It was almost a year from start to finish. But so glad I did it.
But would never had happened if not for the extremely generous gift to me from my employer. Forever grateful.
Added bonus! Months of talking without moving my upper lip (thus exposing the gaping hole where teeth used to be) prepared me for my retirement as a ventriloquist!
Lol, well worth the effort. You said all that and I never saw your lips move even a little bit.
Scott, you reversed the Arctic and Antarctic. The former has no land mass and is covered by an floating raft of ice, meanwhile the Antarctic is a sizable continent that is mostly buried in ice, and seasonally surrounded by varying amounts of sea-ice. The last ice age ended about 20,000 years ago, and in that time sea-level has risen about 400 feet, so why are we surprised that it is still doing so, and that this represents some existential crisis? Just because we are too dumb to avoid build right at sea-level is not really the oceans problem. Climate change? ……. Been going on almost continuously throughout the Geologic Record, with a few fairly stable periods in the depths of the ice-ages! Earth has been much warmer and much colder than at present, and it will be again. Best get used to it!!!
good catch. I heard that too. Glad you posted!
Missed it by THAT much.
“That much” being the diameter of the Earth?
That’s a pretty big pinch, there, Agent 86…
You guys missed the key “Ingredient” in Brylcreem’s sales pitch. The jingle goes “Brylcreem, a little dab’ll do ya …. Use more only if you dare!” Which is essentially daring you to go ahead and use more … the reason being is the SEX angle, revealed in the next line: “But watch out, the gals will all pursue ya, they’ll love to run their fingers through your hair!”
Oh yeah, and BTW, Brylcreem is still available …. not out of business, just not as common as Greased Hair used to be!?!?
No more need to post this to YouTube. Now that we know there’s been private channels on Rumble, allegedly all along. Simply unpublishing and linking them is all there is to it.
They’re not going to stop posting to YouTube because that’s where the audience, therefore the ‘need’, is. Even when they link video from this site to Rumble, they’re still posting those same videos on YouTube. That’s not likely to change no matter how many pseudo-helpful suggestions you make.
Scott told me, the only reason they still use YouTube for this backstage show is because Rumble didn’t have it set up for private channels. But since an unpublished video link is the same process, linking that unpublished video must have been all that was required.
Two RA videos are not on Rumble, unless you go directly from the link here, or where ever they posted the link to. In other words, two RA episodes are not available for organic view.
Also, YouTube view counts are as about as trustworthy as Biden is. I’ve found evidence on how they may be padding view counts to keep undesirable content (Conservative/Christian) under their thumb. I’ll know more when I’m done with my investigation.
I rarely if ever watch any of the content generated here anywhere else but right here on this site. So I don’t really care where they post the videos, for my own purposes. It’s all the same to me. I don’t go there anyway, I watch them right here. Because here is where I pay for my membership and here is where the member’s comment section and blog are. So I really don’t have a reason to care about Rumble or YouTube as far as Bill Whittle content is concerned.
If you or others are watching BWC on Rumble, that’s your choice and I don’t care about that either. You are obviously coming here too, anyway, because you’re commenting here.
I don’t know if you ever attend The Stratosphere Lounge but on that program Bill has said many times and gone to great lengths to explain why he’s not going to stop posting on YouTube, why he’s not going to favor Rumble over YouTube, etc. His reasoning and logic are impeccable and it all has to do with audience. Both numbers and the potential target audience.
Rumble is preaching to the choir, YouTube at least has the chance of reaching a ‘wild’ audience susceptible to the conservative message. Which means it’s also far richer ground for attracting paying members and growing the enterprise. YouTube has a much, much larger viewer base than Rumble, padded numbers notwithstanding. There just is no contest when it comes to potential audience. That is an undisputable, unequivocal fact.
10% of Rumble is a tiny fraction of 1% of YouTube. They’re just not the same thing by orders of magnitude.
YouTube/Google might be inhospitable waters, but that’s where the fish are. If you want to catch fish, you have to go where the fish are. The fish don’t care even a little bit where you want them to be.
Now, that said I want to point out that at least in my mind and the tone of ‘voice’ that I write this in — I’m being reasonable and sensible with you, not being snarky or hostile. If I’m coming across that way it is not my intent. I’m making the effort to try to communicate with you like an adult and it behooves you to reciprocate.
We’ve been over all of this before. I don’t understand why you want to push Rumble when it is detrimental to this Enterprise to do so. You push Rumble HARD, making a comment related to Rumble on nearly every video released. Even though that’s not where the audience is and that’s not where significant growth can be won.
I can understand that it’s maybe a good idea to co-post to Rumble mirroring all releases there. Because there are people like you who have aversions and want to avoid YouTube. If it doesn’t cost anything and is therefore not an economic detriment to the enterprise then I can see no reason not to accomodate you and people like you.
But I don’t see any reason at all to do more than accommodate your foibles. It still costs something because someone has to take the time to upload it and that ties up equipment time and bandwidth too. As long as that cost is not detrimental then there’s no reason not to do that.
But honestly, you act like you have stock in Rumble or some other reason to push it as hard as you do.
I don’t understand that.
What is the difference with an unlisted video if we watch Backstage here hosted on YouTube or hosted on Rumble? The end result is the same, Backstage isn’t available to the general public on Rumble anyway. It doesn’t really matter if Rumble does unlisted functions or not.
I don’t understand that either.
As far as “Scott told you …” Well, OK. I haven’t seen him say any of that so I suppose you must have emailed him or something outside the member’s comment section. Which makes anything you’ve discussed with him a claim, not a fact that any of us can verify. So it’s moot. Scott’s nice, he might be accomodating you without seriously considering your suggestions because I know Bill has said he’s not going to move this all over to Rumble and take it off YouTube. Bill has said that publicly on TSL where it can be verified by any of us. So if I have to take your word for what Scott said or the words I personally heard come out of Bill’s mouth … Guess which one is going to carry the most weight with me?
So if you will consider what I’ve said here and try to take it in the spirit that I meant it in, I’d really appreciate it if you could explain to me why Rumble is so important to you. I’m asking you nicely and politely because to me what you seem to want doesn’t make any real sense. It clearly doesn’t carry as much weight with Bill Whittle as it seems to with you. And it’s his name that counts when it comes to this kind of thing.
You don’t care that they lose organic views for those videos? It seems you think a lot more about yourself than others from what I’ve discerned. And I NEVER said they should leave YouTube completely. That seems to be your pattern…you get involved in an ongoing conversation, without knowing anything about our previous conversations.
I don’t catch the TSL, because of the usual airtime.
Have you not recently heard how Rumble organic views have outpaced YouTube’s? Nor what The Quartering recently shared? Getting out from under the Globalist Monopoly of the BeastTube’s thumb, is what I’m talking about.
That’s just spiteful and I wasn’t being spiteful with you. I didn’t say anything at all about “not caring about organic views”. IN FACT I said that BWC should post mirrored, synchronized content on Rumble as well as on YouTube. Which means that both organic and inorganic viewers would be served.
So your discernment is hogwash and you begin your reply with nothing more substantial than an empty ad hominem attack.
You’re putting words in my mouth, that’s a strawman argument. It’s either sneaky and underhanded or ignorant to do that. All the more so because you try to make yourself look virtuous in the process. You don’t read what I say trying to communicate, you read what I say trying to find something to criticize me over. When that doesn’t pan out you create from whole cloth something to criticize, which is what a strawman argument is.
Rumble doesn’t pay anywhere near as well as YouTube so a few organic views gained on Rumble is not a major income stream for the enterprise. Rumble is fishing with a rod and reel and YouTube is fishing with a purse seine. Every little bit helps but we’re talking about a very little bit because …
Rumble has +/- 30 million MONTHLY viewers. YouTube has over 122 million DAILY viewers. 52% of internet users worldwide access YouTube at least once a month. To compare apples to apples that is around 2.5 BILLION people per month compared to 20 million on Rumble’s platform. That’s a lot. There’s some math involved here so I’ll make this easy for you — That’s several orders of magnitude more viewers.
Despite Youtube’s 2022 decrease, they still took in 400 times the amount of revenue that Rumble received in Q4. YouTube could lose an entire Rumble every day for a whole year and still have more revenue than Rumble at year’s end. I wouldn’t get too worked up over a minor single digit drop in revenues at YouTube. All these things have to plateau somewhere but a 52% global plateau is still a really big place to stand.
The Quartering is OK, I have nothing against that guy but he’s just one guy with one guy’s opinion. I watched the video you linked to, it was unimpressive. The Quartering admitted he was having revenue stream problems. He was speculating, and he said it was speculation, about why that is happening. If you listen to everything he says not just his whining about YouTube that you want to hear … He doesn’t really support your case. And … He’s not authoritative or canonical by any stretch of the imagination.
A very brief search turned up headlines indicating that right wing content providers are failing on Rumble. I’m willing to bet you didn’t know that because you don’t read or watch anything that doesn’t support your glaring confirmation bias.
Either The Quartering or those headlines may be correct. Both have biases. The real truth probably lies somewhere in between. It depends on what you WANT to believe. I don’t want to believe anything, I want actual actionable information.
It’s clear that YouTube, whatever declines they might be experiencing, is a long, long way from dead meat. YouTube could lose 90% of it’s viewership and still have more viewers than Rumble. Which all else being equal would make it the more desirable platform for commercial purposes. BWC is a commercial enterprise.
This is all the more pronounced by the lack of capital investors in Rumble. If Rumble were a good bet commercially then it would be attracting significant investors in both capital and numbers. It’s not. Until that happens we have a pretty solid gauge of the commercial viability or reliability in using Rumble instead of YouTube.
To sum all that up, the tiny decline in YouTube and comparatively insignificant increase in Rumble are nothing to hang any hats on. Rumble would have to exponentially grow at the rate it is now for over a decade before it would become a serious challenger to YouTube. This is clear to anyone who wants to do the real research and isn’t just grasping at any straw that flies by in the wind because they hate “BeastTube” as you put it.
“Getting out from under the Globalist Monopoly of the “BeastTube’s thumb” is not a realistic commercial goal at this time. Nor will it be for the foreseeable future. I’m not “just concerned about me” I’m concerned about the welfare of the commercial enterprise and the spread of the conservative message more than I am about myself personally. So again your discernment is horribly lacking.
Notice that I didn’t link to anything forcing you or anyone else to leave here and go someplace that you think speaks for you. I speak for me, if I have statistics to cite I cite them. Which I did. I don’t do link wars as in —
“Oh yeah? Well check out this link.”
“Oh yeah, well you check out THIS link! That’ll blow you out of the WATER!!!”
That’s for people who lack sufficient intellect to formulate their own arguments. Links as arguments are a different thing than links as citations. You generally only use the former.
I asked you why YOU make such a big deal out of Rumble. You didn’t answer me. You just preached an empty secular sermon. You gave me some clearly biased mumbo-jumbo, insults and specious fallacies. This anger and vituperation is typical of you. It is symptomatic of Dry Drunk Syndrome. You prefer to fight than talk for whatever unfathomable reasons are solely your own.
Even when you’re offered an olive branch, you just slap it down. That’s very immature and again, all this anger of yours is a symptom of being a Dry Drunk.
Clearly any attempt to address you in adult terms is a waste of my time. You just want to be a little bitch so a little bitch is how I’ll treat you. You have no complaint, you brought this on yourself. I even tried to get past that, on my own, with no concessions or conditions placed on you other than to kindly ask you to behave like a grown up.
I hope other people read this exchange because whether you can see it or not, you’re acting like a child. I expected that but I was willing to give it a shot anyway. I gave you the opportunity to rehabilitate our interactions and put them on a more reasonable level. You declined and answered with vehemence and anger. So go ahead and post your BS all you like, I won’t be responding to your petty peevishness further in this thread. Wrestling with hogs just gets a person filthy and the hog likes it.
No one should take your opinions seriously, you don’t even do that or you wouldn’t act like you do. It’s plain that you don’t even care enough to clearly state the reasons for your own spewage.
Okay, I thought I went over this with you. When you write long replies, I have difficulty with that. It’s a brain disorder, courtesy of the US Government. I can only retain a small portion of information from written text. It takes me three times as long to read than the average person.
However, give me audio and visual stimuli, like in an audiobook, or better, documentary style…I can retain nearly 100%. So please forgive me for not reading all your comments. It’s frustrating having to explain myself all the time.
After having already had confrontational dialogs with you, I’m admittedly, automatically on the defensive. Fortunately, I know I’m not alone in that experience.
As for your very last line…no one should take my opinions seriously…you’d be surprised on how many have, and benefited greatly.
The two main types of tides are the Spring tides and the Neap tides.
They occur because the Sun also has a tidal effect which is slightly less than half the effect due to the Moon.
When the Sun and Moon are in alignment (New and Full Moon) the tides are stronger and we call those the Spring Tides. When the Sun and Moon are perpendicular (1st and 3rd quarter phase) the tides are lower and those are the Neap Tides.
Also, because of elliptical orbits, the Earth-Moon distance and the Earth-Sun distance vary by a few percent and that also contributes, but to a lesser degree. However, it may be important near some of those beaches.
In defense of Crowder, that looked like a perfectly edited clip to remove any context. It also got conveniently “leaked” to a major professional rival in Candace Owens, and some small time hard left journalist. I agree that from what I’ve heard that Crowder is an a**hole, but that doesn’t mean he’s completely wrong on this one. She knew to say exactly the right things in a situation she planned to release
There’s enough context for me. I’d never speak to my wife (of 27 years) like that. Between his total douche move of crapping on Boring and the DW and now this? He’s dead me.
The combination of genetics and decades of smoking resulted in now eight implants. What a Godsend! Expensive but worth every penny.
“One foul sweep” … Of course ought to be “One fell swoop”. People who get expressions, sayings, saws, adages, colloquialisms and idioms completely wrong drive me nuts. (See what I did there?)
George W. Bush did that all the time. He was also one of those people who. like my Dad, pronounced ‘nuclear’ — “new – cue – ler” instead of “new – klee – ur”. There is only one ‘u’ in the word ‘nuclear’.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say “hone in on”. The correct expression is “home in on”. Like a homing pigeon or a homing missile homes in on its destination/target. A “hone” is a sharpener like a whetstone. (That’s another one, it’s a ‘whet’ not ‘wet’ stone. “Whet” is also a word that means sharpen.) To ‘hone’ something is to sharpen it or perfect it. You hone a knife, you can also hone the accuracy of the expressions you use by striving to get them correct.
Which you ought to at least try to do. So you don’t sound ignorant. Like Archie Bunker.
Don’t get me started on people incorrectly pluralize a reach around as reach arounds, when it is correctly “reaches around”
As you might have guessed, I had way too much time on my hands around the time I saw Full Metal Jacket in the theaters
Lol, that was a great movie and the most accurate depiction of Marine Corps Boot Camp I’ve ever seen. It was romanticized and stylized for the screen* so it wasn’t 100% authentic but it was the most authentic I’ve ever seen.
Thanks to R. Lee Ermy and his previous experience as a DI. DIs really do talk and act like that.
(*It’s not easy to get ammo off the firing range. The recruits are thoroughly searched as they depart the range facility. At least they used to be, things change. I’m not saying Private Pyle couldn’t possibly have smuggled live ammo off the range but it’s very, very unlikely.
In my day, any rifle used for drill had the last 1/8th inch of the firing pin snapped off so it couldn’t possibly contact a cartridge primer. You could put loaded mags in the rifle all day and never get it to go bang. The only ‘live’ rifles are the ones you get at the firing range facility. You get those when you arrive at the range facility and you turn them in after you qualify and leave. If you don’t qualify you don’t leave, you get ‘recycled’ back to the next group that’s just starting the range training. Until you do qualify. There were people that had been at the range for months and it’s a two week course. I’ve heard the firing pin thing has changed but I don’t know for sure because a lot of people wouldn’t even notice that. I was extremely familiar with firearms before I enlisted so I did in fact notice that. The vast majority of recruits don’t know squat and that’s the way the Marine Corps likes it to be. Then there’s no preconditioning or prior ‘knowledge’ to overcome. Just do things the way they tell you and if they don’t tell you, you don’t need to know. Semper Gumby)
Can’t speak for the Army, but at Parris Island, when you’re qualifying on the range, every round counts, so every round was counted…once when it was issued to each private on each firing line (10 rounds for each course of fire), and again when it was fired and scored in your range book, and any saved rounds were turned over to the coach before you left the line. (Only a damfool would give away 5 points for taking too long to shoot.) It was all but impossible for a private to leave the firing line with ammo in his pocket. We were never searched. As for fooling around with the firing pins…first I’ve ever heard of that. The M-14 I qualified with in ’66 was the same rifle I was issued on Day 4 and drilled with for 12 weeks. Gawd help me, I can still remember the serial number on that thing. Semper fi.
I don’t know about the Army either. I went to Boot Camp at MCRD San Diego, MCRD PI guys called us “Hollywood Marines”.
Yeah, it would be tough but not impossible to get a round or two off the firing line and back to the barracks. There were unavoidable cease fires called for things like a weapon malfunction or problem with the butts where it might have been possible to confuse the course of fire and squirrel away a round or two. During practice but not during quals. “Private Pyle” could have sacrificed a higher score and not fired a round or two at various practice and qualification shoots, stuff like that. Very very difficult with an awful penalty if you got caught but … Just short of impossible.
They absolutely patted us down every time we left an area where we had access to live ammo. We had to empty our pockets into our covers and dress right with our covers held at our belt buckles. Then the DI or PMI or both or all of them went down the line and patted each recruit down and pawed through whatever was in his cover.
For marksmanship training we had to ride in ‘cattle cars’ up to the Edson Range Facility at Pendleton. I went through boot in ’75 and we were using the M-16 E2 by then.
I’ve heard other people say they were issued a rifle and lived with the same serial number all through boot. That wasn’t the case in San Diego when I went through so I don’t know if that was a temporary thing in San Diego, if San Diego does or did things differently than PI, or if it’s something else entirely.
When we got our first rifles they were beat to hell PsOS that I’m not convinced were even safe to fire. They were really bad gear and I don’t mean that in the modern way. They were junk; pieces missing from the handguards, handguard retainers that didn’t retain, recoil springs that didn’t recoil, you could fit a 50 cent piece edgewise between the upper and lower receiver, take down pins that wouldn’t stay put, busted lugs on the bolts, busted bayonet lugs, stuff like that. Some of them even had the old 3 prong flash suppressor. They were obviously put together from parts just for drill. In a recruit platoon you’d be doing good to use parts from all the rifles to get a dozen that I’d call safe to shoot.
We got drill rifles fairly early, turned those back into the armory to go to Edson, got live rifles there, turned those in at Edson to go back to MCRD, and got drill rifles when we were re-established at MCRD.
It made sense at the time, I can’t see the Corps letting recruits with live rifles go riding up and down the 405 Freeway. If there were any sort of accident there would be live M-16s laying all over the freeway. Both rifles and freeway smeared with recruit guts. Those cattle car trailers are not the safest or most comfortable form of transportation. We had no weapons while in transit from MCRD to Edson and back.
Maybe the modern Marine Corps trusts recruits more these days and lets them have live weapons but that was not the case for us except during the Edson Range portion near (I think, it’s been a long time) the end of Phase II. Might have been the beginning of Phase III, I’m not sure.
So I had three different rifles in Boot Camp. The rifles at MCRD SD all had the little nipple at the business end of the M16 firing pin snapped off. It was something that was hard to notice but that made it so the firing pin wouldn’t reach the primer on a loaded live round.
Things change. Mother Green works in mysterious ways.
Semper Fi, bro.
Or sound “off” like Joe Biden? 😏
May I jump in here with both feet?
Double negatives.
While this post is neither here nor there,
I had to get it off my chest.
You mean you ain’t got no tolerance for no double negation of no verbs and/or no verb objects? Ebonics must drive you crazy.
Steve: I am surprise there were no Marathon Man references or quoting Uncle Junior quote ‘… I can taste Bryl Cream’.
Great Back stage with all the meanderings twists and turns just a thought regarding Crowder, Crowders wife knew she was being recorded.
Which changes nothing.
Bill’s wrong, Crowder knew he was being recorded too. I have a camera system and there’s no way Crowder didn’t know where those cameras were positioned. He may have forgotten at the moment, he might have disregarded the camera system for whatever reason, he might have just not cared about the cameras but …
Crowder still did what he did even so. What goes around comes around. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The number one health care issue in humans is dental. This is an example I give when people discuss socialized medicine. If we are having a national healthcare emergency, why is dentistry not socialized if it’s the number one health problem?
Men get broken teeth very often from bruxism, the term given for grinding teeth, primarily when sleeping. The most common reason men grind their teeth is because they think they have to sleep cold, often naked, maybe with a thin sheet, with the window open and a fan on. Freezing all night causes them to grind and correspondingly compress their neck. The TMJ will strain and their ears will hurt. They get cricks in their necks, thinking they have a “pillow problem”.
Women grind because they cannot shut off their “Id”, clenching fiercely under down blankets because they’re worried about inane things they frequently would never care about if awake.
And hour and a half. Thats what I’m talkin’ bout!
Go to Costa Rica. My husband had a “full mouth reconstruction” two years ago. This included numerous crowns and five implants, and I believe only three teeth remained untouched. It took three trips, and cost half of what it would have cost to be done here. This cost included airfare and lodgings for a week at a time. This dental practice is one who catered to Americans. If you do a little research and shop around, you can get a much better price. Of course we found this out after he had his work done. But still, we saved tens of thousands of dollars.