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32 replies on “Right Angle: Backstage [08/13/2019]”
This may be my favorite screen cap of you three since you wore ties.
If the federal department of prisons can’t keep the single most notorious healthy prisoner alive, why should we think a federal administration of health care (Medicare for all) be any more competent?
Bill, there is hope. I also see it every day in my little town. It happens spontaneously among neighbors and communities that share certain basic values that most of us hold dear. It’s a simple as helping my elderly neighbor to take his trash can to the curb. Yesterday, I almost ran over a huge black lab who blasted out of a corn field in front of me. I stopped and got a leash on him and found his owner. This is the stuff THAT MATTERS. This is what feeds us, encourages us, makes us act…thinking that someone would do the same for me.
I take what’s happening in the blue cities, Hollywood, and the MSM (the rich and powerful) with a mountain of salt. They exist for each other, and feed off each other in a mutually parasitic bubble. My life is too short to engage in insane arguments about energy policy, the first and 2nd amendments, or the tyranny of the LBGTQ+ community. I leave that to those who have the passion and skill to do so. I do, however, closely follow these topics and have concluded that the left has mostly taken a deep dive into crazy. And I believe that most of us with an ounce of common sense think (and act) the same way as I do. But my biggest hope is that those who think like me will vote accordingly in 2020.
Drink more Oval-tine!
A lox bagel without capers? BARBARIC!
Watch again carefully. Steve did manage to slip in capers but due to the magic of everyone talking at once (which I love) it was kind of lost in the banter. Personally, I like to add thinly sliced cucumber….
Scott: Just say ‘Working for Bill is like a staycation in Hell’
Steve: ‘ I have the utmost enthusiasm for the mission, Dave’
any link to Jack Hardy Steve? I can’t find anything
I think he may have mixed Jack Carney with Bob Hardy.
good find! Thanks RG!
You’re welcome.
I did indeed. Thanks for the correction!
Sometimes, just sometimes, the fake programming is as good as the real programming. Gratz on the increased membership fellas and welcome aboard Newbies! Enjoy the ride. It’s real and spectacular!
Considering the topic subjects are sometimes grim, it is always refreshing to get in on some levity between you guys. Thanks for the humor and the inside behind the scenes discussion guys. It’s almost as good as being there. 😉
During the discussion about the strength and virtue of the everyday person versus the insanity of the so called “top” of our government, a though crossed my mind. Maybe there is an aspect to the 2nd Amendment that does not involve guns. Maybe, just maybe, the fact that it even exists drives the “top” crazy enough that it alienates them from voters.
This is the content I pay for.
I am plugged who has to get about my life. But I am aware of the rot. I do what I can but I have work to do. And I still have hope.
Sarah Silverman is what we call a ComiCon 10.
It sounds like what y’all are describing is the court at Versailles. And that ended well.
When we get to talking about Epstein, His death was being openly joked about as soon as he was arrested, we have reached the level of resigned helplessness and sarcastic mockery of the system we used to read about in the Soviet Union. No one even expects the ‘authorities’ to play it straight anymore.
Have to agree, that is where were are. We have been lied to and deceived by the media and government as well as seen clear demonstrations that there are people above the law, I am honestly not sure what to believe about Epstein and fully expect the whole thing to be dropped out of the news with not much more than a sleeping guard reprimanded.
Woot! Ligthing Round CMLXXIV
I only watch you guys here and I’ve never seen ads.
The ads here are made of the finest thread, which the enlightened only can see. What, you don’t see them?
Bill is so famous, he’s in famous.
In deed, Bill puts the “in” in famous.
To paraphrase the immortal Ty Webb, “Don’t sell yourself short, Scott – you’re quite a Slouch!”
If you don’t have detractors, you aren’t doing anything.
I am convinced that there is at least one person out there who objects to the fact that the 13th of August is a Tuesday. Further, the believes the whole world should call it Friday simply because HE objects to Tuesday. Such people should be aggressively/viciously/intentionally ignored and held to be irrelevant no matter how much the feels Tuesday should not be Tuesday.
Wasn’t he on stage at the Democrats’ debates?
I don’t know. I ignored him with extreme prejudice. In fact, I ignored the whole bunch.
Scott: (commenting on the roman numerals in lightning rounds) We all have to go to L and back.
Steve: If I have to use the word, schmere. . . .
Bill: That’s what happens when you have to report the news.
Does anyone else see mind, heart and soul in these three guys?
Scott, i don’t know how many actually despise you but chin up I’ll bet you have a solid Score at least.