This week on Right Angle: Backstage… Little League True Tales of Adventure, Bread, ordinary incels and mental illness, the starvation diet, Fun with Molecules, a lost domain rediscovered, Scott Ott: Professional Narrator, a sneak peak at the new website, and all of this without spitting a broken crown into the camera. Yes friends, all this and so much less on this edition of Right Angle: Backstage!
Right Angle: Backstage 11/10/23
Shot on Friday rather than Tuesday, but the streak still holds.

25 replies on “Right Angle: Backstage 11/10/23”
One issue we have sometimes encountered when building websites is businesses, usually sole proprietors, who do not own their own domain names. Often, the person or small operation they hired to build their original site registered themselves as the owners and have since either gone out of business or just failed to renew. An avoidable nightmare.
I’m not a web builder but I’ve run into that problem too. In order to register the domain name the person providing IT services used their own name and credit card then billed the client for it. Which effectively locks that domain to the purchaser not the client. I don’t know if anything has changed since then, the last time I set up a domain for someone was in 2013 or so. It’s not that hard to set it up with the owner of the domain as a primary contact so mostly that was due to lack of professionalism on the part of the IT provider/web builder.
Just to avoid confusion I have the owner pay for the domain directly. I generally would not add anything to my billing (like 10% or whatever mark up) and mostly didn’t want to get tangled up in paying for things the owner ought to be footing the bill for and then charging them in my billing. This goes for things like antivirus subscriptions and anything else that is directly linked to their business.
Of course that’s all no help at all when the owner gets the bill from whatever domain service, hosting provider, antivirus, backup software etc. and then spaces it out completely. Which I have seen happen too many times to count. At least then it’s on them and not on me and I politely point that out to them with silent glee.
Everyone always blames the IT provider for anything at all that doesn’t work right so I have over the years learned to love saying “It’s not me, it’s you.” When they’ve heard that enough they start checking with me instead of blaming me.
Indeed. Woe to those who lose or fail to secure their .com domain and have to switch to .net or something else.
Scott looks as if he should be wearing a flannel shirt and have a double-bitted axe on his shoulder.
Like This?
Heh, Paul Bunyan … A very familiar and well known figure to anyone who grew up in a forested northern tier state. If Scott Ott shows up with a blue ox that measures 40 axe handles between horn tips I’m outta here.
Pop tarts?
Scott, you really thought that Vivek’s statement was chummy with the media!?!? Every other pundit thought it was a brilliant attack against them…
I think Scott was saying Vivek was attacking, but Chris Christie was chummy, using their first names.
That’s exactly what Scott was saying. I’m often astonished by the number of people who don’t pay attention to what Scott Ott says, then proceed to ‘correct’ him or worse condemn him for things he didn’t actually say.
If they’re not sure they heard him right, it’s not hard to back up the video or audio and listen again. While paying attention this time.
Have an old friend who was an F-18 pilot who had been the ground coordinator for several flyovers.
Basically his job was to let the pilots know where they were in the Anthem so that could adjust there speed. He was ground control
He always preferred when the marching band played vs a soloist. Marching bands keep a steady tempo and you can pretty much hit the bullseye every time.
Soloists have to get in all of their flourishes.
When our symphony does it, including a one measure snare drum roll, it is a minute 7 seconds to the high note, 1:10 overall. 1:05 without the snare roll.
I have heard soloists go as long as 1:45 when I’ve been in the stadium. Mrs. Ron tells me to calm down halfway through and just enjoy the words.
So the flyover needs a ground control to keep adjusting the variable. Start time of the Anthem is also always a variable as there is other pre-game stuff to do. Then the variable length, etc. Too much for the guys in the cockpit. If it was just Time over target, hell they wouldn’t even need to start from the same airport and they could hit it.
Hope he didn’t have do coordinate any flyovers when Beyonce was torching the Anthem….If he did, he must have had ample Xanax.
and by the way, since I’m on the subject of Bey Bey and Anthem, it’s an oldie but a goodie…..BLR, Bad Lip Reading, skewered her anthem for Obama’s inauguration 2013. I just watched it again, and….LaFway!
I like the new format
Christie is friendly with the media because heโs only there to audition for a job on CNN or MSNBC. As far as Ramaswamy attacking the press that was the best part of the whole thing the press has to be attacked every day all day relentlessly no end, along with the RNC for allowing left wing hosts.
You can put me on the beta test list for the new website if you want to. Caution, I’ll probably give you more input than you really want. ๐
Muddy Mudskipper strikes!
Ya lousy bum!
Guys have you ever watched Starship Exeter? Not the greatest; but better than most of the stuff from the nets.
LE originally were peace officers, charged with keeping (or maintaining) the peace.
It seems that once they became law enforcement officers, many seems to enjoy seeking people who were breaking potentially victimless laws.
I think it’s worse than that. Once the enforcement of trivial laws became a means to generate revenue, the motive was even perverted from the ideal of maintaining law and order (i.e., keeping the peace).
I am underneath the approach to my local airport, the Bushes used that airport to go to Kennebunkport, and one day I heard a P-51 Mustang and I thought “That is not the real plane, is it?” and I ran outside and it WAS a honest to God P-51 Mustang directly over the house and it was beautiful.
I live where Naval fighter and other aircraft are often overhead. It’s a PITA if you’re trying to have a conversation outside but where I spend most of my time indoors is so well insulated I hardly notice them unless I have a window open.
There’s also an air museum not terribly far away that has an inventory of operational historical aircraft. They have the largest collection of “warbirds” in flying condition in the world. Just the WWII collection is too many to name here but includes a North American P-51D Mustang and a Goodyear FG-1D Corsair (built under license to Vought). I keep a pair of binoculars handy just so I can get a good look when they’re up. It’s well worth my time to stop and watch them when I can.
You’re right, they’re beautiful and it’s amazing to see them flying.
I changed planes with a layover in Miami. English isn’t just a second language in that airport. It requires a translator.
I’ve been told that my “imposter’s syndrome” is just another manifestation of my narcissism, my ego seeking validation.
Congrats on finally posting Backstage and to Scott on his completed narration good luck with implementing the new website.
Do you guys know Ken Mattingly passed away last week? You are all discussing Apollo 13 and not mentioning the passing of the man who probably saved the three aboard. The loss of a true unsung hero.