Right Angle

Right Angle: Lightning Round XVI

Stephen Green hand-selects top news stories for reaction from Scott Ott and Bill Whittle, on this fan favorite version of Right Angle.

Stephen Green hand-selects top news stories for reaction from Scott Ott and Bill Whittle, on this fan favorite version of Right Angle.

19 replies on “Right Angle: Lightning Round XVI”

I wish the NPV (National Popular Vote movement), was just for leftist. Alas there are morons in the Republican party that support this disaster as well. Here at the top of the left coast, we passed the NPV compact years ago, and the few Republicans that understand the problem, have no power to get rid of it.

I eat healthy because I am forced to, due to an unfortunate incident with a mechanical rice picker (Heh. Stomach cancer, actually). Would I choose it? Hell no! It’s a royal pain in the ass, and anyone who subjects themselves to it when they don’t have to is a pretentious fool.

That being said, I would kill for a bacon cheeseburger on glutened bread, with a side of fries and a chocolate milkshake.

Since I don’t fancy a trip to the ER, I need to ask Steve where I can find a copy of this recipe from Heaven. It sounds delish!

(P.S. If you ever hear me say that gluten free, dairy free pizzas are actually good, know that I am lying through my ever lovin’ teeth. šŸ˜€ )

Gosh, I remember when my parents thought it was a good idea to make cauliflower “crust” pizza. Never again… I like the freak mechanical rice picker accident story better. Make sure you include the part where you barely escaped with your life due to your own superhuman reflexes and cunning.

I applaud the substitute food makers as long as they are not virtue signaling nitwits.
If their “non ingredient patty” is a healthy food good on them. It will still be better with bacon.

I really thought Steve would have even more righteous indignation over the CO governor. But perhaps the lawsuits haven’t been filed yet and will be easily upheld.

My understanding is that SMOD was impending and changed course when Trump beat her inebriousness.

Iā€™m emotionally removing myself from Colorado as Melissa and I prepare to depart for Wyoming just as soon as the boys are grown.

I thought that WY was where you had your bunker. šŸ˜‰
Don’t give up yet, there are still some sane people in CO.
Now, my wife and I are definitely planning to vacate VA.

It kills me that Sister Babe and I face the same fate as you in VA as our Republicans seem content to watch our state go the way of CO or NJ (where I grew up, and almost all of my family has fled).

Yep, I am a native NY’er and left for VA. Now VA is moving left, even when we had a Rep Gov and both state houses. We need some folks who will fight.

I know your sons will appreciate that. My parents deliberately stayed in the same house for my whole childhood so they wouldn’t uproot me and my sister, and I’m very thankful they did. They are only moving away now that I’m a senior in highschool and my sister is at college.

Wow a HS Senior and here. Good on ya’. College bound? My daughter is learning to keep her economic and political opinions to herself until she knows the people she is with.

Very Cool. I have degrees in Aero Eng. Good luck with it. Decided where yet?

I’m still thinking it over. Possibly Montana State University, or somewhere in my home state of Washington.

Please know there is a growing population that are finding they are insensitive to certain food groups. While I am not a vegan, I am dairy intolerant (all dairy and not just lactose) but LOVE cheese and butter, so I must find alternatives. If we eat the real thing, we feel like absolute crap. So we’re eating the alternatives to satisfy those cravings, not to virtue-signal or force you to eat them.

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