A quick visit to Deakins Research Outpost on the ringed moon, Yela (Stanton 2c), with its parent gas giant, Crusader (Stanton 2), rising in the background. This research station is operated by Rayari, Inc., a leading hydroponics and medical research company in the United Earth Empire. Rayari has yet to seek trade with the Aurora Republic.
#Aurora Republic
#Star Citizen (Persistent Universe a3.6.1)
4 replies on “Rise, Crusader!”
Do moons have rings? How big does a body have to be to maintain a ring without its parent planet swiping it?
Well, that’s the neat thing about video game environments… you can program them to do anything you want. Now while Star Citizen is the “Best Damn Space Sim Ever” (BDSSE), there are certain “non-realisms” we ‘tolerate’, so you can have beautiful vistas, and for travel times across a star system not to take longer than most of us have attention span.
The star system and all its planetary bodies are built on a reduced scale… big enough to ‘feel’ real, but a trip across the system at a low fraction of the speed of light (say 0.2c) doesn’t take more than about 10 minutes. Gravity, similarly, is ‘scaled’… because in truth, the asteroids the Millennium Falcon flew into in “The Empire Strikes Back” were WAY to close together… gravity would have pulled all those asteroids into a giant rock pile and started forming a proto-planet.
So short-answer-long, yes, a moon can have rings. In Star Citizen. Because Chris Roberts said so.
Wanna come play with us? We’d love to have you join!
#Aurora Republic
#Star Citizen (a3.6.2 just went live to the Persistent Universe)
That sounds like so much fun. Yes, I want to. I wish I could, unfortunately not possible right now. Part of the reason I became a member here was so that I could enjoy some of this Aurora Republic stuff vicariously.
I could get used to this, too. Hurston 2949