Bill Whittle Now

Rise of the Biden Preppers: What’s Plan B if We Don’t Re-Elect President Trump?

Strong turnout can make the polls look silly, but rational people always prepare a Plan B if things don’t go as they wish — if we don’t reelect President Trump. Are we seeing the rise of the Biden preppers, or are Trump supporters still whistling past the graveyard and hoping for the best?

The current polls, even of likely voters, show Joe Biden with a lead nationally as well as in key swing states less than a month before the final day of election 2020. Strong turnout can make the polls look silly, but rational people always prepare a Plan B if things don’t go as they wish — if we don’t reelect President Trump.

Are we seeing the rise of the Biden preppers, or are Trump supporters still whistling past the graveyard and hoping for the best?

Background Resource:
The Worst Day of Polling for the President This Cycle
[Nate Cohn, The New York Times, October 6, 2020]

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Bill Whittle Network · Rise of the Biden Preppers: What’s Plan B if We Don’t Re-Elect President Trump?

18 replies on “Rise of the Biden Preppers: What’s Plan B if We Don’t Re-Elect President Trump?”

I don’t want to be ruled by the left either. It’s time for a divorce. Amicable if possible, but not likely. Bill, you said we’ll have to band together, but that sort of means that we’ll have to have a certain proximity. The middle of America vs, the coasts. I have no allegiance to the idea of having to be 50 United States. I’d be happy if 20 states were ruled by the constitution. And let the other 30 live with themselves as punishment.

If you must blame something, blame the public schools. People aren’t taught to analyze, think, ask pertinent questions and look for data. They aren’t taught real history, just ‘the party line’. This has been growing for many, many years (saw it in the ’80s/’90s with my kids, who thankfully listened to their parents and learned to think and question! Don’t remember any kind of indoctrination while I was going to public schools in the ’60s).

Can’t help but think of Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” and the flight of the productive people to a secret haven while civilization crashes on the heads of the rest

I am taking this very seriously, and am doing what I can to prepare for hard times ahead. In truth, this is regardless of the outcome, because I believe there will be backlash and violence no matter what the outcome. I agree with David Britz, and am firmly convinced that the real breaking point (or perhaps flashpoint would be more accurate) will be any attempt to disarm the populace, even if it were to begin with a single focus on what the leftists call “assault weapons”. I believe owners of modern rifles (that’s what they really are, and over 50 years old at that) would be the most likely to resist, so that would probably be the biggest mistake the left could make, and the straw that broke the camel’s back.

If Trump loses (and quite possibly even if he wins), there will be a civil warI. Yes, the kind with armies and guns. To paraphrase that famous philosopher Aragorn, “Civil war is upon you whether you would risk it or not.” The outcome on November 3 only determines (maybe) the when and the how, not the what and the why. I think it may eventually come down to people, communities, even entire states “going Galt,” breaking off. The good people of the red states will have to hunker down and say, “out of my cold dead hands.” What’s given me hope these past four years is that there is a MASSIVE group of patriots out there and yes we were complacent for far too long, but once driven back into the corner, we will lash back and do what we should have done all these years.
But when good people realize that the slide to socialism is now inevitable, we will have to react back and defend ourselves before it’s too late. “Coming for my guns? Yeah Mr. Beta Male, you come take it out of my cold dead hands!” It will take that type of attitude.

“Survival”, since that is the word used, is a skill set. I learned to survive at sea. The precise actions of the sea are not terribly predictable but its limitations are. In all of history the sea has acted as a large body of water.
I learned survival in eastern woodlands. The precise actions of the plants, animals, and weather of the eastern woodlands can’t be called by the greatest meteorologist, horticulturalist, or zoologist. The natural limitations can be seen pretty accurately.
So, survival is making the best of the worst. People do it all over the planet. The problem isn’t survival. The problem is retrieval. It is recovery. At some point a search for a survivor becomes a recovery operation for those that do not survive.
The casualties of a Biden win will be our American core values, as they were when founded, and as they have come to be understood by the process of learning.
Since there are no natural limitations to those that do not know (or value) natural law, there isn’t any good way to prepare for such a thing. I know of no hiding place. We are virtually enveloped.
The thing to do is stand. What comes next will be ours to face when that time comes.

We are not all playing by the same rules and have not been for a long time. Mail in ballots vote FRAUD may be the Lefts’ ace in the hole. Pray hard and go to the polls to vote. Trump 2020! The alternative is horrific.

Should you want to quote my words and attach my name to them, consider this my permission. I stand by what I have said and corrected what I later found to be in error.

Mistakes happen. I too am human and make mistakes from time to time. However, I tend to learn from my mistakes and try not to make them again. I recommend make your mistakes early and often. Learn from them and work not to make them again. This is because one learns best from making mistakes. One never learns by being right all the time. Especially when you believe you are right and fail to discover your errors.

I’ll take that a step farther and say that a Trump victory means we’re just beginning, not starting. This problem we face goes way beyond Trump and Biden. We need to use that stay of execution to get our message out in a way that we’ve been disastrously incompetent in so far. We have some younger, better messengers out there like Charlie Kirk and Candice Owens and others but they’re just getting started. The right is just starting to wake up to the disaster their indifference has wrought over the past 30 years. A Trump victory gives us a chance for the seeds sown to take root, if we get better messengers and are up to the task.

Should the Biden/Harris ticket win, I have no disillusions about our future especially if we also lose the Senate. Filibuster gone, D.C. and Puerto Rico added with 4 new Senators, Supreme Court packed, Electoral College gone, borders wide open, all of Trump/Pence policies annulled, higher taxes, more regulations, end of fracking, Green New Deal implemented, etc.
Worse than that, I have no misconception that it will be the end of all the anarchy, riots, looting, etc. Biden and the Left have made a pact with the devil. BLM and Antifa are going to demand payback. We will see more protests, strikes, student demonstrations, resistance speeches and articles, fanning of racist emotions, delegitimization of all our institutions and leaders. In other words a Color Revolution.
Unfortunately, looking at how easily we acquiesced to the endless Lockdowns and Gubernatorial/Mayoral orders, and how quickly anyone who does stand up for themselves is marginalized and hounded by attorneys general, I don’t see much hope for any kind of organized resistance. Every man for himself. Please change my mind.

We conservatives were asleep. We acted as if our constitution would protect us. We failed to understand the constitution is just words and words, by themselves, have no power to act. We have to act based upon the ideas the words project. This is a continuing moment by moment requirement. Sadly, the left understands this and we don’t or act as if we don’t.

Well over 100 years ago, the left discovered they could change the name of things and the definitions of words. We conservatives went along to get along. Now, the American Language does not mean American Language. The most important words mean exactly the opposite that they did when we were a new nation. The language has been taken over by the left and we allowed that to happen. It is this we must reclaim, by force if necessary.

The ONLY edge we have is the left is at war with reality and INTEND to destroy for the sake of destruction. There are no winners in such a war. We MUST stop cooperating with their “plan” and fight it with every tool possible.

I agree. For years I saw organizations and groups founded on good morals and principles grow. Then they became complacent, thinking it would always be good. We didn’t notice when people compromised here or there. Yes, we let homosexuals into the Boy Scouts. Religious leaders became opened their arms to embrace others who didn’t keep all of whatever the code was. “Well, God loves everyone and I’m sure these people are okay.” And then when those outsiders or non-conformists turned out to act on what we didn’t believe in, things turned bad. They said the good group was bad because of its values and principles. The truth was it was bad because we let bad people in. We thought they would change to become good people in time.
So good organizations and groups were destroyed. Now that they are gone we see what groups those other people really believed in. That is the radical groups, mobs and gangs that our country threw down years ago.
We joined around a local knight that was trained with ideals. We gathered with pitchforks and axes to fight the thugs and criminals. We stood as deputies with the sheriff against the outlaws. Now we need to stand with police that we know and respect.
It was a depressing talk that Bill had. But I agree that we need to reach out to the younger generation with these values that they’ll see as shiny and new in the face of what is to come.

I did not defend this nation only to have it destroyed by the enemy, many of which are now elected officials. What was the Cold War all about? You mentioned “conservatives were asleep” but what is a conservative? For years I identified as a Patriotic Soldier but when I returned home, after serving almost 12 years straight in the former West Germany, I realized that politicians had been busy making plans to sell the country out. Big business was the vehicle in which they were doing it. What the “blank”?
I’ve been retired now from the US Army for over 23 years and in that time I have witnessed a further decline of our Republic.
Bill said something in his dialogue about what we need to do if Trump loses. Basically preserving a remnant.
This Veteran is sick of holding on and kicking the can down the road another 4 years. Many of my fellow retirees have had it.

There is a huge difference between an American Patriot and asleep conservatives. The asleep conservatives are in office and got there using a pack of promises not kept. They called themselves by names they were not. Weeee the people believed their self selected names and promises. They voted for them again and again. The results are very evident today.

The American Patriot fought to maintain the republic but were not enough to repel the imported and native terrorism of the demented left of left. Tradition is not even a start toward maintaining the republic. It must be fought to be maintained at every philosophical and social level it is possible to fight. Because we have always done things that way is no reason to continue. What we do MUST be tied to reality without a logical contradiction. If it is not, it WILL fail as it has failed for over a century.

I’ll be blunt: I expect violence, regardless of who wins the election. If Biden wins, the left will take it as license to rampage to try to destroy what’s left of their opposition (which is everyone they don’t like the look of at any given instant, so you, person reading this right now). If Trump wins, the left will take it as license to rampage to try to take by violence what they couldn’t take by politics (and fraud).

I am ready to survive on my own for a good while and to defend myself. Not as ready as I would like to be because I only began preparing when COVID first broke out, but pretty damn ready. So I’ll hold out as long as I can and then come to the best end I can manage. I hold out hope that a civilized United States will remain in some form after the election’s aftermath but I’m getting ready as if it won’t.

Politics was nice while it lasted but it’s not going to be effective against the approaching onslaught. Bill, maybe I’ll see you in Montana.

MT is oqened by the people destroying the country. They are very welk-armed and have the quick lime pits to despose of intruders. Sad.

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