The Virtue Signal

Satanic Music

What else can you call music, media and politics that openly call for the worship of Satan himself?

It’s not uncommon for morally decent people to refer to overtly evil phenomena as ‘Satanic,’ and sometimes that can be a bit overblown. But Zo Rachel wants to know what else can you call music, media and politics that openly call for the worship of Satan himself — and what can we do about it?


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42 replies on “Satanic Music”

“Lies and shutting down opposing voices” – that pretty much sums up how Democrats argue every issue today. I’m not being glib when I say that I can’t think of a single issue that The Radical Left debates honestly

Thank you, as a lifetime metal head, I have to agree. I’ve been to countless concerts in the past 43+ years, and metal heads are some of the nicest, most polite people you’ll find in the general public.

Great talk, gents. I highly recommend the book The Return of the Gods by Jonathan Cahn. He proves the madness we’re experiencing now is the same paganism we have struggled with since the Old Testament.

I’ve read some of Jonathan Cahn’s work. “The Harbinger” comes to mind immediately so thanks for the heads up. I’ll check out that book too.

Seriously, Satan worship? The brand of “satanism” you guys are referring to isn’t a real thing, it’s pop culture satanism at best. I’ve referred to myself as an Atheist/Satanist for decades, and the kind of satanic “worship” you’re talking about is about as dangerous as the Macarana was years ago.
There’s no substance behind any of it, Satanists don’t worship anyone or anything. The Church of Satan and TST(the satanic temple) are atheist organizations that use christian symbols and imagery to get a reaction out any or all theists. And it works, look at the way you’re reacting to it.
There are a tiny number of nut jobs who believe Satan is as real as your god is and perform “rituals”, but satanism doesn’t require any form of sacrifice, and these clowns all make it up as they go along.
Your god isn’t real, and neither is Satan, Lucifer, or whatever word you use for just another imaginary character in the world of organized religion.

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing mankind that he doesn’t exist.”

The Usual Suspects

… and the second greatest trick Lucifer ever pulled is to convince people that God doesn’t exist either. Once people have been convinced that the first trick is true It’s an easy hop to the second. It’s an intellectual dichotomy, if one does not exist then neither does the other.

Atheism is a real thing but far more often a form of anti-theism is misidentified as atheism. This is almost always the case with those who loudly proclaim themselves to be “atheist” when the evidence clearly demonstrates they are anti-theist religious zealots. Anti-theists are not aware of this having been duped into thinking they’re atheists.

A genuine atheist doesn’t care if you believe in God or not and will not attack your beliefs. In the same way that you don’t care if your neighbor’s kid believes in Santa Clause or not. I’m not comparing a belief in God to belief in Santa Clause though an anti-theist most certainly will. I’m using an analogy to demonstrate the perspective of a genuine atheist.

Just as you or I would most likely not stand in front of the Santa Clause line at the local mall during Christmas, yelling at all the kids that Santa isn’t real and a lie made up by their parents — Because we do know Santa is a myth. So too a genuine atheist cannot be bothered to rail against a God he “knows” doesn’t exist.

At the very most any honestly atheistic person views God the same way most of us view Santa Clause and if asked will even make that comparison. He sees God as a benign myth that does far more good than harm. He has no more desire to attack your belief in God than you or I have of destroying a child’s Christmas. He thinks he “knows” better than you the same as we know better than a child. He’s willing to allow for a social convention that is pervasive in just the same spirit as we give a wink and a nod to Santa Clause.

Again, I’m not saying a belief in God is the same as a belief in Santa Clause. I’m simply supplying a picture of how a real, genuine, honest, thoughtful atheist sees things.

An anti-theist is a whole ‘nother critter. Earlier I pointed out that anti-theists are religious zealots and they are. They are practicing their religion with all the fervor of a Jihadi.

They are looking for any opportunity to attack the God they claim not to believe in and will shoehorn that attack into any conversation they can.

In the above example we see exactly that in practice, what the person said does not add materially to the conversation. It does not expand on countermeasures to negate what is obviously a negative phenomena. Worship of Evil, whether addressing a valid entity or an imagined myth, is obviously a detrimental thing. It cannot be otherwise.

The way to negate an attack on Evil is to make Evil seem trivial or absurd. Sound familiar? The “Devil” with red hide, horns, a forked tongue, spiked tail and a pitchfork is an example of making a cartoonish, trivial figure out of Evil.

If an anti-theist can accomplish that while working in an attack on the God he opposes then that’s a double bonus. Despite his vigorous protestations it’s not that he does not believe in God though he will certainly claim he does not. He is in opposition to God and that is the telling point.

That makes his beliefs a matter of religion. A religious cult to be specific. He will proselytize his religion at any opportunity with all the zealotry of any other cult member.

We see the same phenomena with a different pivot point on the Left. Where people have adopted a sort of Gaian Wokeism as their religion. This is why it is so difficult to engage them in rational discussion based on facts. You’re not talking to someone who is mistaken, you’re talking to a religious fanatic.

How do we know when we’re dealing with this sort? The answer is simple. Look to how they address the subject of Evil. If they promote, defend, trivialize or scoff at the application or concept of Evil that’s a dead giveaway. Same pig, different lipstick.

If you really want to know what Atheists like myself really believe, you should try your luck trying to explain the evidence you have for your god even existing on a couple of Atheist forums that I happen to be a member of.
You don’t know what the mindset of an “average” atheist is, yet you claim that we’re all angry at god and are “anti-theist”s? Most of us couldn’t care less what you believe, or who/what you believe in.
You simply don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.

Lol … Which is exactly what an anti-theist would say. As I pointed out above. You make my point for me all unawares, being unaware of its state is the nature of the anti-theist beast.

You come in here, to this program segment called “The Virtue Signal” which always has a religious vein running through it, where one of the hosts is an ordained minister, and intentionally slag on people in an insulting manner and belittle their belief in an Almighty Creator so …

Do you go to churches on Sundays or barge into people’s Bible study groups and loudly proclaim your anti-theistic opinions? No? Well that’s exactly what you did here. Which is even more evidence you’re an anti-theist and not a real atheist.

Just what did you think was going to happen? I mean, being as you think you’re so much smarter than anyone who believes in what you consider to be some silly myth … I’d have thought you’d be able to figure out what would happen to some degree of realistic expectation. Just the fact that you did that makes your judgement on pretty much everything very suspect.

Like I said, blissfully unaware that you’re not a real atheist but an anti-theist is a diagnostic indicator of a “type”. Rather than get all pissy about being called on your uncivil behavior it might provide you some insight into your own views to think on that for a bit.

I’m not trying to convert you to Christianity. I’m a Christian but freely admit I’m not a very good Christian. I personally don’t give a flying rat’s distal alimentary orifice what you think about God, me or any other topic. I didn’t say “Mend your ways, sinner, or in hell you shall burn!”. Nope …

All I did was point out that people like you are fooling themselves, how to spot the “type” that does this, and what it means when you see certain indicators. I even went to considerable effort to support my real life experiential observations and conclusions.

You didn’t support your views. You demand people “prove” there’s a God but you fall back and punt with empty denials when the holes in your own “faith” are clearly exposed. Foolishly and witlessly telling me that I don’t know the things I’ve seen with my own eyes is a great example of that. You’re a champ when it comes to attacking other people’s beliefs but a null when it comes to defending your own.

In fact, I’d even go so far as to say that you very rarely find it needful to defend your own beliefs on this topic. You’re used to and quite comfortable with attacking other people’s beliefs but that’s not the same thing as defending your own.

You’re not fooling anyone but yourself. Everyone else is just too polite to say so. I don’t have to defend my faith against your religious beliefs. I find it much more entertaining to turn the tables and apply the rules you yourself established against your “faith”.

I wish more people would learn to do that. It applies in many areas in life, not just to religion. For example: The Left calls us “racists” and nice people try to prove they’re not. I don’t bother with that, it’s way more fun to point out how the people calling me a “racist” are the real racists. This is the exact same sort of thing. Like I said —

Same pig, different lipstick.

In addition to not being a very good Christian I’m also not at all polite to impolite people. Like you.

I’m old enough now that all my filters have been burned away and I just say what I think. If you post in a public forum where I see what you have to say then I have the same privilege as you do. To speak my mind as you do. If you don’t like what I have to say there are very few things in this universe that I could care less about.

You sound like every typical bible thumper who can’t ever comprehend that you don’t own the market on other peoples beliefs, or lack of beliefs. The Bible is your “claim”, not your’s, or anybody else’s “proof”.
You don’t get to use the Bible to prove that the Bible is true, it’s a collection of fairy tales written, supposedly, by Bronze Age “scholars”, at a time when very, very few people could even read or write.
As for my “morals”, you don’t know a single thing about me or the life I’ve lived in the past 64+ years. I don’t have to defend my views to you or anyone else. You say you believe in god, and I’ll say I don’t believe you. You’re making the claim, so you need to show the evidence you have for any of it being true.
As for one of the guys hosting this site being a minister, so the fuck what, it’s a free country. If your “faith” is so shaken that it can’t handle any criticism, then maybe you don’t really believe.
Faith is the excuse people give for believing in something when they don’t have any evidence for it being true.
By the way, the phrase is “couldn’t care less”, not “could care less”. Same to you.

Well Bob, the metaphysical aspect of this is something that has been debated for millennia, and while I was once absolutely certain that I fully understood the workings of an eleven-dimensional universe originating in an INFINITELY hot, INFINITELY dense and INFINITELY small singularity, I have found over the years that certainty in such matters was a bit presumptuous on my part.
But that’s not the point. The point is CULTURAL AMBIENCE. Your bio states that you love this country and will fight for it to the end, a sentiment I’m sure every member here shares. But that’s because the cultural ambience of the time you grew up in was pro-patriotic, where morality, virtue, patriotism, etc. were the norm. In that now-gone time, ‘Satanism’ was understood to be antithetical to the founding principles of this country and were therefor suitably abhorred. In my opinion, to say, essentially, that this is all good fun is to grossly underestimate the long term effects of this philosophy’s injection into, and open acceptance within, the cultural ambience.
The same thing is happening with the trans movement’s use of the word ‘cis.’ The objective is to make sure that there is no longer a male/female binary but rather a cis/trans one. This too is cultural re-engineering through osmosis, so while taken in isolation both the words ‘Satanism’ and ‘Cis’ are utterly meaningless, when used as levers to readjust the cultural ambience I consider them a mortal threat to our nation as you and I understand it.

Thank you SO very much! So often, you say my thoughts and attitudes in ways I would not have found. I’ve always loved the work that words do for humanity, and I am grateful and appreciative of the talent you have!

Bob, I used to think that I had it figured out. When I was fifteen and smarter than most anyone. After gaining age and wisdom, I realized that it is way, way harder to explain the world as an atheist than believing in God, especially after reading “Is Atheism Dead?” by Erik Metaxas. I read Hitchens and all the others screaming from the rooftops about there being no God well before. But you’re on your own journey, and good luck.
Bill and Zo’s point is alluding more to the degradation of our society by what would be classified as evil to those with Judeo-Christian leanings.

“I would classify it as pure stupidity, not “evil”.”

The dictionary definition of “evil” is —

Noun: evil
1. Morally objectionable behavior
2. That which causes harm, destruction or misfortune
3. The quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice

Adjective: evil
1. Morally bad or wrong
2. Having the nature of vice
3. Having or exerting a malignant influence


Which fits the topic under discussion here exactly.

You don’t get to redefine words to suit your own agenda.

That’s a trick of the Left and of Cults.

Redefining “evil” to support your own agenda is itself evil. Whether you eat babies or push old ladies in front of busses or not is irrelevant. You congratulate yourself on the evil you do not commit and ignore or rationalize the evil you do commit.

Not surprising that you would try that, being a member of the anti-theistic cult. You’re just using your reclassification of the word “evil” to shoehorn in your zealous proselytisation of your own religious beliefs. Anti-theists always try to hide behind atheism to mask their actual religious beliefs. Opposing God, like it or not, admit it or not and I’m certain you won’t admit it because it’s against your religion, IS a religious belief.

Other sorts of religious beliefs that do not include God the Creator are things like climate alarmists taking climate alarmism at face value in spite of factual evidence and sound arguments to the contrary. We see a lot of religious behavior on the Left and it’s ignorantly silly not to call it what it really is. It’s religion. There are also people who take Conservatism and Constitutionalism as a matter of religion. Same thing, different circumstances.

True atheists do not have religious beliefs though some welcome your sort to their camp even so. They do this for the same reason I welcome your vote for Conservative candidates even though there are things upon which I strongly disagree with you.

As I have said before, I’m not trying to convert you to Christianity or save your immortal soul. You won’t accept any of those premises anyway and that would be a waste of effort on my part. All I’m doing is pointing out the gaping holes in your religion. Which I find infinitely more entertaining than arguing theology with an anti-theist.

That you redefine “evil” doesn’t work either and is just more proof of your anti-theism. The proof of that is that there are much smarter people than you who practice this thing you call “pure stupidity”. If it were a matter of being stupid or not, having intellectual capacity or not, then that could not be so. The evidence thereby is defacto proof your “classification” is erroneous.

You’re every bit the zealot as any Islamist Jihadi. Or a Leftist Wokenista. If you were honest with yourself that would be obvious to you. That it is not obvious to you proves my points.

This is fun. Let’s play some more.

Like I’ve said in the past, you don’t know a fucking thing about me. What “evil” have I committed, not believing in the fairy tales that you claim are the absolute truth?
What religious beliefs are you rambling on about, I’ve been an Atheist my entire life. I was born into a catholic family, lived in a 3 bedroom 1 bath house with 3 sisters, went to catholic school for 9 years, and went to mass every Sunday until my late teens.
I’ve never believed in any god/gods, even as a kid. I don’t practice any religion, unless you count going to black/death metal shows whenever I can. I could consider that going to church, a group of people gathered together because of our common interest, the music.
I’m a zealot, seriously? Maybe when it comes to the music that I love and listen to every single day. I’ve been retired on permanent disability for almost 8 years now, and I have to deal with chronic pain from osteoarthritis, undiagnosed neuropathy in my feet, and numbness in both legs because of spinal stenosis.
I listen to my music for hours a day to help me deal with the pain and accompanying depression. It’s saved my life on more than one occasion.
I’ve been married to a devout christian woman for almost 41 years(July 24th), and both of our kids and their spouses are believers, which means that our 4 grandkids are being raised in the church. Our different beliefs were the cause of countless arguments and disagreements for decades until we finally agreed to disagree on the subject.
You think you know me and can judge me, I don’t fucking think so. You sound like an overblown, hysterical, pompous, holier than thou dirtbag that defends a book that includes slavery, genocide, murder, and the wiping out the human race as parts of its teachings.
You’re not better than me, or anyone else. Your shit and piss stinks just like everyone else’s does.


I never said I was better than you, or anyone else. I deny that in both words I’ve written and in application. I’m fully aware that not only am I not better than everyone else, I’m a lot worse than most.

You making that accusation is utter nonsense. Any rude conclusions you have drawn thereby are likewise nonsense. False premises yield false derivatives.

If you think other people believe they’re “better than you” because they’re Christians then for all your bluster and malarkey you really don’t understand Christianity and Christians at all. Anti-theists always claim they “know all about Christianity” and like you they generally go on to demonstrate they do not. Being a Catholic at some point in the past does not make you an expert on Christian Faith. That whole pile of steaming hogspit was a laughably stupid and a childish temper tantrum which only embarrasses you in a public forum.

That you’re so angry simply proves I’m right and it’s clear from your foul language that I made you quite angry. Further proof is that I wasn’t even originally addressing you, I merely pointed out your post as exemplary. I was addressing Phil LeMay and YOU saw what I said as an opportunity to attack me. Well guess what? I attacked back and that I had the unmitigated gall to return your fire infuriated you.


I know what atheists and anti-theists think. It’s not what they say they think. I don’t care about what they say, it’s what they do that matters.

I wasn’t criticizing your lack of belief or trying to “convert” you to anything. I even said more than once I don’t care about your lack of religious beliefs. I don’t care one tiny bit if you “come to Jesus and get saved” or not. On that topic you don’t care about the people, like your wife, who do care. I’m not accusing you of not caring about your wife, I’m saying you don’t care about THIS. So why on earth would I care? How does that even make any sense?

I do not care, nor should I. Obviously you’re not susceptible to others caring and care is wasted on you. Knowing this to be true for people like you, which is a ‘type’ you faithfully demonstrate nearly to the letter, I cannot be bothered to care. I also know that whatever time I do waste on you is not going to make one iota of difference to you.

Thus I prefer to amuse myself by straight, tough, hard talk about what you’re really doing. Not what you’re saying, not what you say you think, what you do. You say that “I don’t know you” but everyone can see what you’re doing. Like the Emperor in his new clothes, it’s quite obvious to the rest of us. I’m just putting it in words so people will understand when they encounter you and your fellow anti-theists.

I know I’m not going to get through to you either but it entertains me and there is method to this sort of madness as I will presently explain.

I didn’t “claim” anything about the Bible, or any Judeo-Christian religion at all. You are used to attacking people over those things and you tried to do that to me even when I made no such claims. Which is pathetic but as we shall soon see, pathetic is something you’re very familiar with.

You called me a “Bible thumper” and I did no thumping on any Bible at all. NONE! Obviously you don’t even know what that phrase means if you think it applies to me or anything I’ve said so far to you. Nevertheless, you deride me with derogatories so you have no complaint if I do that back to you.

You pulled the knife you usually count on to cut up other people and the blade fell off. I’m laughing at you.

You ridiculously claim I don’t know anything about you but … I knew you would do that in one form or another. And you did it sure as anything. Which means I know much more about you and your ilk than you are comfortable admitting. Which means that you provided all the proof needed so anyone reading this can judge for themselves on the accuracy of my opinions.

I intentionally and purposely didn’t provide “claims” or anything else for you to attack. I avoided making any claims about any religion but the anti-theistic religion you so obstinately, faithfully and zealously practice. I attacked YOUR beliefs the same as you attack others. Which puts the shoe on the other foot and works for me as well as it does for you. Which it obviously must because it’s your own tactic.

In addition to pointing out the signs and symptoms of your own religion I criticized you going among strangers and attacking THEIR beliefs. Which is uncivil and you have no right to do. If you do that anyway then you have no complaint when someone does the same back to you and uncivilly attacks YOUR beliefs in return.

You’re so used to “nice” people trying to defend themselves against your attacks that you have nothing but anger and bile to show when the same is done to you. I don’t do defense. I’m a Marine, Marines run towards gunfire not away from it. That philosophy applies in all areas of my life and …

I absolutely recognize a Jihadi when I see one. Having dealt with and dispatched that kind the signs are past obvious.

If you’re going to claim you “know” what Christians believe then any claim made from my lifelong observation and study that addresses your anti-theistic belief — Is just as valid as yours and only me giving you a taste of your own medicine. You think Christians are fooling themselves. I’ve provided ample logic to demonstrate you’re fooling yourself and don’t even know you’re an anti-theist. That’s some big-time self delusion. You don’t even realize and will not admit to the religion you practice so zealously. You betray your own ‘faith’ and demonstrate that betrayal to all thereby. You have no room to say anyone is fooling themselves.

If you “know” what you know then I know what I know too. On this you validate my position because it’s the same as your own. I just use different particulars. Same pig, different color lipstick.

Yeah, bunny hunting isn’t near as much fun when the rabbits have guns, is it Skippy?

How does it feel, Sport? Do you like having someone hammer on your beliefs? No, obviously from the anger and foulness you’re spewing you don’t care much for that yourself. Your puerile temper tantrums don’t affect me even a tiny bit. Your impotent empty anger is music to my ears because I know you don’t like hearing what I’m saying. Making you mad proves the points I’m showing everyone and it’s working.

You can’t argue for your own beliefs unless it involves tearing down someone else’s beliefs. If you could you would. You can only attack the beliefs of others. Your reaction is typical and that makes you of a type. The type is further reinforced by you absurdly thinking that “HAIL SATAN” would shock me. It doesn’t. I know behavior like that is also typical of your sort.

That behavior proves you’re on the same level as any fervent Jihadi. “HAIL SATAN” is the anti-theist version of “Allahu Akbar!”

Christians are generally nice people. I warned you that I’m not a very good Christian. I’m not even a little bit nice to people whom civility is wasted upon like you. You may not think you deserve this but when you attack the Faith of others you invite attacks on your own beliefs. Suck it up, Buttercup.

What goes around comes around. It’s nowhere near as much fun when the rabbits shoot back.

Your injection of irrelevancies is just pathetic. No, I don’t feel sorry for you over your chronic pain. Most of us have things like that at our age. I’m not going to sing you the litany of my own woes because that has nothing to do with the topic we’re discussing. I don’t care about yours any more than you care about mine. Surely someone as “smart” as you would already know that so why even bring it up?

The same goes for your depression. Put your big boy pants on and deal with it or not. That has nothing to do with the topic either.

The only feasible reason you could have for bringing that hogwash into the conversation is to say “Stop picking on me, I’m weak and in pain!” Too bad for you. Don’t go around drubbing on other people’s beliefs if you can’t take what you dish out.

That’s the tactic of a child, not a full grown man. I’m sure you try to win a lot of arguments with such irrelevant tactics. You’re not the first spoiled man-child I’ve encountered. It won’t work on me, I don’t feel sorry for you lil’ fella.

The “Golden Rule” isn’t some namby-pamby pie-in-the-sky religious nonsense. You SHOW other people what you merit treatment-wise by how you act. If people deal with you after the manner of your behavior that’s on you not them. That’s an aspect of morality you clearly choose to ignore. You don’t mind picking fights because usually people don’t fight back effectively. Well surprise, surprise, Gomer. You’ve gotten away with that in the past because most other people are “better than me” and too polite to call you on your abominably rude behavior.

All the anti-theists I’ve ever known prefer that other people keep their religious beliefs to themselves. There’s no reason to think you’re any different. Yet here you are, on a forum that you KNOW will have a religious vein, doing exactly that. Your hypocrisy is astounding.

You’re mistaken if you think everything I said was aimed at you personally. It’s not. It’s not — Because I don’t care about you or your beliefs one way or another. What I said I wrote because this is an open forum where other people will read our exchange. I wrote for them, not you. You’re a cull. I wrote with the intent of exposing you and have succeeded in that effort. I don’t give a flying rat’s rectal emissions about you.

One final thing and then I’m done talking to you. Your claim to Paul Skidmore that you “can’t be offended” is ludicrous. (BTW, Paul is a good example of those other people who are “better than me” and too polite to “offend” you.) It’s very obvious I offended you and I very much meant to. Admit it or not. You have a ton of denial going on so I’m thinking that’s one more thing you won’t admit to yourself. Clearly you have no reservations about offending other people.

So say whatever else you like, I won’t be reading or responding to you further in this thread. Go ahead and have the last word, be my guest. I may respond to your comments elsewhere and if you’re civil I will be too. I don’t hate you or dislike you. I don’t care about you either way in case that hasn’t sunk in yet. I just pointed out the ways you and pretty much every other anti-theist are fooling yourselves and YOU don’t like THAT. Too bad. Other people don’t like it when you do that to them either. Not that you’d care but I gave you as good as you’re giving.

I’m done with you and your silly baloney now. Thanks anyway. Oh, and if you do respond please sprinkle plenty of foul language in too. This is one of the very few places on the ‘net that you can do that without being blocked. That makes you look like a baby and when I see responses like yours it makes me laugh.

I’ve made my points whether you think so or not. You’ll just rationalize and justify this all away anyway. You think I don’t know you and I don’t personally, but I know what I need to know about you. I know this from observing you.

This has gone on long enough that it is getting absurd and boring.

Go ahead and respond with “TL:DR” and I’ll know you concede the validity of what I’m saying.

Jesus Christ, you really like hearing yourself talk don’t you. I love it when people like yourself claim to know someone else better than they know themselves.
I sitting here smiling about the rant that I just read from someone who believes in a non-existent imaginary friend. Nothing you’ve said in this entire exchange means anything to myself, you’re just pissing in the wind.
You’re free to rant and rave about what you think you know about me and other Atheists. You’re so blinded and triggered because someone dared to state something that contradicts your little belief system that you had a meltdown.
You can attack me as many times as you’d like, it doesn’t bother me. I don’t care one tiny bit about your health and welfare either, we’re all going to die and then either rot in a box 6 feet underground, or be reduced to a pile of bone and ash. No afterlife required.
You don’t need religion to have morals. If you don’t know the difference between right and wrong, you lack empathy, not religion.
Keep dishing it out pal, you don’t scare or impress me one tiny bit.
P.S. The hail satan was for my amusement, it always triggers a reaction.

I had to google it a few years ago because I didn’t understand it either.
Too Long: Didn’t Read
Just trying to be helpful.








. .

Lol, apparently our friend here doesn’t know how to use Google (or any other search engine) either. In the information age there’s not much excuse for asking what something like that means. Considering that about two seconds of effort would supply that information and mask ignorance of a common colloquialism …

There’s no reason any reasonably intelligent person would expose their ignorance and have to ask the question.

Which makes the question willful ignorance. Like so many other things, it’s not that he can’t know, it’s that he doesn’t want to know. Somehow that does not surprise me.

Just for the record, like you I had to look that up sometime in the past too. It’s not that hard to do. Even for old geezers that avoid most social media (where the expression is most likely to be encountered) like a toxic pathogen.

As you can probably guess, I see “TL:DR” fairly often. 🙂

This anti-theist is a champion at straw man arguments. No matter how many times I clearly demonstrate that I made no claims regarding the existence of a deity, he accuses me of making such claims anyway.

I wasn’t arguing for or against the existence of God. I never once did that in comments addressed to him. I don’t have to make any claims that I cannot support with reasoning and logic to show this person for what he is. I don’t care what he thinks of God, or what he thinks I think of God. That was never my point.

It takes a rather dull mind to argue against a point no one made but himself.

I was arguing against his attacks on other people’s beliefs. Because he’s so quick to do that, I just turned the tables and attacked his beliefs. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Attacking the beliefs of others is all he knows how to do and when you remove that crutch he falls down. Hard.

Then refuses to admit the reality he so vociferously champions. The reality being he’s an anti-theist and in denial of his own state. That he likes to bully people over their religious beliefs and places himself in opposition to God thereby. That he can’t take a dose of his own medicine. Etc.

I used the old geezer way to discover the meaning: 2 mouse clicks (yeah, you read that right) and typed (that too) 5 characters then finally “enter” key. Now the Kids these days just say out loud, “GoogleAlexaorwhateveryournameistoday” what is TL:DR?

Oh! Oh! and “I see “TL:DR” fairly often. 🙂” had me ….

Lol, I still mostly use the old geezer way. I have a phenomenal IT infrastructure here, that took me years, maybe decades to build as I could afford it. It would be kind of a waste to do things the kids way.

Though I could if I wanted to. I mostly leave my phone on the charger and I never ask my smart home devices for information. Never. Ever. They’re retards. Seriously. If that’s AI we don’t have anything to worry about for centuries to come.

What’s scary about that is the kids ARE asking these AI retards for information. (shudder)

If I may be so bold to add that when I am affronted with what I view to be ignorant claims that there is no God, I can succinctly say, “Prove it.” Then I walk away, because no such proof is possible, as we mere mortals often define it, that God either exists or does not exist. Faith cuts both ways, and too often people refuse to accept what that is.
Also … excellent rambling rant. It was very entertaining. Now I must stop :rofl: and dust off my clothes.

Yeah, that’s a good killer argument to end a conversation about the existence of God, or not, quickly.

I use that too, when arguing that topic. But that topic wasn’t what I was arguing this time.

Turnabout being fair play, I was just doing to him what he does to other people. He doesn’t seem to like it very much when it’s done to him.

Go figure 🙂

Yes, I’m just so butt-hurt by the verbal lashing you gave me that I didn’t know what to say or think.
Really, your ranting and raving definitely show your superiority complex to anyone who states an opinion that you either don’t like or appreciate.
I read every sentence of your diatribe, and was either laughing or simply smiling the whole time. You can’t hurt me by saying a few “mean” things about me and my character on the internet. You don’t fucking know anything about me other than the fact that I have an intense hatred for all forms of religion.
I’ll give you a quick summary of my 64+ years of being alive, this way you’ll have more than one thing to bitch about if/when you react to anymore of my thoughts on this or any other subject.
I’ve lived my entire life on the west coast, I’ve been married for 40+ years, and we have 2 kids and 4 grandkids.
I’ve never consumed alcohol, smoked, used drugs, or been in trouble with the law.
I worked for 35+ years straight driving a truck for a living until I retired in ’15. I’ve also never gotten a dime from unemployment, I’ve always had at least one job.
I’m a lifelong Atheist.
I do confess to being computer illiterate, I never touched one until I retired.
Most of the Atheists I’ve gotten to know aren’t “anti-theists” as you like to claim, we simply don’t/won’t believe in any god or gods until we see some real evidence. Until then, we’d answer the question about whether or not a god is real with “I don’t know, and neither do you”.
If you weren’t arguing for the existence of a god, then what the hell was your point? That I was being rude or disrespecting? You either think god is real, or you don’t. You can claim to be agnostic, but that’s what you think, not what you KNOW.
This is a public forum that I’ve paid to be a member of for several years, and because we live in the US, I don’t have to be nice 100% of the time, just like you.
Bring it on Poindexter, I’m not going anywhere.

P.S. Thank you for your service.

Didn’t read that past the first sentence either. You’ve already said all that or close enough that there’s no point in reading that drivel. SSDD, look that one up on Google if you don’t know what it means. I apologize for using abbreviations, phraseology or colloquialisms that are too hard for you to figure out, even though I’m fairly certain you have access to search engines.

In fact, your ignorance is astonishing and obvious. I’d have thought even a lil’ blustery boy like you would know how to type a few letters into a search engine. Clearly even that’s beyond your scope.

Not a surprise.

I’m so glad you introduced the phrase “butt hurt” into the conversation. Note is was you not me that brought that up. I don’t care about your butt hurt whining and it’s way past obvious you ARE badly butt hurt.

Else why keep trying to justify yourself to a complete stranger on the internet with absurd defensiveness. That’s not a question, note the lack of a question mark for punctuation. It’s clear I need to point out such things because …

You don’t seem terribly bright. What part of “I’m done with you” did you not understand? Perhaps I can clarify that for you, you seem to need it. Ask away but do so in the first sentence of your post. I’m NOT going to read any more of your butt hurt whining.

Other than that, you’re just boring and far too predictably typical. After you’ve seen one anti-theist you’ve seen them all. You’re not a very interesting sort if you can’t attack other people and their beliefs. That’s what an anti-theist lives for.

Bummer that I didn’t let you do that to me, huh Sport? Bummer that you tried, and failed, and I laughed at you in public for doing so too.

Still, you seem to think that saying the same things over, and over, and over again phrased slightly different is some sort of argument. It’s not so like I said, we’re done.

Oh, I’m happy to talk about you and I will, but I’m done talking to you with anything but scorn, derision and ridicule. Like I’m doing right now. That’s all you’ll get from me on this thread hereafter. Because that’s what you’ve earned from me.

Unless there’s something your tiny intellect needs clarified that is. I’ll help you if I can, I do that for dullards as a matter of personal charity and you are clearly a world class dullard so … Major charity points for me.

Once again Skippy, we’re done. Except for me taking the mick out of you for personal entertainment purposes. Try to get that through your very, very thick skull.

Damn, you really have a high opinion of yourself, don’t you? I don’t want or need to justify myself to you, or anyone else on this forum. I just like to let theists know that we’re not all sheep going to the slaughter.
You claiming the moral high ground because you can’t even be bothered to consider that what you believe in to be an indefensible belief system that can’t show any legitimate reason for believing any of its claims.
Getting personal with insults that don’t even come close to having any affect other than to show that you’re a typical theist who KNOWS that what you believe is nothing shy of the promises of an all powerful god who created everything. Reading everything you’ve said just makes me smile.
You KNOW that you’re right, and that I’m an immoral peon who needs to be educated by someone like you in the “truth” of gods word. My response is and will always be FUCK YOU AND YOUR GOD.
Everything you’ve been spoon-feed up until this point is bullshit, and I will always be contrary to whatever christian dogma is being preached on this forum, because it’s all bullshit.
You can continue to stroke your ego and think to yourself that you’ve really put me in my place. I’m not going to be put off by some arrogant blowhard like yourself. I’m not going anywhere Poindexter.
I’m a conservative, Atheist/Satanist who has no problem mocking christianity whenever it tries to insert itself into places it doesn’t belong, especially in the world of politics.
If you don’t like what I have to say, then don’t bother reading or reacting to it. The title and introduction on this story is laughable, and I can’t believe that anyone would or could take any of it seriously.
You’ve come off as an unhinged, arrogant, and ignorant theist who can’t handle anyone else’s differing opinion on the subject of religion. That’s okay though, I can handle a zealot like yourself whose arguments turn into insults because you don’t have or need any real reason to justify your beliefs.
You’re above all of that, even though you have zero evidence or proof for your religion being anything other than a collection of fairy tales written in the Bronze Age.
Faith is the excuse people give for believing in something when they don’t have any proof.
Catch ya later Poindexter.

Oh and by the way, your technique is helpful when confronting global warming alarmists, vax or die lovers, revenues went down when taxes were cut enthusiasts, and more I’m sure, but I didn’t want to have to prove that!

If you’re claiming that a god/gods exist, it’s up to you to provide whatever “proof” or evidence you’re using to justify your claim.
It’s exactly the same as believing in Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster. I/we don’t need to prove that they don’t exist, you need to provide evidence that he/it does without using the Bible.
The Bible is the claim, not the evidence.

Actually, your intial statement is completely false!
I am not required to provide any proof whatsoever. Like ACTS stated repeatedly and in may different ways before me in this thread, I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU CHOOSE BELIEVE. If you were willing to have an open-minded and civil discussion about the existence/non-existence of God, then that would be interesting; however, the foul tenor of all of your replies in this entire thread leads me to think otherwise — hence my previous all-caps assertion regarding my lack of care/concern.
Perhaps you are suffering from an inability to comprehend the written word and as a result you missed what I communicated — if so, then you have my sympathy. However, as I previously stated, there is no logical mechanism to EITHER prove OR disprove the existence of God. People are entitled to believe what they choose without the ad hominem blowback from others — like what you have put on full display in this thread.
Thanks for playing along.
Watch me walk away now.

Please read my response to ACTS, or whatever the hell his real name is. Thanks.

Lol, love it …

I didn’t start this fight. All I did was reply to Phil LeMay’s comment and expand on the differences between a real atheist and an anti-theist hiding behind a mask of atheism.

We have some real atheists in here. George Walther is one that comes immediately to mind. George doesn’t slag on people, or their beliefs. He’s very civil and gentlemanly. As one would expect. He merely discusses intelligently and is not only polite about it but willing to agree to disagree civilly. He can support his position FROM his position without resorting to attacking anyone over anything.

That’s a real atheist. I don’t agree with him and he doesn’t agree with me but there’s no animosity each towards the other over our disagreement. He knows his stuff and can defend his position unlike this guy. I doubt Walter wants to be lumped in with an angry, bellicose anti-theist like our friend (loosely applied) Bob Nelson here.

Bob is an anomaly but unfortunately not nearly anomalous enough. He doesn’t like people pointing out that he’s an anti-theistic religious zealot but he’s not going to stop being one even so. He will just deny it while spewing invectives. In effect: denying while proving it.

I know the type well. I’m pretty sure I shot a guy who knew he ought to give up and refused to do so while screaming “Allahu Akbar!” all the way until he couldn’t. SSDD

Pig headedness can be lethal. Good thing for Bob and his ilk we live in a civilized country even if he has no interest in civility. He should see someone about those anger issues too. Before he hurts himself or someone else. Or strokes himself out.

I confess to enjoying a good hearty spewage from an anti-theist and have a despicable talent for bringing that sort of rage out in them. I really enjoyed the post where he lost his wits completely and used foul language every other word. Appreciate it or not — There’s an art to getting them to do that.

Philippians 2:9-11. This is perhaps a verse you might want to look up and ponder while you have the opportunity. My prayer is that you do.

There isn’t a single thing in your bible that I haven’t already heard a thousand times. I’ve been married to a devout believer for almost 41 years now. I’ve been listening to it for decades.
You don’t need religion to have morals or to be a good person. I haven’t eaten any babies or pushed an old lady in front of a bus.

Sorry if I offended you, Bob. I only mentioned the verses because I hoped that you would consider that you are a part of the group of people, as I am; included in the “EVERY” knee would bow promise. I never accused you of not being a good person or being a baby killer or any type of monster. I hope you enjoy a long and healthy life.

Hey Bob, I read many of your other posts and replies to others and saw where your just wanted someone to explain the existence of GOD without using the Bible. Just to give you something to ponder if I may. Using logic, there are only 4 possible explanations for the universe if I remember my logic. 1. It is all an illusion and nothing is real. 2. the universe is self-existent and eternal, which goes against all modern scientific evidence that says there is an expanding universe with it’s origin in a “point of singularity”. 3. The universe is self-created which defies the first law of non-contradiction which says it would have to “be” and “not be” at the same time and in the same relationship. Or, lastly, 4. which says that the universe was created by something or someone who is “self-existent and eternal” which is what I and I think many others here responding to you would call “GOD”. Maybe you can come up with another possibility outside these 4. This is not my work or explanation, but that of Dr. R.C. Sproul who is now experiencing the first hand, face-to-face reality of what he taught for his entire life after college age. Definitely one of the best scholars and teachers of my life time. I am sorry you have experienced so many physical problems in your life and I truly sympathize with your hurting. I won’t go into any of mine or my wife’s. Congrats on 41 years together. My wife and I just celebrated 48 on our way to forever. You are very fortunate to have such a loving family. Blessings to you and yours.

Thank you, I appreciate it. My philosophy is simply this, god either exists, or he doesn’t. We don’t know how or why the universe came into existence, and we probably never will, but that doesn’t mean that it was created by a “god”.
Until someone has some real evidence for its existence, I say I don’t believe in any god/gods.

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