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I saw this in my facebook timeline, fully expecting it to be a satirical post from a like-minded conservative or group. Incredibly, it was posted by my mother, in all seriousness, and then shared by a friend (also there back in England.) I commented “you’ve got to be kidding – right?” The friend replied in the thread “No.” I’d like to find a comprehensive, but non-wordy list of at least 10 or more of the repugnant scandals from chairman zero’s administration, but search results so far have yielded either very limited lists or very wordy ones. Can anyone point to a list that fits my description? Thanks! Futile, I know, but these people are victims of treacherous disinformation which is rife not only here in the USA but perhaps more so over there. 

6 replies on “Scandal-free”

In fairness, I think that some people who claim this mean “no personal scandals,” no mistresses or porn stars or drugs or whatever. They do seem to have lived pretty cleanly while in the White House. OTOH, the previous administration was GW Bush, who was so straight-and-narrow that they called him a Christian fundamentalist (he was a Methodist). The Bush daughters did a bit of binge drinking in college, but that’s hardly a scandal.

(Of course, being a cynic I actually believe that they didn’t really live cleanly in the WH, but that the press covered it up like they did for Clinton and JFK and every other Democrat.)

Everyone usually claims Obama was personally a nice guy, and that the dirty work was done by others in his administration. I tend to think this myself, because I don’t really believe he is smart enough to have intentionally crafted a plan that would accomplish things like weaponizing the IRS and FBI and big tech. Who, what, why is the subject for another essay.

I don’t give zero any benefit of the doubt. He is and always was anti-american vermin. And with all the delay, obfuscation, and sleight of hand regarding his birth certificate I am pretty certain he was not born in Hawaii or anywhere else in the USA. In reality, his actions as president proved he was as radical a leftist as any of “the squad.”

Definitely, on all counts. (Though, since his mother was an American citizen, his birthplace has no bearing on his own citizenship status. and the “natural-born” argument is, perhaps unfortunately, irrelevant.) The only positive thing I have to say about him is that he appears to be personally nice when you meet him. But that’s not exactly an endorsement, since you can say the same about any other politician, and I would decline to enter a room where he was present. I don’t doubt his leftist credentials or sincerity, only his intelligence and competence. I think he was created and used by others, with his full cooperation.

Not to go all Godwin, but awhile back I listened to a rare recording of Hitler’s normal speaking voice. We only ever get to see the clips of him raging away at the podium, and clips of anyone’s normal speaking voice from those times are rare. He was talking to some foreign ambassador or the like. I don’t understand German, but even so he was utterly compelling to listen to. Like a natural-born salesman. Which is precisely why we live by deeds and not words.

I’m watching a British drama-documentary series about the end of Czarist Russia (on Netflix) and that is more or less how they are portraying Rasputin. He was extremely compelling and charismatic, but it’s hard to determine whether he believed his own schtick. One thing I did not know (or recall) was that at least some of his twisted amorality was anchored in a strange cult he belonged to, which was somehow allowed within the Russian Orthodox Church. But it’s hard to tell if he co-opted them, or they co-opted him.

Anyway, he was clearly a gifted natural salesman and natural hypnotist. He may have also tapped into some kind of reiki (an admittedly anachronistic term), or it may be that he simply hypnotised Alexandra and Alexei from panic into calmness, allowing the boy to heal. Whichever it was, he had a profound effect on the family and ultimately on history.

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