Right Angle

Secret Revelations about Trump in Mueller Report

Bill Whittle reveals the awful truth about the Mueller report in a series of secret revelations from a leaked copy of the un-redacted document. Stephen Green and Scott Ott analyze the allegations and predict unavoidable impeachment as soon as Democrat House Members see this video.

Bill Whittle reveals the awful truth about the Mueller report in a series of secret revelations from a leaked copy of the un-redacted document. Stephen Green and Scott Ott analyze the allegations and predict unavoidable impeachment as soon as Democrat House Members see this video.

12 replies on “Secret Revelations about Trump in Mueller Report”

To normal people the finding of no collusion is GOOD news. Normal people find it a relief that Russia was unable to affect a US election. The Left’s disappointment and doubling-down is a sign of how bat s–t crazy they are. Their hatred of Trump and his voters, and this country and its laws is so vile that they’ve dropped all pretense of civility. And the media, for what they are worth, conspire to spread the hate.

I wish I could see Adam Schiff’s eyes explode when he reads about that divot.

Exactly! As a parent, I often used the line “actions have consequences” when correcting my child. However, in politics, it seems not to apply… or at least not to those Elected Elite who have a “D” by their names. The law needs to apply equally – and be ENFORCED equally – to all.

Yes, my faith in this government is destroyed, but my faith in the Constitution is unwavering. Speaking of mocking stupidity, Mike Lee did a brilliant job of mocking AOC’s “New Green Deal” on the house floor. I happened to stumble on it at Live Leak.

That’s all well and good… I used to like Mike Lee, until he came out so strongly as an anti-Trumper. I’ve got little use for Mike Lee now.

Folks, its actually worse than you think. You may be aware that Senator Mike Lee of Utah rudely presented a tasteless, unfunny display of bad humor at the expense of Occasional-Cortex and the Green New Deal that involved fictional animals, cartoons, and even went so far as to display Ronald Reagan on a Velociraptor… well, this goes to show how low our expectations have fallen due to Trumps antics. As so many people have forgotten how Trump dared to respond to threats of a Nuclear Strike from North Korea with a reciprocal threat of Nuclear Obliteration, he then went on to DARE to engage in talks of Peace (ie. surrender) with North Korea… but it doesn’t stop there, and this is the most damning of ALL of his crimes… he proceeded to overfeed the fish at his summit with Shinzo Abe of Japan! How can we allow the elected President to commit such overt acts of WAR?!!?!

Amen to this! I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve wasted on Facebook trying to debate Libtards with facts that always end with them 1)ignoring the facts 2) changing the subject , or 3) personal attacks. I finally wised up and would respectfully engage for the benefit of hearing opposing views. Then as soon as they start shifting gears to one of those tactics I’d go full S*** Lord on them. The result? Blocked by two different guys in one week!

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