Bill Whittle Now

Shut Up, Steven Crowder! YouTube Progressive Speech Code Crackdown

YouTube demonetized popular conservative comic commentator Steven Crowder, in a crackdown on so-called “hate speech.” But are social media anti-cyberbullying efforts just a discriminatory Progressive speech code designed to make conservative voices shut up? Is YouTube obligated to pass on advertising dollars to any creator, no matter how abhorrent his ideas or hateful his speech?

YouTube demonetized popular conservative comic commentator Steven Crowder, in a crackdown on so-called “hate speech.” But are social media anti-cyberbullying efforts just a discriminatory Progressive speech code designed to make conservative voices shut up? Is YouTube obligated to pass on advertising dollars to any creator, no matter how abhorrent his ideas or hateful his speech?

26 replies on “Shut Up, Steven Crowder! YouTube Progressive Speech Code Crackdown”

If Google is truly diverse, then they should have 50% conservatives on their board or YouTube “hate speech” decision board. But, see, Google is truly not diverse.

So pleased that I’m finally a member! Gosh, how long have I been watching BW on YouTube – Fire Wall, R/A & BW-Now? I just had to join. With all the YouTube crap going on, it forced me to get off the fence and support what is RIGHT! Really looking forward to being a part of the best conservative show on the internet and probably meeting some great people. Keep up the great work Bill, Scott & Steve – can’t get enough of you guys!

BILL! I think you are causing a bit of a panic here in Bill Whittle Land.


Yes, I was yelling. Hopefully, you’ll take heed.

I’ll chip in for storage, if need be. Just do it, man!

What you said in the middle there, Bill, is SO important. I had to post it for my friends on facebook, thus. Hope you don’t mind the few edits for clarity.

Bill Whittle speaking : (this was spoken off the cuff so I have edited it a little — not much — for clarity). But it’s a great illustration of what we used to believe.


My dad was a hotel manager. And that’s kind of two jobs. You have the day job of running the hotel, and then you have the night job of entertaining the guests. It’s like being a ship’s captain. [During the day] you have [to be] the captain and then at night you have to go be the host. So I didn’t get to see a whole lot of him, and so the things he said to me over the course of my life — some of them just stood out for me very clearly. And one of them was this: It was the marching of the Nazis in Skokie, Illinois I think in the early 70’s {editor: 1978}.

[Now] the only time I’ve ever seen my father all the way angry, ALL the way angry, was when I came home [from school] and I’d drawn a little swastika on my hand. The reason I had drawn a swastika on my hand is was doing drawings American planes shooting down German planes, and that symbol was tough to draw. I could draw the star, [but] I couldn’t quite get that thing right, I was practicing. And he saw that and he lost his mind. And I finally explained to him this was all about. So my dad didn’t have a high tolerance of Nazis, let’s put it that way. He went to Germany, he got there in the last year of the war on the back of his graduating class he wrote [in response to] “What do you expect to do after the war?” — “I expect to die fighting for my country in Germany.”

So we need to have that preamble so that we understand what I am about to say here.

When the Nazis were marching on Skokie, I said to him, we’ve gotta shut this down, right? I mean this has got to stop, you’ve told me how evil these people are all [my life].” And he wasn’t happy about this, it wasn’t some sort of Norman Rockwell moment where he said “Well, son, here’s the history …”

He said, “No, Bill, we gotta let it go. We gotta let ’em do it.”

And I said “Why?!”

And he said “Because if we say that people can say some things and not say other things, then it’s up to an individual person or a human being to decide what can be said and not be said. And the danger of that is far greater, FAR greater — than the danger of letting these clowns march through the streets of an American city with their swastika flags.”


More people used to understand this. More people need to understand this again. There are very definitely people trying very hard to curb what we can and cannot say today, and they are slowly getting it codified into laws about what you can and cannot say. No matter how well-intentioned, this is a very bad thing.

I have a little quibble in him using the idea that an individual would have to make these decisions because even if a committee makes them, it’s just as dangerous. But he was speaking off the cuff. He’d probably reword that if he were writing, based on his old blog posts.

Bill! PLEASE have a back up to your videos! If anything happens to YouTube, years of hard work and information will be lost.

Scott, make this happen!

Yes! I was horrified to hear that everything exists only on YouTube and not locally at BW. Server space may be expensive, but just plain storage space should be relatively cheap.

No but you don’t need that with some raid configurations. I’d bet YT isn’t using a large number of SSD’s. WD Purple 10TB Surveillance Hard Disk Drive $275 standard HDD rated for 24 hour usage. Generally runs for 5 years +. It’s newer so I wait for the market to mature. My thinking was originally for disaster where YT deletes your content. If you are looking to stream that’s a different story. You could look at raid configurations for data mirroring and striping (good for sequential reading, predictive reads) as it works well with video streaming. Lenovo makes a 12 TB multi drive Network Attached Storage device that can be set up with a RAID configurations but it is in the $1000 range. A simple explanation on RAID is at I have a skill set that may be useful here. I can research this should there be any interest.

Scott, if cost is the problem, just have a flash donation period, set up specifically for purchasing the equipment needed to back up the videos. Heck, I’d donate $100.00 up front, and that’s just one person.

BWDC’s videos MUST be preserved!

Was just watching Liberty Doll’s vid on this subject. One thing she mentioned which should make everyone sit up is that Youtube/Google/Alphabet is working w/ legislators around the world to curb hate/extremism and false information on their site.

Why do I not think that proponents of socialism and climate alarmism will not be included in those classifications?

Carlos Maza comes from Media Matters and is nothing but a Soros puppet. His “I’m so insulted” schtick is just a mask. Crowder hasn’t called him anything that he himself has not referred to himself as. His Twitter handle is gaywonk. So he can spare me the “I thought YouTube was a safe space for queers” mantra. Particularly since YT gave them $20k to support his Vox videos.

I’m a mug club member as well as I like supporting as many conservative voices as I can afford. Yes, Crowder has complained about YouTube demonetization, but so has everyone else and I don’t recall him ever saying he was completely demonetized before this – just that a lot of his videos have been, along with the whole lack of notification thing.

YouTube romanced content providers and promised them shares of advertising revenue. Then, when he was found to not have violated their policies, completely demonetized him after Maza continued to have a hissy fit on Twitter about it. So he’s essentially being punished for following the rules and is a victim of YT changing their mind mid-stream.

I’m not real big on lawsuits, but maybe it’s time for all of the content creators to initiate a class action suit against them, with an insistence that if they’re going to continue to be considered a ‘platform’ that garners protections, they can’t decide what can or cannot be posted. If not, then re-categorize them as ‘publishers’ and remove those protections.

Maza is the instigator and Crowder kind of took the bait. Mama’s whole thing is to go out and publicly show his dariere then cry wolf when someone makes an example of him. If one were to do so, Crowder approached the issue in the least aggressive manner, but that is relative when the goal is as stated. This little tiff is also just an excuse for YouTube to throw the baby out with the bathwater as much so as ignoring bad actors on the left who are safely cashing revenue cheques althrough their ideological views are the surest path to serfdom…

I don’t recall Crowder saying they’ve been totally demonetized before but that they were being demonetized. That’s not to say I didn’t miss something but I think they’ve been saying what happened now was coming.

I don’t recall that Maza hit crowder first like Bill thought may have happened, but I do think Crowder made fun of him and his mannerisms while disagreeing with his videos. If Crowder agreed with his points, I don’t think he would have poked fun at him because pointing out what he disagrees with is where they usually go, not just making fun of a random guy.

The gentleman who accused Crowder was Media Matters and Vox employee and as you may well know those institutions target anything to the right of Marks. He refers to himself as ‘queer’. Crowder just added the ‘lispy’ part was added as comedic poetic license.

William you are correct! Bill & Scott, the shirt is FIGS. This is what makes it so fun for informed people. Che was captured by Bolivian troops hiding behind a fig tree. I seem to recall there is a statue of Che in front of that fig tree. Too funny, but sad BW channel went with the gay slur.

Could have an image of a bundle of sticks on the shirt.

Which, oddly enough is called a fasci (IIRC) in Italian and was used by a noted politician to represent unity and strength.

Please, please, please make that correction, the shirt does say “Socialism is for Figs”. This is a really big deal guys, that statement should be retracted in its own dedicated video, in my opinion. I have been busy lately, so I am just trying to catch up on these videos, so hopefully, I will hear that this issue has already been addressed and corrected.

I’ve been a mug club member from the start and I’m a bit biffed over this whole ordeal because Steven has been telling everyone for at least 2 years that their video’s have all been demonetized and they are making no money on youtube.

While I’m against defunding platforms that are not breaking the rules, as he’s posted that they found 2 video’s after review but supposedly have no listing to them of what the actual violation is, I’m not very fond of lying either. If you’re going to spend all this time telling people to sign up for your club and send in money because youtube took away your monetization, then when you get demonetized, you’ve already killed that boat and sank it a long time ago.

Point being, if you’re honest all the time, when something bad happens, people will care more. Since half his shtick has been bitching about youtube and not getting any money from them for so long, I just don’t have any sensitivity to this situation.

Youtube is just … It’s good we have a place like this to gather and chat. But video hosting is such a thing that is difficult overall. So what do you do?

This honestly plays to my google suspicions just like all other google products. Make a good product then gradually make the product worse and worse to see how people respond to the small changes over time and how they will put up and shut up and take it hard while the product is ruined then they will suddenly say “Oh we cannot afford to support this product any longer” and take it down.

For a while Steven had been saying most of their videos have been demonetized, not all. He may have said at points around 80% but I am not positive. The key thing was their channel was monetized so whenever a new video was posted they could possibly have it monetized if youtube didn’t demonetize it or if they did they were able to appeal the demonetization. The difference now is that youtube is just demonetizing their entire channel. This means no potential for making money at all. Instead of making in the tens of thousands of dollars per year (just a guess) they will now be making exactly $0 dollars from youtube so he isn’t lying about anything and has been pretty upfront about it. Yes he is using this for a big push in signups but he had still said the youtube revenue wasn’t really very much for them anyway and it was nothing they planned their business model around.

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