BW Member Blog

Signups for Reeducation

This is a copy of a comment I left on a blog post by member Paul Wooton.

I just created a petition for us Trump sycophants to identify ourselves for good ol’ AOC. You can find it here.

Go sign, and spread it far and wide.

[The petition was created by one “Weir Kilby.” That’s yours truly. I also signed it as myself.]

One reply on “Signups for Reeducation”

I think we should also return the favor.
Have a website that lays out explicitly and in detail why support for Biden/Harris is support for one-party rule with no accountability, and then a list of everyone who has supported either of them at any point in their entire careers.
The difference is that when they notice it, we don’t take it down, such as was done here:
But it got archived:

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