Right Angle

Slavery Reparations: What’s the Republican Answer to Pandering Democrats?

As pandering Democrats push reparations for slavery, what’s the Republican answer to address issues like institutional racism, poverty, unequal justice, failing schools, and other problems and grievances? Is it enough to just say ‘No’ to reparations, or should the GOP have a positive, creative program to address problems, many of which are caused by government?

As pandering Democrats push reparations for slavery, what’s the Republican answer to address issues like institutional racism, poverty, unequal justice, failing schools, and other problems and grievances? Is it enough to just say ‘No’ to reparations, or should the GOP have a positive, creative program to address problems, many of which are caused by government?

19 replies on “Slavery Reparations: What’s the Republican Answer to Pandering Democrats?”

Reparations? We’ve been paying reparations since at least Johnson’s War on Poverty. They’re just re-naming it for guilt leverage.
Simply handing out ‘government’ money seldom helps anyone, except the fat cats administering the programs.

A few years ago, while spending a week in West Virginia, my husband and I took a tour of a coal mine. One fact that made an impact on me is that the mules were treated very well, much better than the men who dug the coal. The reason being, of coarse, a mule, a very valuable animal, cost money to replace. An injured man could be replaced very easily, as there were always men lined up looking for work. My husbands paternal ancestors were West Virginia coal miners. There is a family tradition that his paternal ancestry goes way, way back to medieval kings of Poland, the last of his dynasty having been locked up in a tower, where he died and was eaten by rats. So where is the glory? I’m glad you are proud of your coal miner heritage, Bill. You have cause to be.

I think Trump has it right. There is no argument that can trump reality. If you give Black Americans more opportunity to create a better life for themselves and they have more money in their pockets as a result, they will feel more pride in accomplishment and will have less of an incentive to follow elite politicians and “community organizers” who are really looking to scam some “reparations” money for themselves. The cry for “reparations” is coming up now because the Democrats are desperate to hold on to their monolith voting block in the Black American community.

As far as voting goes, however, I think you need to take seriously the job of the government to protect voters from the thugs in the Black community who are paid to intimidate them into voting Democrat. It is a much more serious issue than Republicans are willing to acknowledge (and many of these thugs are female). If you want to do something that will take effect next voting cycle, this would be it.

Didn’t we fight some civil war a few years ago to free slaves and abolish slavery here in the States? I had family that died to set them free. How much more blood do they need?
And about Obama, their great “savior”, his family knew about slavery because its documented that they were slave traders. They made their money selling other black Africans into slavery. Why have the Democrats given Obama a pass on that?

Mr. Green, your statement about regarding suburban public schools are being “pretty good” amazed me. I would suggest you spend some time watch videos where they go to a college/university and ask students attending what think about this, that and whatever. The RESPONSES aren scary. These future adults know very little little and the vast majority have a single Perspective. “Pretty good” I think not.

I would ask Mr. Ott, HOW? is it possible to have a conversation with a IDEOLOGUE deeply imbedded in a myopic, delusional and very destructive IDEOLOGY that believes 100% as a “true believer” that the IDEOLOGY through its Utopian vision can and will create for everyone Paradise on Earth? I would the add that to find benefit from a discussion the parties involved MUST find Common Ground accepting the meaning of words used, come to a Compromise through mutual benefit and finally reach an Agreement that is acceptable to both parties.

The Evidence to date shows clearly that the modern day Progressive and/or Democratic Socialist (OXYMORON) hAs and sees NO value to any type mod discussion where they cannot label the other side as EVIl and wicked.

If the fact that no one alive today is responsible for his ancestors’ slave ownership is an emotionally insufficient argument, then no argument exists that will convince those who are greedy enough to steal from others that their actions are immoral. Each of us today and going back in history is responsible for our own individual actions. If we continue to attempt the assignment of blame upon individuals for the actions of others, then we are totally lost as a society. Greed not only kills individuals, it kills the soul of a society.

Two thoughts. (1) It seems that reparation payments began with the election of President Trump inasmuch as the economic boom following that event has benefited minority communities, especially blacks, disproportionately. (2) If more reparations need to be paid, shouldn’t the Democratic Party pay them. They’re the ones who fought for slavery. Fought against the abolition of slavery. Fought against the abolition of discrimination. Fought against equal rights. Why should the GOP pay when they are the ones who fought for an end to slavery and discrimination and fought for equal rights.

We do have an emotion to appeal to. Hope, hope of a better future do to available jobs and the ability to keep the proceeds of your labor. Hope is a much more compelling emotion than the despair that the progressives appeal to.

Maybe we should get ahead of the curve and start making a case for reparations for Christians terrorized by the Gaystapo or Conservatives in general who’ve been victims of Leftist hate mobs

Slavery was an accepted practice in the world until we came along.

To get at the heart of it, consider Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. We all know the words, “Four score and seven years ago…” but do we know their significance?

Prior to that address, it was considered improper for presidents to address the people directly. At the time, not only was it considered hubris to tell people how to think and act, but as Thomas Jefferson stated that was what monarchs did, not American presidents. In fact the crowd wasn’t even there to see Lincoln, but another popular orator of the time who ran on for 2 hours before our 16th President.

But Lincoln changed all that at Gettysburg. He knew a lot of press would be there, at the cemetery where thousands of our young boys were buried, killed in that huge and infamous battle. He addressed the crowd and the press, therefore what he knew would be the entire nation, in that humbling context. There would be no consecration of graves, no victory celebration, no self-aggrandizement would be found in the 272 word address like we see today, just 10 sentences that every newspaper around the nation and the world could and would reprint. And it began…


Why was that chosen as he agonized over every word in the days and hours before the speech? Surely people must have been in the audience doing the math.

You see, up until that day Americans considered the birth of the nation dated to the Constitution in 1787. Doing the math, surely they must have wondered why Lincoln chose to harken back to 1776 on that notorious day. Let’s replace that beginning with the actual date..

In 1776 “our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

It was the Declaration Of Independence to which he was referring. The constitution to all our detriment allowed slavery, but the famous document proclaiming our independence was the first document the world would ever know declaring ALL men were created equal. It was Lincoln’s station in life to see that through despite the fervent protestations of others.

ALL men were created equal at the time was a very radical concept. Had those words not been penned in 1776, had the United States Of America not been founded on that primary, simple concept, in all likelihood developed nations would embrace slavery to this day.

Americans, white European settlers did that. There was no slave revolt that could have accomplished it. No law could have been written to abolish it back then. It was an accepted practice in most of the world for thousands of years, literally since mankind could first swing a club they were enslaving other men.

New World Patriots of mostly white European descent came to the conclusion that slavery must be abolished and they were willing to fight to the death, sacrifice their lands, their sons and their treasures to do so. Lincoln himself chose to bring to light, in that opening line, in a rare presidential address, the historic fact that this nation was founded on the principles of life, liberty and equality for all men, even the slaves.

The suffering of those Americans of color heralded a new era in the world, an era brought to fruition by the great sacrifice of an entire nation of white people willing to fight and die to free black slaves.

Reparations? Learn your history folks and I think you’ll realize a great deal of gratitude is in order for the birth of civilizations first completely free nation, even if it took years of blood, sweat and sacrifice to finally achieve it. Our forefathers paid the ultimate, heavy toll so the institution of slavery would cease.

The upside to your solution is that there would eventually be no more Democrats. The downside is the Democrats of today would just rebrand themselves as they have done in years past.

Loved how you brought in the slave experience of the Jews. Many Christians do not know that the God of Abraham Himself permitted this period to go on for His own purpose and glory. African Americans need to assess why God permitted slavery in America for us. If anyone has ever been to Africa they would see why. Being born in America is a great gift for all African Americans, rich or poor, slave or free.

Is it possible…

“Over the past 27 months, black employment has increased by nearly 1 million jobs, and this administration’s (President Trump’s) policies boosting support for black-owned small businesses and historically black colleges and universities will help us build on those gains for many years to come.” Alveda King.

Progressives believe that they are in danger of losing (or have lost) the African-American vote. What can they possible do to get it back? Well, how about the promise of money. If you elect us for 2020, we promise to get you reparations.

BTW I’d bet that an overwhelming majority of African-Americans have no interest in reparations.

Just a thought…

I think actually having a long conversion with “them” is paramount… but right off the bat we need to stop referring to them as “THEM” they are “US”. I keep wondering why oh why does that community have such difficulties. Take the Irish. They lived under such devastating oppression that was in many cases worse than slavery. During the potato famine those that had any money at all escaped to the USA. The Irish were treated far worse than slaves. They were worked to death. Maimed in the factories. Treated as absolute TRASH.
But yet, Today. The Irish do not seek reparations for the atrocities done to them.
They took their lumps and made gravy.
So what separates the Irish community from the Black community.
Blacks were given “help” and the Irish weren’t.

I don’t think the Black Community should get reparations.
I think they should have to meet the same standard that every other person should have to meet. Meaning, No welfare, no special treatment, No additional punishment for crimes (such as crack vs cocaine)

Put everyone on the same playing field and let parents have the choice which school to send their kids. Yeah that will cause some serious shit when the inner city students meet the suburbs… but apply the rules equally… (if they break the rules, they get kicked out same as any other kid)

Look, this is not an easy solution. The main reason it is not easy is because generation after generation of black families were raised with completely dependent mentalities. We need to free their mind and their ass will follow.

I know the discussion was deliberately avoiding the “nuts and bolts” of any potential reparations, but here are some thoughts on that.

People often miss the sheer scale of our ancestry, we dive down particular ancestral lines like demented badgers, digging up ancestral golden nuggets, but obsessing over one branch we miss the size and breadth of the whole tree. I know my paternal line back to 1664, as well as being a Packer I’m a Smith, a Makepeace, a Goodgame, a Cowland, a Weston, a Randal, a Baldwin and a Gray. We have two parents, four grandparents, eight great grandparents, sixteen, thirty two etc etc. By the time you get back ten generations (early/mid 18th century) you’ve got 1,024 ancestors, assuming no consanguinity.

Although it’s pretty much a foregone conclusion that any given African-American will be descended from slaves (except Obama of course, his African line comes from Kenya in east Africa, no European ever took his ancestors as slaves, although some enlightened Moslem Arabs may have done), the chances of an African-American having NO ancestors that were slave owners is vanishingly small. Quite apart from white slave traders and owners fathering children with black slave women, something like half of the free black population owned slaves themselves and then there are the west Africans who sold the slaves in the first place. I would guess that the percentage chance of a white American having slave owning ancestors (at least in the last two centuries or so) is smaller than for their black neighbours.

That being the case, just who would qualify? Would white folk who “identify” as black? Would you need to prove your ancestry back to the boats? Or would you just need to promise to keep voting Democrat?

And who pays? The government? Hardly fair that taxes paid by the slave descendants themselves (not to mention people who’ve only recently settled in the States) should fund this. White folks? Well, plenty of whites never owned slaves. Maybe just rich people who we KNOW had slave owning ancestors, like Al Gore, should pay…

Jacob Waggoner, b. ca. 1803, living Smith Co., Tenn. 1860 (owning 16 slaves), d. 1893 (great great granddaddy to Big Al).

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