
Slip-Slidin’ Away: The Progressive Left Now Gets Thrashed on Every Issue, Everywhere

In a verbal barrage that chronicles the failure of the Progressive Left, Bill Whittle illustrates how they now lose on every issue, everywhere, all the time.

In a verbal barrage that chronicles the failure of the Progressive Left, Bill Whittle illustrates how they now lose on every issue, everywhere, all the time. Meanwhile, real America rises.

Bill Whittle creates Moving Back to America thanks to our Members, who fund this enterprise through their financial contributions. You can join this band of committed conservative patriots when you click the big green button above.

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33 replies on “Slip-Slidin’ Away: The Progressive Left Now Gets Thrashed on Every Issue, Everywhere”

I went to my high school reunion this past weekend. There was a large crowd, and Mary Emmey was talking with Janie. I was standing next to Mary Emmey but talking with someone else. Suddenly Janie turned from Mary Emmey to me and loudly asked, “Are you a liberal?” I said no, and Janie — in a frustrated way said, “Am I the only liberal in this class??” Then she marched off, discouraged and angry.
They’re losing ground, they know it, and they’re panicking.

It’s sort of amusing to watch the Left as it applies the biggest arrow in its quiver — Hyperbole.

It all started a long time ago but the general gist of the game is to overstate a situation, problem or cause to the point where some degree of alarmism can be generated. Sometimes this works better than other times.

It worked great with the George Floyd riots. Some heretofore unknown activists became quite wealthy over that one.

It sort of blew up in the face of AOC when she claimed the world was going to end in 12 years. A claim that she made in earnest and with a serious delivery though now says it was just “dry humor”. She got that figure from a UN study in 2018 which claimed that the global temperature tipping point-of-no-return would occur in 2030; So even she knew that the world wasn’t actually forecast by anyone to end in that year. She also knew that if she said it she’d scare the crap out of a lot of people and she knows that fear is a great motivator.

The problem with using hyperbolic, hair-on-fire, running around in circles screaming rhetoric is that you eventually slam up against a wall of apathy. The hyperbole must get more and more urgently grandiose in order to be effective and over time this practice loses its potency because people figure out they’re being lied to.

There’s another, simpler way to describe this process. It’s the old story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf!”. Too bad they don’t teach that in school anymore, huh?

I think I can speak for most of us here when I say we exceptionally appreciate the longtime efforts of Bill, Steve, Scott and Zo to fight the establishment. Let’s not waste those efforts. Inform yourself and share.

Just one example tying the leftist agenda to the UN and WEF…our schools. Been going on for decades. Everyone needs to watch these videos. They will update you on global fascism and completely change your perspective on our public schools. This degradation of society has been and is intentional and planned… *World Government: Only One Crisis Away / Curtis Bowers and Gary Kah.* On Curtis Bowers’s channel. Then watch *Education: Marxism’s Greatest Tool / Curtis Bowers and Alex Newman* for the founding/history of fascism in public schools and the shocking new *Project Groomer: Exposing the Secret Plan to Brainwash Your Kids l Glenn TV l Ep 189* for today’s status

Gary Kah’s book was published in the early 90’s. Very detailed interview. Used to be in government and at the globalist meetings in the mid-80’s. They’ve been at this for decades.

All from the World Economic Forum and the United Nations Agenda 2030. “Equity” (LGBT/trans issues, race, income inequality, etc.) is just one of their three levers of power. The climate “crisis” and zero COVID/pandemic infections are the two other unsolvable bottomless wells of their “authority.”

Equity is being taught in schools under their banner of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) which includes both CRT and gender theory.

Also recommend highly the movies *Trump Card* and *The Plot Against the President.* Both on tubitv (free website).

If allowed to return to any bit of power in the United States, which needs to lead the charge for freedom, the fascist, globalist establishment—whose main goal right now is to deflect from an electronically stolen 2020 election—will be as ruthless as the Chinese in Shanghai. We need to be just as ruthless at the polls and in pushing our elected representatives to bring to justice these traitors who have attempted to bankrupt our country and brainwash our children. Otherwise, we might as well pack it in right now and enjoy the rest of our free days in as much peace as possible until they come for us.

We have a golden opportunity to go for the throat of these globalist World Economic Forum-led fascists, and we need to take it. Electing or re-electing another round of non-aggressive Republicans too afraid to tick off Mitch McConnell or backing the feckless RNC unwilling to get behind Trump in the primaries and sprinkled with just enough globalists to kill our initiative is a path which will not drain the Swamp, change our education system, free our speech or ensure our survival. In the end, it will do absolutely nothing except lead to our destruction as the globalists continue to work behind the scenes.

All such a spineless group will do is waste all of the momentum that millions of We the People have worked hard to create by, for instance, destroying the credibility of the fake news, and we’ll all be right back to commiserating over jellyfish Republicans and our missed chance. The fascists will just slink back into their hole, put a new face on their agenda and re-emerge in 2024. It’s the greatest danger we face.

We won’t get another chance like this, and you can already see it going to waste. Obama got up the other day and talked about disinformation at Stanford. I saw very few people criticize him publicly for the hypocrisy and use that ammunition to drill the point home into the heads of all those “normies” who can’t pay attention daily.

One quibble with Bill – the grooming movement is trying to make make children victims of pedophiles, not lovers of them.

Kamala is being sent out to pasture though with none of the usefulness of fertilizer or the honorable retirement of an aging but productive beast. About the only good thing for the pasture is that she will be removed from it.

I don’t know if you’ve seen these regarding our fascist-run failure factories, but they are well worth everyone’s time. The new one by Beck is particularly graphic and shocking. People need to understand the history and the ties to the WEF or else nothing will change long-term. In fact, we’ll end up like Sweden which has banned home schooling or other countries which force home schoolers to teach the leftist agenda.

Everyone needs to watch these videos. They will update you on global fascism and completely change your perspective on our public schools. This degradation of society has been and is intentional and planned… *World Government: Only One Crisis Away / Curtis Bowers and Gary Kah.* On Curtis Bowers’s channel. Then watch *Education: Marxism’s Greatest Tool / Curtis Bowers and Alex Newman* for the founding/history of fascism in public schools and the shocking new *Project Groomer: Exposing the Secret Plan to Brainwash Your Kids l Glenn TV l Ep 189* for today’s status

Gary Kah’s book was published in the early 90’s. Very detailed interview. Used to be in government and at the globalist meetings in the mid-80’s. They’ve been at this for decades.

All from the World Economic Forum and the United Nations Agenda 2030. “Equity” (LGBT/trans issues, race, income inequality, etc.) is just one of their three levers of power. The climate “crisis” and zero COVID/pandemic infections are the two other unsolvable bottomless wells of their “authority.”

Equity is being taught in schools under their banner of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) which includes both CRT and gender theory.

Also recommend highly the movies *Trump Card* and *The Plot Against the President.* Both on tubitv (free website).

After a 6 week hiatus I’m thrilled to see MB2A back. You could not have come back with a better one. I agree whole heartedly. My concern is the same as has been voiced below and is; are the majority of “Republican” politicians any better! We have far too many romneys and cheneys in office and if we don’t clean them out as well it will still business as usual. Oh by the way, the lack of capital letters on those two names is intentional. They don’t deserve the respect of the use of capital letters!!

Fully agree and thank you for posting. We don’t need more Republicans too afraid to speak out. I like the attitude of Matt Gaetz:
“We’re not going to look to hold hands in the soft spring rain with the Democrats and sing kumbaya.”

We need to show as much mercy to the Democrats as they showed to Americans losing jobs and businesses during the tyrannical COVID lockdowns and mask/vaccine mandates while being prevented from visiting dying parents. The need to pay with their political careers at the very least.

Gaetz, by the way, has never been charged after being painted as a child sex trafficker by the New York Times and is at least partially vindicated…

“While many scoffed at Gaetz’s story as fantastical and bizarre, that part of his story was vindicated last August when a Florida developer and convicted felon “was arrested on a charge that he tried to extort $25 million from the father of Rep. Matt Gaetz in exchange for a presidential pardon that would shut down a high-profile, criminal sex-trafficking investigation into the Republican congressman.” In November, that developer, Stephen Alford, pled guilty to trying to extort $25 million from Rep. Gaetz and his family.”

Destroy the Democrat Party and the globalist fascism they and the RINO’s represent. They abuse our justice system for their own purposes, likely instigated Jan. 6th using the FBI and certainly stole the 2020 election thereby attempting a coup. They need to put on trial for their crimes.

Anyone who has missed this and voted with them needs to be relieved of duty for extreme lack of judgment. They and their communist pals have been infiltrating our institutions for decades, and now they’re done…everywhere. Wait until the American people realize that they are, in fact, fascists.

The following videos and article are eye-opening and jaw-dropping. I do not say that lightly, nor am I some naive babe in the woods subject to my bias.
Trust me when I say they will update you on global fascism and completely change your perspective on our public schools. This degradation of society has been and is intentional and planned. They hate Christ as he represents THE Truth which can’t be manipulated, and they hate Christians as His followers who know that Christ is the Truth and therefore refuse to go along with their version of morality.

You might also want to do yourself a favor and take a look at the World Economic Forum website. Notice the list of partners (all the major corps including Disney)…

If you’re still scratching your head wondering why they’re so persistent with equity (including trans and teaching kindergarteners about gender fluidity), the fake climate crisis and the phony push for control through COVID zero (reluctance to give up mask mandates being a perfect example), take a peek at the 17 goals listed in the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development passed in 2015 by unelected global leaders (

Equity, climate change, pandemic…all recurring themes running through their agenda. The website goes into great detail.

Proof of the WEF agenda for a genderless society and their long-term plan in our public schools to strip parents of their rights and ban home schooling as they have in Sweden ( Critical race theory and gender theory are being taught under the banner of Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
*Project Groomer: Exposing the Secret Plan to Brainwash Your Kids l Glenn TV l Ep 189* (BlazeTV YouTube channel)

More proof of the fascist globalists at work in America. Hear it straight from Gary Kah who worked in government during the ’80’s and attended the meetings.
Mr. Kah’s book was published in the early 90’s. Very detailed interview. Used to be in government and at the globalist meetings in the mid-80’s. Was fired for being a Christian speaking out against the globalists as he describes in the interview. They’ve been at this for decades.

*World Government: Only One Crisis Away / Curtis Bowers and Gary Kah.* (Curtis Bowers YouTube channel).

Yet more proof of the fascist, globalist influence on our schools throughout history from the founding until today:
*Education: Marxism’s Greatest Tool / Curtis Bowers and Alex Newman* (Curtis Bowers YouTube channel)

Want to be shocked further? Read this. Democrats don’t give a rip about children or families. They presented their agenda to liberate children from their parents in 1972 to the DNC in Miami.

“When Gays Wanted to Liberate Children”
…and I quote…
“Rearing children should be the common responsibility of the whole community. Any legal rights parents have over ‘their’ children should be dissolved and each child should be free to choose its own destiny. Free twenty-four hour child care centers should be established where faggots and lesbians can share the responsibility of child rearing.”

“A Message From the Gay Community” Performed by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
…and I quote…
“We’ll convert your children. Happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly, and you will barely notice it.”

ALL of this from people who, mind you, have repeatedly lied and insisted there is not nor ever has been a gay agenda. Of course, they need lying and secrecy. Being honest with us all these years about their hidden agenda would have never worked!

Again, all of this is being coordinated through the World Economic Forum using United Nations Agenda 2030. They’ve been graduating and placing global leaders for decades (Pierre Trudeau (Canada), Emmanuel Macron (France), Angela Merkel (Germany), Tony Blair (United Kingdom), Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page (co-founder of Google), Bill Gates…even Pete Buttigieg…and more).

“Equity” (LGBT/trans issues, race, income inequality, etc.) is just one of their three levers of power. The climate “crisis” and zero COVID/pandemic infections are the two other unsolvable bottomless wells of their “authority.”

Also highly recommend the movies “Trump Card” and “The Plot Against the President” which demonstrate the abuses of justices by the Democrats. Both are currently available for free on (owned by FOX).

Fight this by making fellow Americans aware and unifying against it. If they’re not humble enough to admit their mistake with Biden, then they’re either part of it or useless in opposing it.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. God bless you and yours!

P.S. Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, Glenn Greenwald, Bannons War Room on Rumble…four of the best sources of news out there right now. In fact, that fascist Obama mentioned Steve Bannon specifically in his speech at Stanford complaining about “disinformation.” You don’t mention someone with a random Rumble channel unless they’re over the target and a threat to your agenda backed by lies and deceit.

For evidence of the stolen election including proof of voting machine manipulation, visit and/or watch the Absolute Proof series on Mike Lindell’s channel, Sidney Powell’s website which organizes the evidence by state and her Rumble channel by the same name, Patrick Byrne on Rumble and various interviews of Powell and Byrne by others on Rumble.
They have 50,000 pages describing evidence of machine fraud to present in their cases against Dominion and Smartmatic. It goes back to 2004 possibly 2000. Discussion starts at approximately the 10 minute mark if you want to jump to that:

Sidney Addresses the Assaults Against Her

Sidney Powell is a fighter and a true patriot, and I absolutely love her for it.

Above all, praise God and take heart as WE ARE WINNING!!!

When the Congressional RINOs knowingly certified tainted Electoral College ballots & slates, they disenfranchised every legitimate US voter and are thus party to a felony. To the extent that this felony involved offshore direction, it may also be an Act of War. Hence all of the D’s and some of the R’s are fully invested in The Steal, lest they be accountable for definitive High Treason. You can bet those rats will fight hard and dirty when cornered.

Bill, I share your enthusiasm over the prospects of November`s election results, my apprehension is that we are returning power to the same feckless big talkers that swore that they would uproot Obamacare and open up our healthcare to real transparency.
After eight years whining about the need to regain government control to implement their plan we found out that they had no plan! Even worse, they weren’t in agreement to abolish Obama’s attempt to federalize a sixth of our economy.
Republican ‘leadership’ will again be the achilles heel of the conservative movement. How many times must we make excuses for the weakness of McConnell, McCarthy, Graham, etc. in the fight for our nation’s future.
Rememer the tea party? They ignited conservative voters to give control of the house and senate to Republicans for the purpose of cutting spending and balancing the budget. At the time our federal debt was in the neighborhood of $13T today, more than $30T.
We need strong, diciplined, conservative leaders and they are in short supply. Instead of negotiating another compromise they need to make a compelling argument for their conservative proposal and explain to voters why this law will be in their best interest. Then pass it. Instead of legislating with executive orders that get flushed as soon as the opposition party is sworn into office

Amen! Well said.
It would be a wonderful change if a conservative Republican majority would step up and wield that power to reverse the current trajectory, undo the damage of the Biden joke of an administration, and stop compromising in a go-along-to-get-along mindset! Just once? Oh PLEASE!!

Inspiring video,…and part of the reason I’m a sustaining member also.
I don’t agree with everything you and your colleagues say, but 80% is pretty good.
As a libertarian who is finding out that the world may not be quite ready for peaceful non-aggressive approaches, Zo Rachel’s faith-based perspectives are a worthy addition.
My understanding of many of the founding fathers is that a few of them were deists and that all of us are agnostics….because we really can never know the nature of god.
Still, I find it odd that libertarian thinkers a few pay grades higher on the intelligence scale than me have moved towards Christianity as they evolved.

Look at how the globalist fascists assumed in 2017 that we must follow their Agenda 2030 passed by unelected leaders at the United Nations. HOW DARE WE OBJECT TO THEIR FASCISM!!! Also THOROUGHLY ENJOYING WATCHING THEIR DEMISE, THOUGH THIS IS FAR FROM OVER!!!!!
We live in a world where mistrust reigns. From the voters demonstrating their disdain for “political elites”, to the people using their power to undermine the international community, the past year has provided ample proof of this. Some states are now consistently undermining global solutions to global problems. The very institutions set up to foster international cohesion are facing unprecedented resistance.
It’s a far cry from the hope we all felt in 2015, the year when world leaders agreed on two landmark accords for safeguarding the future of our planet and its people: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Change accord, Both documents were built on world agreement, solid science and the conviction that the status quo was neither acceptable nor sustainable.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are breathtaking in their ambition, detailed in their targets and unrivalled in their scope. The COP21 climate change accord was rightly hailed as a breakthrough moment in planet-wide cooperation. It looked and felt like the dawning of a new era.”

Why world mistrust must not threaten the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

I guess the three down votes are from the globalist fascists who don’t like being exposed. ;’)

November will be so sweet. The howling of the left and gnashing of teeth will be glorious. They will pay for the destruction they have wrought.

The left won’t pay for anything unless we cut off the head of the snake which currently installs leaders around the world by fixing elections electronically. They’ll just keep bankrupting our country through b.s. initiatives like the need to solve “climate change.” The roots go way deeper than anyone here seems to think or imagine.

If possible I would give this two thumbs up, but as it is, when you click it twice it turns it off. Go, go, go Bill.

Since Bill briefly discusses the CCP’s lockdown of Shanghai, it might be interesting to listen to the following Epoch Times interview that reveals some of the hope to which Bill alluded:
Sen Nieh: Inside China’s Draconian Lockdowns and Tuidang, the Underground Movement That’s Disintegrating China’s Communist Party From Within

If we are to take our country and our world back for good, we MUST:
a) prove that our establishment politicians are globalist fascists by connecting them to the World Economic Forum through which everything is being coordinated using equity (systemic racism, trans, income inequality even between countries), the “climate crisis” solution of zero carbon emissions and zero COVID as their three unsolvable levers of power while they centralize administrative control. I think the best way to connect them might be to show 1) the extreme correlation and coordination worldwide between United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ( and the agenda—goals listed at the bottom of this post; more details on their website—being decided by unelected globalists and pushed onto us all over the world without any science or logic behind it and 2) the infiltration of communism into our institutions.

b) prove that the election was stolen through voting machine manipulation (already done in Colorado and Arizona and Georgia and maybe Wisconsin by Gabelman). Patrick Byrne and his team also have proof from Dallas in 2018. Zuckerbucks and Hunter’s laptop are fine, but it is CRITICAL that we don’t allow the establishment to blame these and only these. If they haven’t installed one of their WEF global leader graduates or allies through a rigged election, they’ve had the rigged election winner appoint them. Pete Buttigieg is WEF graduate and Chrystia Freeland (Trudeau’s finance minister) is on their board of trustees. Or look at any radical appointed by Biden for that matter.including the woman he suggested for Comptroller of the Currency who trained in Russia or Bernie Sanders.

My stomach turns every time I hear another spineless Republican candidate who refuses to speak up against the stolen election. “Here we go again,”:is all I hear in my head. More Republicans who will do absolutely nothing once elected. The candidates who say they don’t want to tick off Mitch McConnell for fear of being shoved to the side once they get to Washington generate the same sour taste in my mouth.

c) drain the Swamp (obviously) from the deep state and military brass all the way down to the congressional staffers which are impossible to fire now as they are government union employees. As Bill mentioned during one of the early MB2A videos, we need the ability to fire and replace any staffer who is assigned to an MB2A candidate elected to office yet proves themselves uncooperative or resistant to change.
d) disprove the premises behind the globalists’ levers of power and make sure everyone knows that they are LYING. There is no “climate crisis” necessitating all electric vehicles connected to a grid and stripping us of our independence using global warming and thus the need for zero carbon emissions as justification. “Equity” is redistribution of wealth and power a.k.a. communism with critical theory (race and gender) at its core. Lastly, zero COVID was never attainable and, going forward, regarding pandemic control, we need to to do three things.
First, publish and circulate all of the actual data on masks and lockdowns so that we can point to it next time the virtue-signaling idiots say dumbass crap like, “wear a mask to protect others.” Otherwise, we’ll end up back in the same boat with these mandates the next time they try to use some shamdemic. It will provide a valuable tool going forward to sit the children down and shut them up going forward while we all work on actual scientific solutions.
Second, limit the government’s ability to declare anything and everything and emergency as well as their ability to self-extend. They already did the second part in Pennsylvania. Can’t remember the time period off the top of my head, but the governor now must gain the approval of the legislature to extend an emergency.
Third, make China pay to the extent possible for their involvement and bring Fauci and his associates to justice.

e) recall Soros-appointed DA’s like Gascon in Los Angeles and somehow restrict the influence of money (foreign or domestic; Zuckerberg could have done the same thing) in certain if not all campaigns for DA’s and perhaps all of our elected representatives.

f) demolish their control through the central banks by switching to cryptocurrency as our primary means of exchange;

g) demolish their control of the production of goods and services by establishing companies like Jeremy’s Razors all the way up to competitors for VISA and Mastercard, and;

h) continue to eliminate the control of Big Tech by supporting alternative platforms like Rumble or, as Elon Musk is proposing, pooling our resources and buying Twitter, Facebook and/or YouTube. I would have loved to see Americans buy Twitter stock and give a leader like Elon Musk their proxy vote.

i) limit the executive branch’s ability to involve us in foreign conflicts without an actual declaration of war.

All that comes to mind at the moment, but it’s a good start.


From the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
  • Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
  • Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
  • Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
  • Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
  • Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
  • Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

* Acknowledging that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.

Thank You! I had begun to feel optimistic when Elon kicked in, and Disney went woke, and now I have affirmation from someone whose instincts and attitudes never fail to inspire me! You’re a RockStar, Bill Whittle!

This is the real question. 39% still think that the venal houseplant (as per A. Klavan) Biden is acceptable as a president. What the heck does he have to do to get them off his support? He is so bad as to be comical, like “Idiocracy”, but way, way worse. And the left’s platform is transparently stupid, shows no sign of doing anything but alienating 50% of the country, and has no basis in reality. Just shows you how much power the media and the elites wield.

39% is awfully close to one third and I don’t think that number (39%) has bottomed out yet. It’s been dropping like a rock and will continue to do so.

There’s also likely to be a big switch in numbers after this fall’s election which when people see the difference putting the brakes on this administration makes will send that number even lower.

Even then, the Biden Potato Soup will try to claim credit for any improvement but that ship has sailed. I think the Biden Unelected Committee for Presidential Control and Forced Wokism … Has scared the living crap out of middle America.

They can empty your bank account without you even voting for a tax. Printing money to support their wokinista ideology causes runaway inflation and they can do that without a vote. That’s scary and there’s more, much more. I’m just using hyperinflation as an example.

There’s always going to be a third or so of the population that lives in La La Land politically. Remember the old joke about if you think you’re of average intelligence look at the guy to your left and the guy to your right — Odds are one of ’em is dumber than you.

So if we hit +/-60% that’s about the best we can realistically hope for and we’re there now. An ideal number would be 66.6% of the voting public. That’s two thirds on our side and one third on theirs to scream about us.

In the Senate control graph, notice that the dems start their downward slide BELOW the reps right at August – concurrent with the Afghanistan debacle.

There is not only “a light the end of the tunnel”…it is a very bright light! I cannot name one thing BDJ (brain-dead Joe) has done for the good of America. It will take a long time to correct his mistakes, but it WILL happen! Every issue needs to be discussed! And, we will again show “peace through strength” as that is much needed in today’s world! Restoring our energy independence would be a good place to start! Thanks for your optimism and integrity, Bill!

Thank you so much for your participation and enthusiasm. We need as many passionate Americans like you as we can get, and I also believe the silent majority is rising to face these fascists. This is a great start, but we have a long way to go. First and foremost, we must all realize and promote the fact that these are globalist fascists coordinating through the World Economic Forum and remotely manipulating voting machines including ours in 2020. Exiting Afghanistan the way they did, Biden and his fascist pals gifted China, who already controls most of the rare earth minerals required to make the batteries required for their all-electric future, even more control…

If you’re still scratching your head wondering why they’re so persistent with equity (including trans and teaching kindergarteners about gender fluidity), the fake climate crisis and the phony push for control through COVID zero (reluctance to give up mask mandates being a perfect example), take a peek at the goals listed in the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development passed in 2015 by unelected global leaders ( Equity, climate change, pandemic…all right there and listed at the bottom of this post. The website goes into more detail.

Chinese Communist Party President Xi Jinping was the keynote speaker at the January, 2022 meeting of the WEF in Davos.

President Xi’s speech to Davos in full

Why world mistrust must not threaten the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

We live in a world where mistrust reigns. From the voters demonstrating their disdain for “political elites”, to the people using their power to undermine the international community, the past year has provided ample proof of this. Some states are now consistently undermining global solutions to global problems. The very institutions set up to foster international cohesion are facing unprecedented resistance.
It’s a far cry from the hope we all felt in 2015, the year when world leaders agreed on two landmark accords for safeguarding the future of our planet and its people: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Change accord, Both documents were built on world agreement, solid science and the conviction that the status quo was neither acceptable nor sustainable.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are breathtaking in their ambition, detailed in their targets and unrivalled in their scope. The COP21 climate change accord was rightly hailed as a breakthrough moment in planet-wide cooperation. It looked and felt like the dawning of a new era.”


Fun fact: Earth Day was started by Gus Hall, leader of the Communist Party in the United States, and April 22nd is Vladimir Lenin’s birthday.

These are globalist fascists. Spread the word. If you want more info on the stolen election, I highly recommend Mike Lindell’s Absolute Proof series on Patrick Byrne’s channel on Rumble is also helpful as is Bannon’s War Room…I’d start with his interviews of Tina Peters from Colorado.

From the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
  • Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
  • Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
  • Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
  • Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
  • Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
  • Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

* Acknowledging that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.

All right. I thought these MB2A episodes were shown at the Twitch Stratosphere Lounge site during recording.-

But I’ve been there several Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 0800 to 0930, Pacific, and never seen anything. Am I going to the wrong place? Am I going at the wrong time?

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