BW Member Blog

So, Gender is Science…

Labs in Israel are finding success controlling the DNA process of gender determination.  From what I gathered, they have accurately produced litters limited to females only so far.

“In this test all the males were spontaneously aborted.” 

Question #1:  In our current culture of hating white males, what could possibly go wrong?

Question #2:  If we’re influencing and controlling gender production, aren’t we thereby confirming that gender is then one of two choices?

gasp! >

“It’s science stupid!”  (and psychology, and emotional capacity, and perspective, and…)

Israeli Research LINK

4 replies on “So, Gender is Science…”

To Question 1, we can already abort white males, it is only the last vestige of finding it wrong that holds some back, but not all.

Question 2 is moot in the realm of “I am what I feel I am”. XX, XY, which external organs you have or had, the concept that someone with 18 years of testosterone boosting growth of muscle and bone not having any effect on the track times or weight lifting records being denied already show everything is subservient to the cause. All truth must be abolished and reality becomes what the enlightened tell the masses. Oceania was always at war with East Asia.

Good question, but also important to note: “gender” is a grammatical construct, not a biological one. It was only ever meant to apply to verbiage, not biology.

Thank you, David. One may employ a gender-neutral pronoun if one must, but one may not employ one’s gender organs for procreation.

I see it the other way around… while gender is a physical reality, sex tends to be a matter of choice or from a certain perspective, a matter of… er, perspective.

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