From the Vault MB2A


Bill Whittle explains why socialism HAS TO select downward to run the race of life at the pace of the slowest runner on the field.

In the second installment of the ‘From the Vault’ series, Bill Whittle explains why socialism HAS TO select downward to run the race of life at the pace of the slowest runner on the field.

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7 replies on “Socialism”

The points BW makes are true but any analysis of socialism should include the fact that socialism is slavery. Yes, the socialists don’t demand that they own you outright. People would reject that. Instead they own the results of your life, your work, your effort, all of which is forfeit to socialist slavery at the whim of some hunk of bureaucratic scum. Instead of slavery based on race, socialism is slavery based on hard work, ability, success, and it should be condemned just as that based on race.

You can find that level of thinking in a union shop. Don’t overperform or the shop steward will be having a talk with you about making the others look “bad”.

Proud to say my grandfather started at the end of the field so that my dad could start at the 20 yard line. I started at the 40-yard line and I worked like Heck so that my sons could start a the 60. I’m proud that my sons got a leg up, we worked like maniacs to make this happen.

Unfortunately, I feel like my daughter is now starting at the back of the end zone, -10 yards, at least.
She is white, heterosexual, has still married parents, and wants to work.
I guess I should have signed her up and embraced my wife’s families’ Cherokee heritage for the ability for her to check the Native American box on forms.
She is at least 1/256 Cherokee. I think we need to go back 4 or 5 generations.

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