BW Member Blog

Stolen Valor @ Fort Salem

The television program Motherland:

Fort Salem is another show in the continuing on slot from American Pop Culture to mainstream “alternate lifestyle” sexual orientation and Feminism into American culture. I personally, having served 20 years in the United States military (Navy), take offense to the premise and the production values presented in this show.


The U.S. Military is comprised of witches that are freed from persecution by the “Salem Agreement”.

Apparently the agreement allows America’s witch daughters to provide combat magic services in defense of America, in exchange for freedom from “persecution” due to their deviant behaviors. I think this is actually mandatory conscription (indentured servitude), because how can the “agreement” apply to someone that refuses to serve. One must assume that the Bill of Rights under the Constitution does not exist in this dystopian America.


Production Values:

The stars on the American Flag are represented as Pentagrams which are associated with the occult or pagan practices, therefore a symbol of evil. Numerous episodes I have seen feature scenes alluding to orgies, threesomes, and lesbian sexual encounters, and therefore the American military live their lives between their legs and are deviant sexual degenerates. Most episodes I have seen feature insubordination of the recruits toward their noncommissioned officers, and a laxidasical attitude toward their training. Therefore, the American military is an undisciplined and ineffective fighting force.

I now bring up my personal beef with this production, and that is its display of Stolen Valor. The (fake) service dress uniforms (costumes) of characters in this show (American Army Officer Witches) are adorned with actual United States Military Medals, and those medals are displayed without regard to their required order of precedence under uniform regulations. The Stolen Valor Act of 2005 specifically prohibits the wearing of a Distinguished Service Cross that can be seen in just this one
screen shot from the show.

What you see in the screen shot left to right are: Navy Achievement (I have 2), National Defense (I have 2), Navy Commendation, Distinguished Service Cross, and below is Navy Good Conduct (I have 5).

Public Law No: 109-437 (12/20/2006)

Stolen Valor Act of 2005 (excerpt)-

Prohibits falsely representing oneself as having been awarded any decoration or medal authorized by Congress for the Armed Forces or any of the service medals or badges.

Increases penalties for violations if the offense involves a distinguished
service cross, an Air Force Cross, a Navy Cross, a silver star, or a Purple

3 replies on “Stolen Valor @ Fort Salem”

This is the cringiest plot I think I have ever read. It reads like someone stole a bad anime plot but also wanted to inject their SJW nonsense into it.

Like Bill says; I’m a vulcanologist, so I’m keeping my eye on it.

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