If socialism/communist takes hold in the US, (That hurt just to type!), the richest 1% among us will no doubt loose everything they hold dear. Their money, property, good names?, among others that I can’t think of right now. Wealth redistribution will take their money. Providing homes for the homeless will take the property, ect. ect. Maybe those who fancy themselves above all that should go to Netflix and watch Dr. Zhivago. Though this film is centered around the love story of the title character, what happens to the good Dr. and his family when the policies of the government change is lost to the back story. Movie stars and sports figures with multi million dollars incomes for working at what, to the rest of us looks like play, will sing a different tune if the worst comes to pass. Just a side note: That will not happen as long as I have ammo. I served six years in the military of this great country during the 60’s, and will do everything that I’m capable of doing to retain this land as a free country, and there are many like thinkers still.
5 replies on “The 1%’ers have forgotten history.”
I too am a veteran and feel the same way. In the 1990s I was on temporary duty in DC, making extra money and began my “Case a Month” purchasing plan. Ammo, not beer Steve. I already had several firearms (later tragically lost in a boating accident) so I thought the best course was to buy ammo every month. I kept it up for years. Best move I ever made. Ammo goes up in value faster than precious metals.
For those with the large houses and non-portable treasures, the Future of the New Man has no place for them. When all of their vaunted wealth is so many shares of stock, mere marks on paper, hold no use to the barbarians and pillagers, they will be but paupers if they are lucky.
The pro athletes might have the best luck as long as they are not too old and are still in prime fit and conditioning. Might makes right doesn’t always favor the strongest now that Sam Colt has made us all equal. At least they will have the most in liquid cash to buy friends and snap up whatever leftover weapons are available. The thug life some of them appear to live might help with connections to people willing to actually kill for what they want, and their isolated-ish mansions might prove to be useful locations to forify. They will at least have enough room for all of their bought friends. At least until they starve.
Yes, our technocrat robber barons really should look at who was executed before King Louie and who was done after. If they think Les Mis was an accurate depiction, they’ll find out that stories are just that, told for entertainment. In the real world, things do not turn out like Hollywood and have the bad guy captured in 55 minutes. (or 47 or however long those things last).
I couldn’t figure out how to add to my comment that it is very likely that it will be people like you who are called upon to fight for what’s right.
The 1% always believe that they are special and will be exempt from the fallout, and they have good reason to think that. So far, that has been the case. They climb on board the progressive bandwagon in order to protect that special immunity (they think). And, don’t kid yourself, we are already a socialist state. I just don’t want it to get worse.
They should listen to Bill’s podcast of the Cold War. Especially those focusing on Stalin and what happened to all the inner circle.