Right Angle

The Bodycam Revolution

How many riots have police-worn cameras prevented already?

After the George Floyd debacle, Police bodycams are becoming ubiquitous — and it can’t happen soon enough, because without them there is no doubt that some new outrage would have been concocted during the last three and a half years. Had police been wearing one in the Floyd incident, the proof that he couldn’t breath before encountering the police would have been incontrovertible. But the bodycams do more than record the actions of suspects: they provide a profound insight into the astonishing patience, professionalism and courtesy of the police in the face of unimaginable slurs, insults and false accusations.

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14 replies on “The Bodycam Revolution”

I just finished reading all the comments, one of my favorite things to do after watching. I’m grateful for the opportunity Bill gave to any who might have missed his Afterburner on Trayvon Martin. It was a superior piece, and very well worth the time to look it up and watch it. It’s the one that made me a true believer in Bill Whittle’s view of things, so go find it!

Here’s the obligatory mention for Chris Rock’s PSA “How not get your a** beat by the police”

Video certainly has a tendency to make everyone more honest. I don’t remember the specifics but I do recall a few times over the last couple years of events that seemed like a blow up, but as soon as the video came out the situation deflated. A few times video by friends of the instigator came out first to gin up the emotions but when the bodycam footage came out from the cops the next day the problem hit the memory hole really fast.

I was MP in the AF. and how many times do the cops shut OFF their body cams because they were told to by the chief. If cops are so offended by verbal “abuse” they should NOT carry a gun.
NOT better policing but ACCOUNTABILITY for the cops. The CONSTITUTION/Bill of Rights is being completely ignored by the cops. The CCW instant VIOLATES the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments so it is the COP that IS the criminal.
The 6th A REQUIRES the “law” to produce a victim, ALL victimless “crimes” LACK jurisdiction and have NO force of law.
“traffic” stops violate the 1st, 4th and 5th Amendments which makes the COPS criminals. Bill YOU mention to pass a NEW amendment over turning the 2nd but NO Amendment has over turned the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, and 10th which means the COPS ARE the CRIMINALS. Stop your bootlicking

If you think Bill Whittle is a bootlicker then you’re probably in the wrong place. Or else you just weren’t listening for some odd reason. Just sayin’.

Aside from that, slow down and take a deep breath. Most of what you said was so poorly formulated and stated that I can’t understand what your meaning is.

For instance, police absolutely do have the Constitutional authority to make traffic stops for violations of traffic laws. In fact, they don’t even need probable cause for a temporary detention, which is what a traffic stop is. The Supreme Court has ruled that probable cause is a “fluid concept” and that it cannot be confined to a “neat set of legal rules”.

I kinda doubt that you know more about the law having served as an MP than the Supreme Court does. Also military law and civil law are two completely different things. For instance, you do not have a right to a see a warrant to have your barracks room searched. Which as an MP you ought to know damn well. Being an MP once upon a time does not make your legal opinions the equivalent to a SCOTUS majority.

The U.S. Constitution does not forbid temporary detention. All that’s needed to justify a temporary detention is “reasonable suspicion”. Rudy Giuliani’s “stop and frisk” was a legal policy. Detaining George Floyd was justified both by probable cause (a crime was reported) and reasonable suspicion (the officers had a reason to suspect Floyd was doing something illegal).

The idea that people can just drive however they want to and break any traffic laws they feel like because magically somehow the Constitution forbids traffic stops via the 1st, 4th and 5th Amendments is simply absurd.

If that’s what you’re saying, and because you said it so badly I’m not sure exactly what you’re saying, then that’s just plain dumb.

As part of my education when applying for a concealed carry permit, I trained with an NRA instructor who had previously been a Sheriff’s Deputy. When responding to the question, “Why didn’t you stay a Deputy Sheriff?” the man answered about a time he had to respond to some protest. The criticism / physical abuse he received during that “protest” made him realize that if he were to continue in that profession, he might have to shoot someone. He’d rather quit and do something else than hurt people.

Similarly, one of my local police agencies occasionally will hold a “Citizen Police Academy”, a single night per week for 10 weeks. They cover all the various aspects of the policing, including driving a squad car & shooting various weapons at their range. The part that made the biggest impression was the “ride along”.

My ride along started with answering a call for help, where a teenager was being violent to their mother and grandmother. The psychology part of policing is something most don’t think about & apparently occupies a significant part of their activities. Hence, MUCH respect.

It’s all fine and dandy until the cop turns the mic off to hide evidence of bad behavior. Consider the following example:
It’s unfortunate that only administrative leave was applied. Perhaps a more fitting punishment for bad behavior will be forthcoming.
It’s very sad to see a few ruin the reputations of many and make the job much more difficult.

You guys covered the gamut of what I would have said myself. Cops are people too and the bodycams protect them as well as catch them when they do something they know they really should not.

I’m a law and order guy on principle. The problem is we have to rely on human beings to apply the principle. I’ve known quite a few LEOs and the vast majority of them are pretty decent human beings. I’ve known a few that should never have been given a badge and a gun.

The problem, obviously, is those few.

It’s those few that taint the whole profession. It’s those few who give the enemies of an orderly, just society the ammunition they need to condemn the the system that provides us with that kind of society. It’s those few who give just enough credibility to the attacks and lies of those who would destroy our peace and security traction.

As Conservatives it’s those few who are every bit our enemy that ANTIFA and BLM are. Those who abuse the power and authority we give them commit a heinous breach of public trust. They are not on our side. They’re on their own side and they abet the other side more than they support ours.

We need to protect our good and faithful police officers from those types and the damage they do both to their profession and society as a whole.

This is a position I’ve held long, long before bodycams ever came along. Now we have a vital tool to accomplish that purpose in bodycams.

Obviously we are never going to reach a condition where every single LEO is the perfect epitome of public service. This is definitely a step in the right direction.

All that plus I just love it when some bonehead makes an accusation against an officer, or officers, only to be publicly humiliated by having their lies exposed and shown to the whole world.

On the flip side, the filming of their own atrocities has relegated the Palestinian terrorists to nothing but condemnation. Looters filming their stealing sprees reveal their complete lack of respect for the law.
Our preachers and faith community in general should use these videos to start discussions about morality, respect, and societal breakdown.

Some may see the pervasiveness of cameras in modern society as a bad thing. I don’t think so, I think it’s making the world more honest. This is one case where “if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about” is actually true.

That doesn’t stop liars from lying and it doesn’t stop those who willfully believe those lies from believing and spreading them. What it does accomplish is to clearly expose the liars for what they are. Which only helps if you care about the truth. Which also exposes those who lie and spread lies as moral deficients.

The Left lies a lot. Their useful idiots choose to believe their lies. The Left tries to use shaming as a tool to motivate people to give them power. Cameras are a great tool to turn that shaming back on them with great effect. This will not stop the Left from lying because the Left knows there are people out there who want to and will believe their lies despite all evidence to the contrary. Those people will not be swayed by truth and the proof of that is that they have not been.

That said, the capture of video evidence is a powerful persuader for everyone else and it nullifies the persuasiveness of the lies of the Left. We can’t do anything about people who want to believe lies. What we can do is keep the lies from spreading to those people who want to know the truth.

The shockingly large number of “people out there who want to believe lies” makes it hard to believe anyone can make a difference. Supporting this site and Daily Wire is how I try.

Well Doc, if you want to have hope you have to look for hopeful things. It’s pretty dang easy to give in to despair and I think that’s the normal, natural course of human mentality. The Enemy, no matter what form he takes, really wants you to give up and throw in the towel. The most effective way to do that is to convince you that you’re already defeated.

There are signs of hope.

CNN is still broadcasting it’s lies but it’s down to around 10% of it’s peak audience. That’s a LOT fewer people consuming their lies and a very significant sign of hope. Very likely the only thing keeping CNN going right now is that they’re mandatory play for airports, or so it seems. I haven’t’ been in an airport in many years so I’m going by what I’m told not by what I’ve seen myself.

Critical Drinker just today released a video about the new South Park special called “Joining the Panderverse” wherein he pointed out that this is very likely a breakthrough moment regarding the wokenista cult’s dying impact on culture. He didn’t use those words, I’m paraphrasing. You might not think South Park is influential, I’ve been watching it for decades and I’m not alone in the 15 – 95 y/o demographic in that. It’s a very popular show with a lot of reach.

Disney has decided to delay the release of Not Quite Snow White, again my paraphrase, because of several reasons. One is because their lead actress that plays Snow White blasted her own movie all to hell before it was even released. By saying incredibly stupid things about the movie she’s gutted interest in it. Another reason is the efforts of all of us out here and the platforms we patronize getting the word out about this butchery of a classic, wholesome story. Daily Wire in particular had much to do with that.

I could go on, and as you know I usually do, but I think you get the idea. There’s reason for genuine hope, you have to look for it.

You also have to be a bit wary about Conservative platforms too. Our side tends to paint a much darker picture than what really exists. Don’t let that get to you. I mentioned The Daily Wire above. The other day I was watching Michael Knowles show and referring to the issues in the Middle East he used the phrase “World War Three” at least a dozen times in the segment. That’s bullshit. He’s looking for clicks and outrage and fear, not accurately representing the real world situation.

WWIII has been, is and will always be a possibility. The rub comes where probabilities are calculated. Making a big deal out of WWIII when it’s not likely and there’s no real indications that it is coming is not honest. Again, this is simply one of many examples.

So look for hope, there are reasons to embrace it. Be careful about preachers of gloom and doom no matter what side they’re on.

Just because someone claims to be a Conservative doesn’t mean he doesn’t have his own agenda too. Both things are true. That’s what I like about being here on this site. We get three different points of view and that and the veracity of our hosts makes this one of the more productive places for a Conservative to hang out.

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