The Stratosphere Lounge

The CoronaSphere Lounge Episode 026: What the Hell is Going On?

Kern County, California Urgent Care centers are closing because THEIR EMERGENCY ROOM ARE EMPTY. Similar stories are being reported around the country. What gives?

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12 replies on “The CoronaSphere Lounge Episode 026: What the Hell is Going On?”

We need to promote a new campaign slogan … not Make America Great Again, but Make America America Again, because THIS is not America right now …

In this episode, Bill asks, “if we have over capacity of medical workers in areas, we should be sending them to areas where they are needed.”

It appears that medical workers have gone to New York to help with salaries paid for by FEMA and put up in hotels paid for by FEMA. This youTube post recounts one such nurse practitioner’s witness of what she saw.

I know that this is a second hand anecdotal story, but it gives more evidence to what Dr Erickson said in his press briefing, “There is something else going on here!”

The excuse for the country wide lockdown was stated to be “flatten the curve”. The truth is the curve did not go high enough to need flattening in most places in the US. This exposes the truth behind the story, the covert goal was to needlessly cripple the economy of the US so the democrats could make a claim they could have done better. They could not have done better, have never done better, and won’t do better.

Increase taxes, increase regulations, increase governmental intrusion into every aspect of the economy is the Democratic Platform. It always has been, it now is, and so it will be in the future. This will do nothing but stop anything and everything from happening except despair, destruction, poverty, and death.

Heavy handed top down coercive power and control never works in the long run. That is unless your goal is to destroy the thing controlled. We have hundreds of thousands of years of such top down power and control governments we should know this in our bones. But we don’t. We meekly obey our so called leaders when we should rise up and tell the thuggish politicians to go to HELL and make sure they do!

Well..the ERs aren’t dealing with accidents, for one thing…as far as putting off elective surgery, those were basically put off by the governors of the states to make room for COVID-19 patients, based on the numbers of projected COVID patients….the governors should have modified their hospital dictates as soon as it was clear, by state, what the numbers were going to look like….but, “one size fits all”….that is how the governors have been acting…but it doesn’t….

My wife and I are fortunate in that we are able, with some inconveniences, to work from home. However, I have said from the outset that this reaction was overblown and unnecessary. In this situation, I hate to be proven correct, because much unneeded societal damage has been and continues to be done.

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