BW Member Blog

The Greatest Campaign Promise Ever Sold

Good old sleepy/creepy gropin’ Joe has made quite possible the greatest campaign promise in history short of granting people immortality or establishing colonies on other planets.

Please enjoy this clip and I hope you find it as humorous and amazing as I did!

5 replies on “The Greatest Campaign Promise Ever Sold”

I’ve noticed today that I’m not the only one who has had an issue when making an original post in the blog section and been unable to go back and edit/fix it. Is there any way to edit a post (not a comment) or even delete the original post so that it can be reposted?

Hey user!

At the top of the homepage, scroll over “Blog” and you will see two subheadings…Recent Comments and user=136056’s Content. Click on your content, and you will get to a page with your profile pic and 5 categories.

At the far right is the “Add post” category where you can add Blog posts. Right next to that is “My posts” where you can see, and are given the opportunity to edit or delete blog posts.

Check it out. If you need more help, check back in, and we’ll get ya to where ya need to be.

Some members, like me, are having trouble embedding posts to their blogs. Scott is working on it, but hasn’t figured it out yet,

Meanwhile, if you want to embed a video, submit a Bug ticket, explaining the issue, and Scott will be more than happy to embed it for you.

Thank you very much for both of the replies! My first day on the blog and it’s been forever since I used the format. 😅

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