
The Mueller Investigation: Mission Accomplished

Host Bill Whittle shows how the Mueller probe did EXACTLY what it was designed to do, and goes on to show how this is the third divisive, premeditated lie perpetrated on the American people in the last calendar year.

Host Bill Whittle shows how the Mueller probe did EXACTLY what it was designed to do, and goes on to show how this is the third divisive, premeditated lie perpetrated on the American people in the last calendar year.

7 replies on “The Mueller Investigation: Mission Accomplished”

On top of everything else guys & gals, might we consider this?
Money laundering; $25 million taken from the National Treasury, stolen from the American taxpayer on false pretense.

With the entire composition of the Mueller investigation team having been reported as reliable DNC contributors, how much of that 25 Mil do you suppose will end up back at the DNC as “legitimate contributions”?

I did that manually, Burt. For some reason the site admin has to confirm name updates. It’s on my list of bugs to squash. In the mean time, if I see something, I do something.

This was excellent, so much wrapped up in a nutshell. I was just getting ready to share it to FB when you dropped the GD bomb. So unnecessary Bill. You got the “common sense” part down. But that ruins the “decency” part. So disappointed.

Working on that. Trying to find the best solution that doesn’t increase the load on the server too much.

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