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The Plan and Platform of The Left

“A campaign is a series of adjustments made to what you thought was your plan. A platform is an engineered structure that had better be adjusted long before your campaign.”

So spoke my State and Local Politics professor ages ago. I read it again last year and scratched my head. 

Isn’t your platform your campaign plan? I thought. What the heck does that mean?

Whatever he meant by it had vanished over the last twenty-five years. Yet, it replayed in my brain like a catchy tune. I would say it aloud for a few days afterward. The scribbled notes that bore this odd little phrase do not link together well in the aged, beer splotched notebook. Apparently beer was cheaper than ink in the 90’s.

Eventually that thought laid itself down for a nap that lasted about a year. Looking for some information the other day I saw the opened notebook again. There it was.

I thought about how much paperwork we had fill out to “run for office” in our assignments. Memories of staying up late with cheap beer and cheaper frozen burritos, accomplishing the work that helped me abandon all of those lofty goals of public office that I absolutely never had in the first place.

Then I thought about the words “plan” and “platform”.

The Democrat plan is an interesting thing to behold. They long ago left the flat footed pikers that wait until election year to push the message they want heard. The Dems use the internet as a catch all, incorporating search engines, social media sites, entertainment sites, information sites, fund raising pages, indoctrination…*ahem*…educational sites, even the old chatroom idea still feeds their masses. These are only a few of the methods they use to weaponize the internet.

 Then there is radio! “Hold on!” You might say. “Rush, Hannity, Levin, Stein, Herman all own the airwaves on behalf of Conservatives.” Well, they own talk radio, I’m sure. But the younger generation listens to anti-American, anti-Christian, pro-abortion, pro-division music on a continual basis. That heavy bass and the screaming guitar just sound cooler to kids than the “old white guys” on the AM dial.

What about television? Have you seen any stellar pro-family, pro-Second Amendment, pro-First Amendment programs on the old zombie box lately? Yeah, I didn’t think so. While you watch these programs, note the subtle cues:

  •  Mocking the founders of our country as thieving, bloodletting, hate-mongers
  • Portraying Christians as weak-minded, naive, semi-literate bumpkins with no practical knowledge of the world.
  • Redefining the Republican Party and its members as salivating wolves at the door of any available orphanages or retirement homes.
  • Masking the left as a benevolent, cool, classy, reasonable, level headed group of secular angels, out to make the world a better place for us all.
It also helps to recall that your viewership assists in keeping those dollars rolling into the well oiled democrat machine.
Oh, and the movies! What a great way to spend a few dollars in this day and age! One does just as well to hire a third year radical feminist college student to throw fireworks and chant “Che Guevara 2020!” for an hour and a half. If Hollywood leaned any harder they would suffer a bad case of cauliflower ear. I cannot recall a movie in the last three or four years that excited my interest without subsequently dashing it upon the hard floor of bitter progressivism.
My point here is that this is not an accident. It is a plan. It has been in our lives for decades…But it was a plan. The overt platform changed but the plan stayed the same. The exact opposite of the way that a Republican, former FBI, former Sheriff, then professor taught my classmates and I. 
Why on earth should that work for the Democrats? Well, a platform has to have some guiding principle. It requires the firm planks of moral-ethical standards to make it structurally (intellectually) sound. The Democrats flatly reject the idea of limiting themselves to some moral-ethical  range of decorum. The very thought of it insults their collective sense of blind ambition. If, for instance, they must tread the corpse of “innocent until proven guilty” under, it serves the opportunity to show political rivals who wears the hobnail shoes in this former republic. If they must spy on a sitting President, all the better to let the peasants know that Big Brother sees all and knows all. For dems, there is no rule but the rule they will wield over all.
If there is no platform of moral-ethical standards, no rules which constrain, standards which guide them, then they are all too close to lawless in their own estimation, aren’t they? They have a plan but no moral limitations with which to wrestle. Since they have people in key places within the government (think FBI, CIA, EPA, etc.), and because there are no rules for those that buy into the leftist ideology, the end is predictable. They seize any opportunity to cheat, steal, or harass the Right. Does that always require a written plan? Does it require a detailed plan of action? Turns out, it does not. All that it requires is not having the moral compunctions to give these well placed saboteurs a moments reflection. These absent compunctions might be reinstated with a firm and heartfelt platform. This assumes that these bad actors would listen to such a platform. They are diehard leftist. Still, in order to have Get Out Of Jail Free cards for those caught with their hands in the cookie jar, you need power and money. I mean a lot of power and money. 
Before the thought occurred in full, I thought of it as a football game. No one has to tell you to stand and cheer on your team. No one has to instruct you on particular moments to rise and hoorah. Your team seems to be gaining ground, so you break out the pom-poms and wake the neighbors.
In the same way, you simply go with the zeitgeist…Unless, a Chinese communist government is paying for your movies…and television…and sports. Then you go with what they tell you to do. Did I mention that the Democrat party is entangled with all of these Chinese influenced/controlled entities? I did? Oh. Then, of course I probably do not have to remind anyone that China is not pro-America, pro-Constitution, pro-Christian, etc, etc.
So, the Dems use Chinese led studios to further their agenda. They spur on America bashing, flag kneelers in the American sports arena. They attack the companies that dare sponsor unhelpful…I mean…Politically incorrect content. They blur lines between peaceful demonstrations and riots. They decry lawful arrests and ignore the murder of an upstanding, honorable retired police officer. All of this without a cooperative plan? All of this without the networks getting a delegated message du jour? Hmmm…That is interesting.
About that “Plan”, well, that was always to move this nation to a centrally controlled, less free, less wealthy, less powerful nation. Now, it is just a plan that is more realized than dreamed. Gone are the days when sweater-vest wearing, tortoise shell bespectacled, cat urine wafting, lonely and bitter fem-fascist professors daydreamed about the ascension of identity politics. They are already putting the cultural/monetary guillotine to those that do not sound “revolutionary enough”. A few more years and every new born male will be given the name RobesPierre or Mao…And damned well like…Or else. You ladies will have to find your own rabid aspiring object of worship. Try Kamala. It’s trending in the blue states.
Create enough  revolutionary chaos with the confusion of language, culture, and law and you can drown the most buoyant republic the world has ever known in a pool of its own legislative ink. Create a question about the relevance of its morality and the death of that republic is exponentially faster.
The platform matters far less than the plan, when the plan is to de-plank the opposition by force of angry cultural norms. When the plan its to weaken the moral fiber of this nation to approximately the strength of a single ply facial tissue, you must suffer no morals to remain intact.
Now, we look at the 2 out of 3 game set before us. If Biden wins, Kamala Harris will be our new President and we are truly in danger of the plan. If the mail in scam votes do not work well enough to get Biden/Kamala in to office, they will contest the election and tear down the office of DT2 (Donald Trump 2nd Term) at every turn, according to plan. Finally, if we are prayerful and careful enough, we might get DT2 without the fanatical left pulling out the same old bag of criminal tricks.
Somehow, I just don’t think that is in the plans.









2 replies on “The Plan and Platform of The Left”

Which is why I said that we have to retake the Educational Institutions in this country. It all starts there. Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he shall not depart from it. Unfortunately it works in the wrong direction too…

How very true! The facts are only helpful if you know them to be facts. The left has painted a picture of this world so distorted that kids leave high school unable to identify truth on almost any level.

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