The Stratosphere Lounge

The Stratosphere Lounge Episode 242

Recorded LIVE before a global audience on 01/16/20.

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5 replies on “The Stratosphere Lounge Episode 242”

Mr. Whittle, I followed Jerry Pournelle’s weblog even before I found Eject-Eject-Eject, and his story on the end of the suck is a little different. I wonder if you could set me straight on it.

Jerry wrote that shortly after we left (75 maybe?) the ChiComs came into S Viet Nam with 10 divisions, got their ass kicked, and made back North with almost nothing, Then our traitorous D-led congress voted to defund the Viet Nam effort entirely. The NEXT 10 division ChiCom attack was met with “1 20 round magazine, and 1 grenade”, and thus fell S Viet Nam.

Jerry referred to this many times, usually as an example of the evil in our own government gnawing away at the center. Sounds to me like the US won the Viet Nam war, and we should’ve hung a bunch of traitors shortly thereafter.

Thanks for all you do, sir. If the Republic would survive, it will be through hard work like you & your team are doing.

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