The Stratosphere Lounge

The Stratosphere Lounge Episode 55

Recorded on 1/8/14

0:00:00 Update on TSL merchandise
0:09:00 Getting the lowest level security clearance
0:12:14 Personal productivity, goal setting, work ethic
0:28:32 Robin Hood… Hero, Villain, Why ?
0:41:48 Defining ‘authentic masculinity’ & moral courage
0:53:34 Showing the Founding Fathers the world of today
1:02:25 Robert Gates complicit by keeping quiet
1:12:07 Liberals talking about ‘diversity’ as a virtue
1:22:29 Bill’s plan if he headed the RNC
1:27:02 Your team has won, you’ve got two years, what do you fix ?
1:47:27 Do the Tiemens brothers lie awake dreaming up questions ?
1:50:18 Who is the Buckaroo Banzia of our times ?
1:57:19 Personal feelings about God & religion
1:59:43 Starfish vs Spider organizations & the ‘War on Terror’
2:17:55 Could the newest millennials turn to conservatism ?
2:24:27 Closing comments

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