If you haven’t heard of this story before allow me to explain the situation and give you the full context of this.
Peter Boghossian, James Lyndsay and a third actor all of which college professors submitted a study for peer review in order to prove that Academia is irrevocably biased towards specific ideologies, Social Justice ideologies, Cultural Marxist Ideologies etc…
The purpose was to expose a flaw within Grievance studies but what they have uncovered is an alarming truth that is beyond their original scope.
It is akin to a Tax Return investigation uncovering by total accident a string of murders.
What they had done was to get an article accepted by a convincing feminist journal which was a lengthy section of Mein Kampf with “fashionable buzzwords switched in” Mein Kampf as we all know being the manifesto of the infamous nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.
I’ll be honest though, this was not the first time Feminism was exposed in this manner, a few years ago there was an app called “Men Kampf” an app that swapped out all references of male, men, masculinity with references to jewry and female, women, femininity with references towards germany and replacing Feminism with Nazi.
It was an eye opening moment as many people could not tell the difference between Nazi Rhetoric against the jews and feminist rhetoric against men.
The question is why? This is too close of an accurate representation to be mere coincidence, even if feminists were all out female supremacists clearly they would use other rhetoric that was distinguishable from Nazi rhetoric, they would have alternative methods of criticism. Right?
So how does one explain the disturbing similarities? To the point where even feminists themselves fail to distinguish between nazi rhetoric and their own ideals?
Well it’s simple, Nazism and Feminism are ultimately the same thing with different buzzwords.
Many people don’t really understand Hitler, the idea of hitler was a crazy cartoon villain, smoking a cigar and snickering about how he would exterminate the jews and how it was so good to be white.
The truth is alot of these Manifestos, from Hitler’s manifesto to Mussolini to Anders Brevick to any Feminist puff piece have the same underlying “Alas Poor Me” Tone.
The crux of the issue is this, all of these people believe that they are oppressed by some unfalsifiable, shifting and all encompassing force and that they are a force of resistance and liberation.
Hitler believed in an all powerful Jewish conspiracy that enslaved the europeans under the power of the banks, Marxists believe in the bourgeois who own the means of production and grind all the poor proletariat under their heel and feminism believes in an all encompassing patriarchy that oppresses all women and keep them under male oppression, and this would later be expanded to include trans, gays and other people that feminists were willing to ally under.
The same narrative with different words.
If there is any take away from what you read in this post it’s this. “The only difference between a hero and a monster is the truth, if Hitler was factually correct about his proposal of an all powerful Jewish conspiracy he would be the greatest freedom fighter of his time”
But he wasn’t, he was ultimately a man so convinced in his own rigteousness and the oppression he toiled under regardless of whether he was actually oppressed or not that he justified every horrific action he committed.
Voltaire once said, “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities”
Robin Morgan an editor of Ms. Magazine a feminist publication once said “I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.”
When you put those two quotes next to each other it becomes very clear why Feminists and Nazis sound so alike.
When you believe that a class of people are oppressing you based on your identity that justifies any and all malice you could have towards said people, indeed if you truly believe such a thing it even justifies outright violence, abuse and the stripping of their rights.
As history has shown us there is no evidence that men have oppressed women, especially western men, it has shown that men and women adhere to their gender roles as an optimized means of production and survival.
Men trade their work and willingness to self sacrifice for women’s sexuality, together they pair bond to ensure the survival of their genetic heritage, if men are required to work for the provision of their pair bonded female mates, then it is logical for them to have the right to work, and the right to be trained to maximize their work effectiveness.
Due to the strenuous and dangerous nature of work in the past it would be a major loss for a woman to be killed on the job because of the loss of her reproductive utility, while men are seen for their utility as workers and soldiers.
The saying goes, women were chattle and men were beasts of burden.
By our modern definition of liberty and oppression all peoples regardless of gender were oppressed.
It was only in the higher classes in which work was less strenuous and less dangerous did such a system display a potential for female subjugation.
Which is why even the first suffragettes started from wealthy families and wanted to instate a 10 pound suffrage for the right to vote.
Ignoring the fact that lower class men were subject to military draft to pay for their right to vote with the very real risk of dying in a war that claimed thousands, maybe millions of lives.
The misreading of such a contract between men and women into “Patriarchy Theory” a belief where all women are oppressed by men as a class or atleast powerful men as a class.
I often come across Feminists in Name only, merely people who wear the label feminist display shock at the extremist rhetoric and views of their more contemporary counterparts.
My only response being “Why are you so surprised?” If you truly believe you’re oppressed by men it’s only logical to be so extreme, it is only reasonable and logical for such feminists to become out right man haters, afterall as Robin Morgan said, “The Oppressed class has every right to hate their Oppressors”
Why are you surprised then when you read the sheer amount of bile from Radfemhub who talk about castrating all men, or putting men in camps, stripping men of their due process rights, excommunicating all men from society and forcing them to live in the wild and that is only the tip of the ice berg.
When you believe and agree on all the definitions by which men subjugate women, then such despicable fantasies are merely righteous indignation of a legitamately put upon class of individuals wishing to inflict the same pain and suffering on their oppressors that they themselves have been forced to endure.
So the question is: “Why are you surprised?”
2 replies on “The Submission of a Woke Mein Kampf, Feminism and Nazism similarities.”
You guys have to do a segment on this. Please.
This is too good… Mein Kampf is feminist material? That made my day; thank you.