Right Angle

The Syphilis Surge

It’s not a political problem. It’s not a medical problem. It’s a MORAL problem.

Syphilis — one of the most horrible diseases ever to torment humanity — is making a strong comeback. Whatever could the cause be? Progressives, true to form, say the problem is that we are not spending enough money on public health clinics. Conservatives, true to form, claim that whatever you subsidize, you get more of. This isn’t a money issue. It is a morality issue.

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12 replies on “The Syphilis Surge”

Science and personal responsibility are all very well and good and all. But I think there’s a case to be made for just trying to convince Hunter that powdered wigs treat syphilis.

Aww, so sad that the New York Times is crying about a disease that their readers are getting, I don’t care. And when they say “we” are having a public health crisis regarding syphilis, they are pretty much talking about the left, not conservatives, so again I don’t care. Most conservatives are not promiscuous and do not have sex outside of marriage (but of course there are exceptions), so this is NOT OUR PROBLEM, cry me a river! Part of me wishes that the country does collapse so the lefty idiots with all of these venereal diseases will simply reap what they have sown; they need to realize the consequences of their garbage worldview by suffering with these diseases without a “get out of jail free card.” This is not my problem and I do not want to spend a penny on those who live hellish lives and expect everyone else to pick up the tab for their promiscuity. If we had leaders with any kind of backbone we would be de-funding all of these democrat programs: abortion on demand, STD clinics, and the like, but as it is the RINOs go right along with the idiot dems and force the people to pay for this garbage, and I’m not alone in being finished with this insanity. Pay for your own wicked lifestyle, you BUMS.

There is no such thing as consequence free sex. There is always a consequence. That can be physical – pregnancy, disease – or emotional, even if just to turn your heart colder.
But there is a consequence whether people ignore that consequence or not doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

<i>”The solution isn’t billions of dollars more for public health programs. The solution is speaking the truth about science!”</i>
Well, once again, Scott is spouting crazy talk!
Science is what we say it is! Ask Lord Fauci, if you doubt.
Of course the solution is billions more in public funding! More government and more bureaucracy is ALWAYS the solution if you are a Leftist! How else are they going to achieve the global police state?
Responsible actions? Safe, monogamous relationships?! Pfah! Foolish man…
[do I really need <sarc> tags here?]

Friedrich Nietzsche may have had syphilis. This is probably the source of his “dread” in the face of an “absurd” world. For a long time they blamed the New World and Columbus (with his horny sailors) for the horrific outbreak of syphilis in Europe from the 15th to the 18th centuries. But a very close relative – “Yaws” – was in Europe 2.500 years ago. To those who are fascinated by infectious diseases such as monkey pox and a resurgence of syphilis, you have to hand it to gay males who just can’t get enough “lovin’.” But, seriously, I think male orgies are becoming more common because AIDS is viewed as potentially treatable (a chronic issue that can be lived with) and Syphilis is a Penicillin shot and you’re fine. So exposure to multiple partners is worth the risk in the eyes of those whose brains reside in the wrong head.

So glad you guys brought up the “underfunded/understaffed” point. I’m curious how deeply the GOVERNMENT and BUSINESS overreaction to covid has impacted this, and so many other issues. I know my VA, and most of the others, fired, “furloughed,” “laid off,” “transferred,” our your euphemism of the day is still running at about 60% pre-covid staff.

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