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There a link between Garner and Epstein.

Eric Garner died after a police arrest. It appears the Obama DOJ Loretta Lynch directly held the threat of charges for the officers involved to prevent the New york police from going public about the DOJ/ FBI go slow on information backed up onto Anthony Weiner’s lap top. 
Tracy Beanz has made the connection and talks about it on twitter and YouTube.

The twitter is here:

For those that are not up to date it appears that the backup software on Huma Abedin’s computers backed up onto her husbands laptop. As a result content from both her, Hillary Clinton and the state department got backed up onto Anthony Weiner’s computer. It also had illegal porn on it. Before the election of Trump New York police found this out. The material found was far far worse then the Pizza gate rumours etc. Anthony Weiner was charged with both possession of child porn and production of child porn.

One file on Anthony Weiner’s computer from Huma Adedin’s computer was labelled “Life Insurance”. This is where we get the first flight log of who went to Epstein’s lolita island (little saint James). There is a second list an Epstein staffer tried to sell and the pilots covered their tails by retaining copies of the originals to that are now being subpoena by Barr’s DOJ.  It does look like everyone was blackmailing everyone in Epstein’s sex club. 

It contained hard core video reportedly of politically connected people on the left and right in the USA doing criminal sex acts or worse. Bad enough that some staff handling the evidence needed cried and needed counselling services reportedly.   

Andy McCabe sat on this for months and as a result frustrated New York police began leaking hints to media.  The feds used the Eric Garner case to lock down the New York police. Some resigned, some suicided. 
Officer Pantaleo the officer actually accused of Garners death fought. 

After two attempts by the left to get charges against Pantaleo he has been exonerated and in response the police chief fired him today.

That may sound like bad news but its not. It now means that everyone involved with the two cases can now talk publicly. Pantaleo is free to go public and those that know about the Weiner laptop can now go public. 
There are already grand juries on Huma Abedin (I believe she’s a muslim brotherhood spy) and Weiner is still under investigation.

McCabe, Comey, Lynch are facing grand juries and many in the videos on the insurance folder my also be indicted too, though those can’t be acted upon until the courts and leftwing judges are replaced.  The Inspector General Michael Horowitz is also now free to go public with some of this. 

With the mainstream media refusing to do any investigative reporting it does now come down to people like Tracy Beanz on Youtube and twitter. 
I suspect we are still a year away from a YouTube reporter getting a Pulitzer prize. 

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