BW Member Blog

They will never stop… NEVER…

They are so confident in their scumbaggery they don’t CARE we Know they committed fraud. They believe they are unstoppable and untouchable…That
smugmother$uckerattitude is what makes me want justice in the form of Vengeance,  They will Never Ever STOP attacking Freedom and the American people until they Fear the people Really FEAR the consequences for bad behavior. If we do Nothing and allow them to cheat without consequences that is the end..   I’m listening for the Shot heard ’round the world… The Beginning of
the second American revolution to save the entire western world from
tyranny and suffocating micro management from low intellect inferiors…
I’ll be risking my life and world, For Freedom for the future
generations… They will be fighting for deceit, handouts and table scraps..
Lets see who is victorious ….

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