Here is a test post. Photos seem to work well; we have bold, italics, underline,
Block quotes,
- bullets,
- numbered lists,
different alignments,
hyperlinks, look at all this cool stuff.
Oh, full screen appears a little weird. I can’t quite scroll to the top of this post when I go into full screen while editing it. It’s also a little strange that the menu for this post appears above theĀ website menu. In fact, it’s a little strange that the website menu appears at all when I go to full screen. Seems like that should just show the post.
Save draft button works. Overall, not bad for the first iteration. Nothing blew up (that I know of).
16 replies on “This Is NOT A Test!… Actually It Is”
A few more comments. First, when I go to the “BW Member Blog” page, this blog post does not show up for me. Is that because it is my blog post or is there a certain way to publish stuff on the member blog that is different from publishing stuff on my page?
Second, I’ve noticed there are a few redundancies and inconsistencies with the menu(s). There is the gray bar at the top, the menu at the bottom of the page when you scroll down all the way, and the menu that pops up when you click the three horizontal bars at the top left. Having three identical menus makes the website look more complicated than it is. Eliminating the second two would make it more streamline, and when it comes to web design, simpler is better in my amatuer opinion. Also, when I click on certain menu buttons, the menu changes. I find this a little disorienting, so you may want to create one static menu and maybe put some of the other links in submenus on certain pages.
At the moment, the home menu is a little bit of sensory overload. There are just too many things going on. There’s the slideshow, the “right now,” facebook, member comments, the calendar, and the list of videos/posts. Some of this stuff needs to be broken up into other pages or just eliminated if it can already be found elsewhere.
Hope this helps,
Good reading your comments so that I don’t duplicate the same tasks and double report issues.
Good suggestions, Nolan. I’ve got a list of such things, and I’ll add these to it.
Scott, the timer for edit appears to begin at the time typing is started as apposed to when you hit ‘post’. I have not tried to edit but the time after my first post was 6:42 just after I hit ‘post’.
I’m working on this aspect of the site right now, so it my seem a bit wonky until I get it worked out. Thanks for reports, William. BTW, as you notice things that don’t work right or need improvement, please submit a ticket through our Help feature in the menu bar above. Thanks.
“and when it comes to web design, simpler is better in my amatuer opinion.”, I am not an amateur and simple is always better in any design. Simple does not mean easy, sometimes it takes a lot of thought to make it simple. The persistent grey line at the top looks a little out of place.
Hmm… I do notice that the “REPLY” button text appears white on another person’s comment but dark blue on my own. The blue is a little difficult to read: not enough contrast. You might consider changing that. Also, I hope I don’t come off as criticizing, I totally understand the work you guys put into this. I’m putting this website to the test and analyzing any area that could be improved. Just wanted to clarify that. Good luck with optimization.
You’re doing exactly what I hoped you would do, Nolan. Thank you.
Happy dog!
Yup. Both the girls love fetching and swimming.
How far does this go?
It’s like reddit…
10 levels
This works.