BW Member Blog

Trains, trains, everywhere!

All right, we’ve seen where to watch airplanes in the sky, and ships in the water, but what about the third major transportation technique, the rail?

As it turns out, there doesn’t appear to exist yet a unified way to find all rail traffic, but there are some specific maps for specific countries and services. Specifically,

Here is an Amtrak map for the United States.

Here is a general map for the United Kingdom.

Here is a map of the current train locations in Finland. If anybody needs to know.

It is interesting to see just how few passenger trains we have, compared to Britain. The argument could be made that population density is needed for them to be economical, but the East Coast is just as dense as the United Kingdom. Is this a cultural difference, where freedom-loving Americans embrace the automobile, and the subjects of the King (or Queen) are satisfied to be herded about in a large boxes while they hang on for dear life?

I’m sure there exists an in-depth study of this somewhere, but sometimes it’s more fun just to observe and marvel at the vast differences between cultures without actually knowing why.

Oh, and Finland? It’s bloody cold in Finland, and I can completely sympathize with whatever works for them…

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