So, Trans Lesbianism is apparently a thing, now. For those of you who don’t know, a Trans Lesbian is a man, who identifies as a woman, but is still attracted To women. I have to admit, when I first heard of this, a few days ago, it pretty much pegged the needle of my absurdometer. Then, one morning, I was struck by the sheer, unmitigated brilliance of it.
Now, one’s penis, lack of melanin and toxic masculinity need not ostracize them from polite society. Thanks to Trans Lesbianism, you can stop being that most hated, reviled, vilified and evil of creatures, a White Man, and become a bonafide member of not one, not two, but THREE approved classes of the Victims of the Patriarchy. Trans, Lesbian AND a WOMAN.
And here’s the genius of it. You don’t have to actually DO anything. You don’t have to change your looks or behavior, you just have to SAY that you’re Trans Lesbian, and no one can deny you, without being transphobic, homophobic and misogynistic. Even the most strident and sanctimonious Social Justice Weenie or Intersectional Feminist HAS to take you at your word. Self-identification is ALL that matters.
With one declaration, you can free yourself from any criticism or accountability. If you also say that you’re a vegan with a disability, you’re absolutely invulnerable. Yep, the Social Justice crowd painted themselves into a corner with this one.
10 replies on “Trans Lesbian”
I remember when this idea was literally the punchline of a joke.
Me, too. Reality’s up for grabs, these days.
“Even the most strident and sanctimonious Social Justice Weenie or Intersectional Feminist HAS to take you at your word.”
You’re dead wrong there.
ONLY the most strident and sanctimonious Social Justice Weenie or Intersectional Feminist WILL to take you at your word. Of course, those are the only people who would be vilifying you for being a straight white male in the first place, so you’re good.
No argument from me. I was just trying to be humorous with this one.
Yup. As was I.
Well done. I’m just thankful that my wife likes me as an Alpha Male, Toxic Masculinity and all. She has said at various times, if I ever start acting like a Beta, She’ll either start looking for a pod, call my Alpha friends for an intervention, or as a last resort, divorce me. God, I love this girl.
I have a simpler way. I tell them I’m a toxic male, and if they don’t like it, they can go screw themselves, which is very likely what they prefer anyway.
We have absolutely no requirement to sink into the depths of insanity, no matter how many crazy people try to pull us into their fantasy world.
You’re quite right, of course. I wrote this one mostly for the comedic value.
Sorry! This situation is so batshit crazy insane, so ludicrous, so mental that humor is sometimes hard to see.
No worries. The fact of the matter is that getting to be almost impossible to lampoon these cretins. They’re self-satirizing. The “Trans Lesbian” thing and the “Front Hole” bit that I referenced in Hair Trigger are real. Reality has jumped the shark. Madness.