General Services Administration (GSA) boss, Emily Murphy, sends Joe Biden the ascertainment letter that frees up some $7.3 million and other resources to the Biden-Harris transition team.
Read Murphy’s letter to Joe Biden.
In an unusually personal letter, Murphy insists she got no pressure from President Trump or the White House, but she has received thousands of threats to her safety and that of her staff, family and even pets, from people upset she didn’t make the determination earlier.
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GSA Letter of Ascertainment for Biden-Harris Transition
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Bill Whittle Network · Transition Begins: GSA Boss Got No Pressure from Trump, Many Threats from Biden Backers
11 replies on “Transition Begins: GSA Boss Got No Pressure from Trump, Many Threats from Biden Backers”
Of course the threats came from the Biden mafia. The vast majority of people out there don’t know what the GSA is let alone what it’s function is.
What we need here folks is another Congressional Investigation! Or a Special Prosecutor! You know, those things that seem to uncover all sorts of scandal and media attention but go nowhere.Or have no teeth. Or result in no indictments. You know, just what the Biden’s ordered.
Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together?
It sounds like death threats and intimidation are the means by which the left gets their way. I hope this is not the direction we need to go to match the battle plan used by our opponents. The red mirage was not a prediction. It was the democratic strategy to harvest however many votes they needed to overcome Trump’s lead. I have no doubt that Trump had more legal citizens vote for him than any other president in history (which would include Biden if he steals the election).
Why do you still believe Trump’s team will win these court challenges?
When Andy McCarthy says ‘the notion that an algorithm could be “broken” sounds crazy’, I give up hope in a Kraken.
When Rudy issues a statement that Ms. Powell is not a member of legal team anymore, it sure sounds like there is no path forward.
Now, just because there is no path forward, Game theory (thank Steve Hayward)
suggests that when your opponent behaves badly, the only way to get them to stop is to behave badly back, in the same way.
Time to start a “resistance” movement on the right that is as in your face as the Dems was starting circa Nov 2016.
The challenge with a “Resist Biden” movement is
1) we don’t live for politics
2) it’s not our religion
3) we have some humility and Pride.
4) we believe in a little thing called “Truth” (dare I say, Objective Truth)
The leftist assaults are coming whether or not Biden enters the White House. This is the traditional behavior of these sort of myopic, screeching tyrants. They eat all who happen to be in their paths — including their own. They are truly reminiscent of the Nosferatu of legend (parasites).
Lock and load.
I agree. If Biden becomes President, the mobs will feel empowered to come after anyone who did not display “Ideological Purity”, and if he doesn’t they will go mad with rage and vengeance.
Either way, the thing to do is make yourself a small target and prepare for the time when you have no choice left but to defend yourself.
As Murrow used to say, “Good night, and good luck.”
It seems like many of these mobs go after their own more than our side, looking more to purge the ranks of the less than faithful. I suppose part of that is we don’t kowtow to them and issue apologies like their own do, hoping, as the saying goes, to be eaten last. We just whack the crocodile on its snout and dare it to eat us.
From the way things are looking, not only did they steal the election, but it also looks like they’re gonna get away with it.
The states need to begin a campaign to dwindle the size of the federal government. The days of simply “electing the right people” into the federal government are gone if votes can simply get concocted out of thin air. An article 5 convention of the states should be the first step in this process and we need that done yesterday.
As Bill has alluded to in other videos, we need to start thinking of saving ourselves as opposed to the dead weight pulling us down. And as far as I’m concerned, the federal government is dead weight. For decades, states have been giving away way too much of their power. If a small flock of big city liberals in Pennsylvania can effectively invalidate my vote in Tennessee with fake votes in a federal election, then what do I need the federal government for?
It is possible that they will get away with it, but their continued attacks and need of constant reinforcement of the idea suggests to me that they are not so confident.
Or having gotten away with it, realize as robbers do, that the die pack has exploded, or that Amazon box the porch pirated isn’t what the shipping label says. Split Congress, which I think we will retake in 22, and all of the infighting between Biden’s “advisors” will hamstring and hobble his admin (at least until he’s stuck back in the basement).
It does look like they will get away with it.
When there was still a Kraken out there, I held out hope.
But when Andy McCarthy says “the goods are missing”,
I tend to believe there is no legal remedy.
Remind me again why we can’t have a resistance (albeit without the swamp creatures) to a Biden administration?
I believe it was Matt Christiansen (YouTube) who observed several months ago that the legacy media had fallen into a relentless narrative formula of “fear, outrage, Biden is inevitable.”
Ms. Powell filed her first two lawsuits late Wednesday, so we will see what the courts make of them.