Newly-leaked dispatches from British Ambassador to the U.S., Sir Kim Darroch, to his colleagues in the UK Foreign Office portray the Trump White House as chaotic, riven by internal divisions, and ignorant of how to conduct foreign relations. Essentially, they paint the same picture of the president — a bumbling braggart — and the administration that several authors have…authors Trump dismissed as purveyors of ‘fake news’. Sir Kim coaches leaders in his government dealing with President Trump to keep it simple and short, and to employ generous helpings of flattery.
This is the 200th episode of Bill Whittle Now, with Scott Ott.
26 replies on “Trump Chaos: Leaked British Dispatches Portray President as Bumbling Braggart”
When an opponent makes a degrading comment during a sporting event that you are participating in and your team is winning, there is an expression that all athletes are trained to use as a reply. This expression certainly applies in this situation:
“Sir Kim, look at the scoreboard.”
Congratz on 200 episodes. See, all Bill needed was a taskmaster and a wife to keep him on the straight and narrow. Great Stuff!
Name works for Kimball Kinnison. If you aren’t the Grey Lensman, though, no, it does not work well for guys.
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Brits don’t have very good luck with boys named Kim.
So, our ambassador in DC thinks Trump and his team are “inept and insecure”? A bit rich coming from someone whose diplomatically damaging communications were leaked just after the 243rd Independence Day, when American minds might be most receptive to anything that could drive a wedge between the US and the UK. I’d call that inept and insecure.
When I was in politics the Foreign and Commonwealth Office were often called the Faggot and Communist Office, at least until patriotic gays like me objected to being compared to the slick, treacherous creatures in the F&CO. Darroch has spent a sizeable portion of his career working with/in the EU apparat. I’d lay good money he has as much contempt for his patriotic British countrymen and women as he does for Trump. Bill is spot on as to why Trump is so hated and feared by these slimy bottom feeders.
Love this show!
You know what I especially love? The fact that Scott has been working with Bill so long, he knows what Bill has said in the past. He is not hesitant to give Bill a “Well, you are famous for saying this. How would you defend that when it appears to contradict what you’re saying now?”
I LOVE that! Scott keeping it real, and Bill able to defend his stated values.
Even as a staunch Trump supporter, I will admit that Trump does not have the smooth speaking ability of Obama or Bill Clinton. Those smooth-talking progressives could sell cow patties and make them seem like moon pies. But the difference is that they LIE. Trump is rather crude at times and blunt, but he doesn’t LIE. That’s the honesty of a hard-nosed businessman, not a smooth-talking politician. But hey, if they keep it simple and flatter me, I’d like that, too. That’s effective advice for dealing with anyone. Just don’t waste his time with BS is another way to interpret it. Trump is doing precisely what he was sent in to do, shake things up and make something work for a change. He is the Right’s nose-thumb to the Left and progressivism.
This is pretty simple to me.
Trump doesn’t speak in State Department Jargon (Diplomatic-speak)
He talks like a guy who grew up in Queens and worked with construction workers in NYC.
He is the proverbial bull in a China shop, and they don’t like it.
If this was glowing, I’d be worried.
So Trump is not a professional politician?
What have the professional politicians done for us lately, or ever for that matter? I don’t care if the President is a Martian as long as he succeeds for this country and it’s citizens.
By the way, when Darroch was ambassador, Trump tweeted to Downing Street that Nigel Farage would make a better ambassador. I’m guessing this pissed off Sir Kim and he’s just trying to get even.
They both have raging egos but Obama is a screaming narcissist. I don’t think Trump has that problem.
All you have to do is count the number of times Obama said the word “I” in any speech (nauseating) versus Trump, who almost uses the word “we” when the first person is called for.
I’m a longtime member and comment stalker. That was actually my first posted comment. Reporting in from Seattle.
Hi. Bring an umbrella.
I’ve only been to Seattle once. It was dark and raining.
By the way, Scott, liken’ the minimalist cut.
Thanks. It’s the vinyl siding of coiffures. No scraping. No painting. Just hose it off every once in while.
For next week’s Backstage you should wear a David Bowie in Labyrinth wig. “My last few haircuts have caused so much commentary I just decided to skip it this week and let it grow out.”
I wore the Labyrinth cut in my late 20s – loved it!
Scott it looks good.
I once stopped at a Cost Cutters and told the young lady the wrong guard size. She started right down the middle. I looked like a Marine recruit for over a month. I thought it was fine and easy to care for; however, my wife did not like it so I grew it back out.
I also have a few scars from when I was a teen-aged boy that showed and caused interesting comments.
I don’t like it. Please grow your hair back.
I like it. It’s very Patrick-Stewart-meets-Stanley-Tucci. Yeah. You rock it.
Thanks for the encouragement, Donna.
But Scott, the swamp creatures have such a proven track record of failure that my default opinion of them is that they’re inbred, ossified competent only in doing things as they’ve always done.
Change my mind.
Aww… the professional British government administrator is as appalled by Trump as the American professional government class.
I need to bum Sarah Hoyt’s shocked face.
Right. If we’re going to take these dispatches as the world’s assessment of Trump’s administration, we’re going to have to compare it to dispatches regarding other US administrations. Would you like to see those regarding Carter? Clinton? Jackson? FDR? Bush? Nixon? I’m pretty sure all of them reek of condescension. From what is freely expressed in literature, if not in person, the elite British find Americans brash and unacceptable in any case. Even if you began by apologizing for your own nationality, that would be wrong because it would be rude of you to mention your status as a loathsome creature. I love the BBC programming, the British sense of humor, the history, and my own ancestry, but I can do without being wrong-footed from birth.