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Trump Launches 2020 Run, Leaks Upcoming I.C.E. Deportation Raids on Twitter

President Trump launches his 2020 White House run as he leaks about an upcoming series of I.C.E. deportation raids on Twitter. Did he do it to bolster his base because he still hasn’t built the wall? Did the president jeopardize the effectiveness of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement round up by alerting illegal aliens, perhaps risking the lives of federal agents?

President Trump launches his 2020 White House run as he leaks about an upcoming series of I.C.E. deportation raids on Twitter. Did he do it to bolster his base because he still hasn’t built the wall? Did the president jeopardize the effectiveness of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement round up by alerting illegal aliens, perhaps risking the lives of federal agents?

6 replies on “Trump Launches 2020 Run, Leaks Upcoming I.C.E. Deportation Raids on Twitter”

Judges are more important than the wall. Building a wall won’t do any good if the judges prevent the enforcement of our immigration laws.

Were there not a number of republicans in congress who dragged their feet and did a little of their own passive/aggressive obstruction to thwart Trump’s agenda? And are there not portions of the wall being built despite this, even if it is not happening as fast as some would like? Trump is moving along like a bulldozer, getting done what he can, when he can, and frankly, I cannot wait to proudly cast my vote a second time for Trump for president!

“the media will get pictures of ICE agents grabbing a kid”… ya mean like Elian Gonzalez?

The ICE agents just need to wear body cameras, and be ready to Project Veritas style release the real view after the media deceptively edits their own coverage.

The POTUS probably should have started the wall when we had the house, as in the first thing when he was in office. Because since then we all know and can obviously see that our President is fighting the dems every step of the way for everything he does, says, or want’s to get done. Meanwhile, the dems are pushing ridiculous investigations, on top of more accusations, more investigations, and an overwhelming amount of bills for more rules, laws, regulations, and whatever else they want to throw in the mix instead of working with the POTUS to get things done for the people of the USA. These people and never-trumpers are most of the problems.

I wonder if the announcement was for the following two purposes:
1) Rally his base of support (something a candidate is supposed to do)
2) Give people here illegally and who have skipped out on their deportation hearing a heads up and an opportunity to self-deport.
People who have been told they are to be deported and have then disappeared know who they are. This gives them notice to leave now or we will find you.

I think it’s both. It’s an opportunistic statement due to his need for a campaign platform, as well as, his consistent efforts to work around and find new solutions to the congressional Democrat and state court stonewalling he has faced in trying to make headway.

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