Wrong on many levels, but I thought they were against gun ownership? til they get their hands on them? Please watch this movie trailer and you decide.
Wrong on many levels, but I thought they were against gun ownership? til they get their hands on them? Please watch this movie trailer and you decide.
10 replies on “Trump slams The Hunt movie where elites target ‘deplorables’”
Good news, Universal cancelled the release of the movie.
Yes, they did thank God. Here’s a quote from this link: ” “We stand by our filmmakers and will continue to distribute films in partnership with bold and visionary creators, like those associated with this satirical social thriller, but we understand that now is not the right time to release this film.” Now is not the right time? So it will come out at the “right time” later? https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/universal-cancels-hunt-release-following-183714628.html
I think it will quietly find a home on the FilmRise Horror streaming channel, along with all the other lousy horror films out there that no one watches.
This isn’t the only movie with ‘subtle’ messaging (sarc/). I recently watched The Duel on Netflix. It’s a western starring Woody Harrelson as a twisted preacher that, among other things, cages Mexicans for his high-paying visitors to hunt. In comes one of the Hemsworth brothers as a Texas Ranger who saves the day in the end.
More white supremacy crapola.
I don’t support Netflix. Canceled my subscription months ago.
The whole premise is sick. I don’t care who’s on what side of the hunt.
Exactly Jo Ann. This kind of political violence porn can not help and can only hurt society. Totally irresponsible, they are putting ideas into the sickest of society.
Ace’s prediction on the movie sounds very likely. You’ll have to scroll way down past the twitter stuff before he starts on the movie specifically.
I can’t believe I read the whole thing, thanks for the link!
🙂 You’re welcome. He’s renowned for his looong movie reviews, combine that with a chance to tweak the “conservative” twitterati and it goes epic.