Jimmy Lai, the publisher of Apple Daily, gets arrested along with his two sons at the behest of Chinese Communist leader Xi Jinping for “violating” a new “law” that forbids embarrassing Hong Kong’s mainland authoritarian Commie overlords. Will the Lai men be whisked away to the mainland under the new extradition law that led to mass protests for months? Bill Whittle says the core of the story is that 200 cops were sent to grab one man and his two sons. Hong Kongers respond to this heavy-handed tyranny by lining up for more than 550,000 copies of Apple Daily, which normally sells 70,000.
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Bill Whittle Network · Tyranny: 200 Cops Crash Newspaper Office, Arrest Publisher in Once-Free Hong Kong
10 replies on “Tyranny: 200 Cops Crash Newspaper Office, Arrest Publisher in Once-Free Hong Kong”
The Chicoms are now licking their chops over Taiwan. We the people must support Taiwan.
“Hang in there” is a non-Solution. As one “hangs in there” THE blood of innocents will fill the streets, the concentration camp becomes the new home to a vast majority and the REIGN of TOTALITARIANISM continues. The CHOICE is one of three Paths.
PATH #1: just “hang in there”
PATH #2 go else where
PATH #3: stand and fight as the Jews did in Poland in the Warsaw Ghetto
Welcome the French Revolution Part 222.
I have not read the agrement that handed Hong Kong over to the Chinese, but maybe if Great Britian had some real guts they should say you are violating the terms our agreement and we therefore rescind it. Hong Kong is now a part of Britain again.
I’d fight for that!
The CCP would never have done this if they thought that the UK, or anyone else, would stand up to them. They’re also building islands in the South China Sea and no one says boo about it, much less does anything.
The CCP will keep doing this kind of thing until someone calls their bluff. The saddest part of this to me is that the only people who appear to be willing to stand up to them are a few thousand unarmed citizens of a little island. And no one else seems willing to give them any help, not even weapons or a few CIA agents.
My first suggestion for Hong Kong was to have a flash mob of 2,000 plus irate citizens show up before the 200 HK police could clear the building, surround the cops with a passive/aggressive barrier and prevent the arrests (as much as possible) but Basically scare the h*ck out of them!
Here’s a famous quote that might shed some light:
“If you use a sledgehammer to squash a mosquito, you break the arm the mosquito is sitting on.” – me
Speaking of the overwhelming show of force used, this might be off subject but the middle of the night SWAT raids on Roger Stone and Paul Manafort for paper ‘ crimes ‘ certainly served the same purpose, to terrify anyone who refuses to submit.
Oooh – time to go Devils Advocate on Scott!
Scott, wouldn’t you say that the words “hang in there” come off as particularly supercilious being spoken by someone who fled Blue PA to live in red TX?
And no, I don’t mean that – I’m sure you did for a number of other reasons, I’m just trying to do my best imitation of Scott here =8^)
The Keystone Cops will never find me here! They’ll never take me alive…mostly because at my age, they don’t have much time search.