Named accusers emerge to say that Joe Biden has touched, kissed and rubbed noses with them without their permission. Should Republicans use this to sink his presidential hopes, or let Democrats do it for them.
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5 replies on “Unbidden Biden: Will Gropin’ Joe’s Presidential Hopes Perish at His Own Hands”
He just gets nicknamed as Gropy Joe…
Scott, I know your suggestion on taking the high road was Devil’s Advocate, but the simple answer is that The Geneva Conventions don’t work when only one side observes them As long as they see only benefit and no downside to lobbing mustard gas into our trenches, their behavior won’t stop until they feel consequences to their behavior
I was actually a little surprised that this came up as a #metoo by someone now. There is so much documentation, photo’s and video, of Joe Biden touching, kissing, coming up from behind and squeezing, smelling hair and neck, holding shoulders, etc, with women and children that I thought the left had given him a pass and the right was too polite to say anything. I would not even guess what his motivation for that behavior is (friendly grandpa of sexual predator) but for someone who has wielded that level of power to be that lacking in self awareness these days shows someone who acts very “privileged”.
Biden is not a sexual predator, in my opinion. He is severely unaware of boundaries, however, and a bit creepy.
Agreed.. He’s not a predator and he’s not creepy. He’s just a weirdo.