BW Member Blog

We formed a Union

We the people in order to form a Union. I’m not sure where this gets lost, but most likely in lack of education. Our founders were a bit ahead of their time in the smarts department. While all of them did not agree fully on every topic, this is what also made for us to have such a great document to base our country on. Fisticufs and long discussions wrote our document and in the end a great guideline to keep things in check. 

A few things seem to be missing from the minds and vocabularies of the modern “people.” Our founders formed a more perfect union, not a more perfect democracy. We, the United States, are a union of small countries who have come together with our single governments to help fund and raise a national army and federal government to represent us worldwide and to maintain the balance between states with trade and other silly things.  I’m not really sure where everyone got this idea that it’s the federal governments job to run the lives of everyone in every state. 

Powers were separated for a lot of reasons, but even though we are a union, it starts with “we the people.” Why did the founders write it like this? Why are the people the highest power in the land, but we are not a democracy? Because “we the people” elect in our little countries, we just call them states here, people to represent us in our national federal government. Those people are to represent the ideals of our state and the people of that state. Stop laughing, I know you are. I’m talking about what they are supposed to be doing, you’re laughing because they long forgot what they should be doing. That is We the peoples fault though, we keep re-electing the same people who are not doing their job. 

Then we get to things like the Electoral College. We, the United States, are a Representative Republic, not a Democracy. We need to get this through our heads as to why we do not have a democratic vote nation wide. We are made up of countries/states who make up a whole nation. We are the United States, the States elect our President. We the people are supposed to elect congress, but somebody botched that up and changed it so the people elect the senators who are supposed to be state representatives.

The founders specifically kept us from being a democracy. You would feel it was silly if you were not studied on the topic, but when you start reading further and realize the issues behind democracies your mind might change.  Mob rule is just that, mob rule. As soon as the mob figures it can vote money out of the treasury, it will do so. Fortunately for all the uneducated people who want a democracy, the politicians are doing that for them. They tell everyone its a democracy and hand them free money to keep re-electing them by giving out payments from the treasury that are supposed to run the country, not pay for daily living of the public. Electoral college is to keep balance in states from state to state in the election of our President so mob rule doesn’t sway the vote overall. You could argue we could vote county to county then at that point and that’s just as backwards as mob rule. While county voting maps give an excellent view of the country as a whole, it does leave those in the cities without a voice. The balance comes from the electoral college and the lack of mob rule. 

Encourage your local schools to teach civics and social studies. If they do not, get some books and sit down with your kids and make sure they are educated properly on history so when they get into conversations later in life, they wont be ignorant of the full story. 

2 replies on “We formed a Union”

I try, but I kinda get a bit rambley, thanks for the kind words.

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