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Why the left are all-in on mutilating children – The consequence of social coercion

Hi All,

I would like to go through why it is that the left are all-in on mutilating children in the name of ‘trans rights’, when there is no evidence to support the ‘treatments’ and much evidence that the outcomes will be profoundly negative.

I will go through the basic psychological principle at work and then apply that principle to what we are seeing in ‘trans activism’.  I should add that the principle applies to much more than trans-activism, it extends to most state action, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves…

The psychological principle…
(If you want to read more on this, look up the work of psychologist Carol Tavris on cognitive dissonance)

In short, you, me, everyone, … all of us make most of our decisions, based on our subconscious (our desires), with the conscious mind being merely a mechanism to create justifications for the decision our sub-conscious has already made.

If you doubt that factual claim, can I ask you to think about your reaction to it? Which of the below was it;-
A) “Let me assess that claim … in a dispassionate manner … well this piece of evidence shows the claim to be false”.
B) “NO!”, “I am an intelligent person and my decisions are based on reason and evidence!”

The second is an emotional reaction. That subconscious self, (you ‘want’ to believe the claim is false), tells you “NO!”, so your conscious mind is trying to think of justifications why it isn’t true.

Let us take a minor example;- that ‘thing‘ you bought. You really wanted thing, and you told yourself whatever you needed thing for this and that, and that thing is a great investment and you will do all sorts of projects with thing and that bying thing is the rational choice. And once you had bought it, and the desire has been sated and you are left with only the conscious mind, you think to yourself, “Why the hell did I buy this!?”. Otherwise known as buyers remorse.

The subconscious, the feeling, drove the decision … and the conscious mind simply tried to justify the purchase.

Let us take another example, taxation;
The work of Arthur Laffer (of Laffer curve fame) suggests that the state will maximize its take in taxes over the long term, with a total tax rate of somewhere between 25 and 30%. So why is the tax rate FAR higher than that across the west?

Let us think about the sort of person who chooses to be a politician.
Generally, the sort of person seeks out being politician with the power to make laws that are enforced at the point of a gun and the power to demand the fruit of anothers labor by the threat or use of force?
Hmmm, these are the same sort people that have rule over ‘the peasants’ throughout time.

(Yes I know ‘not all politicians’!)

… and these politicians with their desire for power over others, to dominate others, they make decisions in the same way as the rest of us … the desires decide and the conscious mind works diligently to justify that decision.

Politicians are people driven to achieve a position of power, so their subconscious decision is always going to go with whatever policy or action gains them ‘more power’.
With taxation, we have seen that tax cuts increase the tax take, but allowing people to keep more of their money is not an expression of power, not a display to the individual politician that they are ‘in charge’ and that they ‘rule over the untermenschen’- No, demanding MORE money is the expression of power that the individual went into politics for! So, for most politicians, the optimal tax rate is always ‘more’. Demanding more money by the threat or use of force is the expression of power they want… that is their drug of choice.

I know that makes politicians seem like pathetic weasels and that they are only after the drug hit of that feeling that they dominate the population … and yes, most politicians really are that pathetic and petty. When you look at a politicians, if you are seeing clearly, that is what you should see and you should be revolted!


This isn’t to say that we are nothing but puppets to your subconscious desires, but we have to put all sorts of effort in to making decisions that area actually based on the evidence.

So, how does this apply to the trans issue I hear you ask…

The primary tactic of the left over the past couple of decades is to intimidate their political opponents by false accusations of racism, white supremacy, homophobia, islamophobia, transphobia, etc…

You are discussing you favorite flavor of ice-cream with you leftist friend;
Leftist; “I like chocolate the best”
You; “Chocolate is ok, but strawberry is WAY better”
Leftist; “That is racist, you only hate chocolate because it is brown and you hate brown people!”
You; “Er, what?”

(As an aside, this tactic of false accusation needs to be explicitly called out every time it is used. If you are having a discussion and you are falsely accused, you should say something like, “The entire audience knows I have done and said nothing that is in any way racist and you falsely accusing me in order to coerce and intimidate me into silence is a despicable thing to do. Lying about a person in that way is how you can know for a fact, based on nothing but your own actions, that you are the evil in this world.)

What does the widespread use of lies to coerce people in to supporting your position or intimidate them into silence mean?

It means that leftists, in particular, will live in fear of just such false accusations…

They fear, for example, being called a transphobe … but wait …. maybe, just maybe, there is a way they can protect themselves from such a false accusation? They could, perhaps, be actively involved in transitioning others! But who could they get to take carcinogenic drugs and undergo life destroying surgeries??? … confused children and the mentally ill – among the most vulnerable in society.

The leftist has a desire to protect themselves from the false accusations they throw at others, so they think up all the reasons why they should be actively transitioning people (children and the mentally ill).
I should add, they will, to some degree, believe they things they tell themselves, just as you believed the things you told yourself before you bought thing.

And the worse the acts they carry out, the more fervently they will NEED to believe they are doing the right thing, so the worse they will get, as to do otherwise is to have to accept that they have put themselves in the company of the likes of Joseph Mengele.

One reply on “Why the left are all-in on mutilating children – The consequence of social coercion”

You're probably on to something about wanting to protect themselves.  Particularly when you take the legons of freaks they have manufactured into account.

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