The Daily Wire has allowed me to give my Members a first look at the Empire of Terror series that I’ve been working on for so long. You’re seeing this before virtually anybody at The Daily Wire, let alone the rest of the public. I got exclusive permission to show this in order to thank you all for your patience while I was working on this.
I think you’ll be very happy with the results. I know I am.
— BW
35 replies on “World Premiere SNEAK PEEK!”
Bill, if you’re reading this….
I mean every word I wrote in my question to you on March 16 TSL. Well, maybe I went overboard on the feces…..
If that “Blake-Troll” on youtube chat last night really triggered you, and apparently it really did, Consider a couple of things.
If it was a Superchat where he claimed we (US armed forces) killed 1 MILLION Iraqis over 15 years, he had to pay money to show his stupidity. He paid you to tell you he’s stupid. It’s actually pretty funny. If it was a lot of $ he paid, consider this: It’s probably Soros money coming to you. A double win. Blake spends Soros coins, AND looks stupid in the process.
If it wasn’t a paid Superchat, can I suggest an appropriate answer to Blake-Troll?
“Blake…how ’bout no?”
“Blake, Blake, Blake…bless your heart”
“Blake, I heard it was actually One Trillion Iraqis”
Considering it was 1 Blake-Troll against 7000 or so paying members of your enterprise, I’d say the troll got ratioed.
I will have to rejoin DW – I really want to see this.
Bill, I suspect you will be the cause for a surge in new membership at DW. You do this stuff so well. I trust they appreciate you.
Of course, by keeping this behind their paywall, DW is just preaching to the choir. This history needs to be seen, and heard by the very people who won’t pay for a DW subscription.
Looks awesome
I paid lots of money for someone to go to the town in Russia where my father was born only to learn that there is no record that my grandparents ever existed. I look forward to this series.
Can’t wait to see this Bill. Thanks
Pretty cool. Do you get to keep the leather jacket?
Whoa! Chills Bill… Thanks for the little sneak peak…
I’m psyched.
Can’t wait for this, thanks Bill for sharing early!
I have been saving my quarters so that I can get a DW membership for long enough to get all of Bill’s content.
It was pennies but, you know, Biden.
Cant wait. Let us know when its gonna be on!!! Awesome!! Thanks for all your hard work!!!
Years ago I did quite a bit of reading about the devastating effect the communist had on Russia. The brutal murder of hundreds of thousands of people. The Jews of course, had been persecuted on a regular basis and now these were regular citizens. This is not the only country where atrocities took place, but is a major one.
I did my study of this before anyone under 45-50 was born. This brutal era of world history has been largely relegated to the back of the archives and we need a shake up and a good dose of reality which hopefully this will bring. Thank you, Bill for your hard work. I hope it is widely read and appreciated.
Millions. Not hundreds of thousands. Makes Hitler look like an amateur.
Bad monitor speaker, bad hearing on my part, and not tuned yet new hearing aids….I know you’re saying something, it’s certainly LOUD enough. Gotta lose the hearing aids and listen through the Sony cans to get a handle of all those Soviet names. Visuals are exactly what you wanted though, no theatrics, just cold weather backgrounds, cold lighting and a barely warm leather jacket. Nice effects all around…Good presentation, good video execution. Good work, Bill.
side note: I didn’t think it was so, but I was sniffing around DW at lunch and found what I think is all The Cold War audio episodes, free to listen to, by just searching The Cold War Whittle on DW. Glad I looked.
The Cold War is still available as audio on Spotify. It is definitely still out there for free.
Tune those aids, RR – lots to listen to coming up.
BTW – my wife are now firmly in the close captioning option on most TV shows. Just easier over the background noise.
“Ron”, I was just surprised there actually is a free zone in DW with BW content. Thought that was a discovery for me.
As for my new awesome Resound Omnia’s, oh they’re tuned. Audiologist is awesome. But with the phone app that goes with it, I can tweak and tune to my heart’s delight, sometimes too much messing around with the app, then Bill sounds like boots on gravel…..wait….is it possible…?
Finally, can you imagine the hilarious word salad which will occur when a computer closed captioning tries to make sense of Bill’s pronunciation of Russian names and places? Gotta do a video capture when it finally comes out with the closed captioning on, then show some clips here.
Roger the surprise at free anything on DW.
I didn’t know they had a free zone.
I listened to TCW on Spotify. THought I was giving Bill clicks that way. Probably wasn’t.
But I will join DW long enough to watch TCW with video and this new series. Then hopefully bail on it. Can’t spread it too thin.
Father Mulcahy was an underrated character.
Yup. I looked, and one gets what he pays for in that context.
For those who will not or cannot subscribe to DW, a simple search produced the following podcast site:
Looks really great with the different angles. Renewed my DW, so I can see the whole series.
I hope the Empire of Terror series is well received, Bill. More than that I hope it drives more traffic to than it does to DW. Then you can provide this kind of content on your site in the future.
I wish Daily Wire had a lower cost option to join. I will likely miss this content.
Congratulations Bill on assembling and excellent team that allows you time to do projects like this.
This looks great. And it’s cool to see the recording of different cameras! Can’t wait to see the final product. Like others here, I have joined Daily Wire primarily to see Bill’s work
Awesome Bill!
Oooh, can’t wait, Bill! 😄 It looks great.
We joined DW a few months ago because we want to see the BW content. We did enjoy their movies a lot. However, it was the “Whittle Content” that moved us to join.
Admire what you do immensely and anticipate seeing the piece when it hits on Daily Wire. Thanks for the preview!
Amazing Bill. Thank you so much for the work you do educating people!
Looks great. Too bad I have to join up at The Daily Wire to enjoy your efforts.
Looking forward to the full Magoo
You’ve done it again 🙌🏻👏🏻
Bill it looks INCREDIBLE! Can’t wait to see the final results.
Bravo sir! Looks AMAZING!!! Any chance we’ll get to see it absent a DW subscription?
No, the DW is in this to make money, they don’t give anything away for free
Bill, you always put 100% of yourself into all your work! Wishing you God’s blessings.