Right Angle

A Livestreamed Nightmare

The bipeds that make up HAMAS have shown a talent for extraordinary emotional and psychological torture and cruelty as well their physical brutality.

The bipeds that make up HAMAS are not just inhumanly brutal when gunning down women and children in their nursery… that have shown a talent for extraordinary emotional and psychological torture and cruelty as well.

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44 replies on “A Livestreamed Nightmare”

Come on guys. I come to listen R/A at and end up on Rumble. At the end of R/A, Rumble immediately boots up one of their feeds. I can < back to Bill on this IPad, but I can’t toggle back on my Samsung Android phone. On my phone I have to exit Rumble and type “” in my search engine. Please advise. Fix the glitch or do you recommend searching Rumble instead of

The problem you’re having is because rather than let the site operators decide how they wanted to handle their own content, some members whined and fussed that should never use YouTube for any reason and made a really huge deal out of that.

YouTube is the more mature, better funded, more reliable, more usable platform. YouTube has an autoplay on/off toggle, Rumble does not. Worse, Rumble tees up and plays some terrible crap its algorithms think you might be “interested in”.

When I got here several years ago all the video content was posted and linked to YouTube. You can thank members like Brian Mayes for the problem you’re having. He keeps threatening to leave but never does so he’ll probably pop up again.

As for your problem, it’s a Rumble thing not a thing so the guys can’t really do much about what you’re calling a glitch, except to drop Rumble and go back to posting everything on YouTube again. Which will no doubt trigger a nuclear temper tantrum from the childish minds that want to have everything their own way and don’t care about you even a little bit.

That all covers the Rumble issue but it sounds like you have some sort of additional problem with your Samsung phone. A problem that would still cause you issues even if it were not for the annoying Rumble force feed pumping of follow on videos. I never use a phone to log onto here so I don’t have any helpful pointers in that direction.

I think the more significant reason that the switch to Rumble happened was that that site does not censor content nearly as much as YouTube. The censorship on the YT site has gotten progressively worse in the past 2 years, so … there is that.
The autoplay function on the Rumble site can be overridden with an HTML5 hack that browser extensions like “HTTP Request Blocker” for Chrome does; however, such things are not necessarily for the faint of heart and technically-challenged. If one wishes to use “HTTP Request Blocker”, then the specific filter to be added to block rumble’s autoplay is “*://**/?request=related*”.That being said, the problems experienced with the Samsung Android phone are likely related to the specific use case and selected app. I typically use the Rumble App to watch the videos on my Samsung Galaxy phone instead of the browser, because I prefer the App’s behavior to that of the embedded video on the BWDC site. once watched, I return to my phone’s Chrome broswer to navigate the web site. That being said, the App does not behave the same as the browser.

“I think the more significant reason that the switch to Rumble happened was that that site does not censor content nearly as much as YouTube.”

All of the current release BWC videos not behind the paywall are available both on YouTube and on Rumble. They link to Rumble to play these videos on the site from here. They could as easily link to YouTube and in fact do with the Backstage episodes. (Presumably because the Backstage episodes are easier or more reliable to paywall filter for ‘members only’ on YouTube than they are on Rumble. I don’t know, I don’t generally watch any of the BWC content anywhere but BWC.)

I don’t know the reason why they do that but I do know that clicks on Rumble pay a lot less, and it’s a lot smaller viewership than YouTube. Being as everything except Backstage is on Rumble and everything including Backstage is on YouTube …

The threat of censorship would not seem to be a primary motivator to link and play from BWC, at least in my thinking. The videos are on both platforms so it’s more a matter of what platform BWC wants to link to from this site than it is any censorship issues with the content itself.

I don’t run content on either platform, or any other for that matter, so I’m not intimately familiar with how remuneration works. If BWC gets credit (and so gets paid) for views either on the platform itself or linked to the platform then it would seem to me to be counterproductive to send BWC traffic to Rumble. If that’s not how it works then it’s a wash either way and connecting from here to Rumble is more of a matter of protest than anything else.

I never watch streaming content at all on my phone and though I have about a half dozen tablets and a couple Chromebooks I mostly never directly watch any sort of content on those either. I don’t play anything at all on the tablets, I have other uses for those. If I’m playing content on one (or more) of the Chromebooks I use Google Remote Desktop and connect the display to my main computer. Which plays audio through my Yamaha AVR via HDMI or Toslink, depending on what ‘scene’ I choose. Which has “zones” with speakers I can turn on and off remotely by voice or app depending on where I am on my home property. So all I’m using the Chromebook(s) for is video.

In a couple places where I spend significant time I have a monitor set up that I can plug into a Chromebook. To get a bigger picture than the little screen on the Chromebook. Like my laundry room or the sort of outside porch that I call the “weatherdeck”.

Point being, my use is admittedly atypical and I don’t know a lot about using phones or tablets to stream content. Because I don’t do that nor need to. I rarely leave home and when I do there’s nothing going on that is conducive to watching streaming content.

So you know more about that than I do and maybe you can offer some more helpful suggestions to Mickey McGeath than I can come up with. His problem is with the software behavior on his phone and iPad (I wouldn’t have an iPad and if someone gave one to me I’d sell it immediately) so that’s not an area I’m have much expertise in.

I was mainly speculating on the Rumble thing and I don’t see how censorship really plays into the observable way they do things here on the site. If it does, then they’re doing something I’m not aware of, like not posting “iffy” content on YouTube. I haven’t noticed that they do that. If so I stand corrected.

None of which changes the fact that we have people here who whine like little babies if anything at all links from here to YouTube.

P.S. Thanks for the blocking URL for Rumble autoplay.

Yeah, I don’t understand the whining. It’s definitely an annoyance we could do withouwithout.

Regardless of how the videos are viewed (streaming an embedded frame here or streaming the video on the content site/app directly), the videos exist on the YouTube and/Rumble servers. This fact means that the streaming service can censor whatever it chooses. YouTube does such censoring regularly, so Rumble is a means to hedge such content losses. The “iffy” content can include truthful discussions about covid, Islam, and a plethora of other things that the whiny leftists flag for suppression. Even the White House has publicly admitted to “encouraging” platforms like Facebook to remove content the Biden Administration does not like. All of that being said, I could be remembering past comments about the move to Rumble.

I don’t know to what extent Bill relies on monetization anymore, so I cannot speak intelligently about that.

I concur that the YouTube players are more mature; however, all of them (YouTube, Rumble, Vimeo, EpochTV, etc.) have annoying eccentricities.

You’re welcome for the http blocker. I stumbled upon it a few weeks ago.

If I had to guess I’d say the whining is the equivalent of virtue signalling. If any sort of pragmatic, educated, comprehensive view of these things is applied it’s nonsense. It’s just an attempt to show everyone else in here how wonderful the whiner is. That particular whiner I mentioned eventually came right out and said what worthless git he thinks we all are and that proved I was right in this virtue signalling observation.

Unfortunately if acted on by the site that sort of whining has a negative impact on some people. I was using Mickey Megeath’s comment to demonstrate that. The whining might not have been solely responsible but it certainly pushed things in an unhelpful direction. I’d rather Mickey Megeath was able to watch a video on YouTube than not at all, or at least not burdened with things that make such viewing less than optimal.

You’re right, all platforms have their idiosyncrasies and annoyances. YouTube has finally wised up regarding ad blockers and that’s become a PITA for me lately. I’m still experimenting to see what I can do to defeat that and have had some limited success.

That HTML blocking string you posted works a treat. I just played the latest Right Angle (the one about Homeschooling) and the Rumble autoplay did not engage. Thanks again for sharing that.

If you use chrome, then you might have some success with the Undetectable AdBlocker extension that is available in the chrome web store. It seems to work for me.

The behaviors you describe are features of the Rumble player that I don’t think Bill and the Gang can control.

Below, I suggested a tool for blocking the html5 autoplay feature, but I have only used it in the chrome browser on a desktop and laptop computer.

The despicability of Satan’s most virulent zealots is perfectly explained by the theology of islam. Anybody who wants to learn something about islam should subscribe to Jihad Watch, by Robert Spencer. This is not political, this is theological. muslims worship Satan, and this is not remotely debateable. Hamas needs to be utterly exterminated to the last ….. “person(?)” Western supporters of these vermin also worship Satan, and are no more “persons” than the perpetrators.

I think we’re all missing something important here.

This sort of news needs to be covered so that we know what kind of monsters we’re dealing with.

The reason that’s important is so that we also know what kind of monsters support these sorts of abominations.

Those monsters supporting these barbarians ignore this sort of news. They excuse and condone this sort of thing to the point where they are even claiming that these videos which clearly show the diabolical nature of this situation are “AI generated propaganda”.

No matter what evidence is presented those monsters are going to keep doing that. They do not care because this evidence does not support their religious beliefs. I’m not talking about the religion of Islam here. I’m talking about the religious institution we know as the Radical Left.

Islam is bad enough on its own. When you combine Islam with the cultures of Arabs, Persians, African tribalism and other uncivilized barbarous cultures you get inhuman monsters. There’s a saying that goes “Religion is just the beard on the face of the Prophet”. Which means that the barbarism actually only uses the religion of Islam as its excuse for barbarity both militant and in governance. Those people would be barbarians whether Islamic or not. They must be dealt with as you would any barbarian. That part is fairly simple in concept and requires only the fortitude to act.

Those people, being barbarians, only respect force. In their thinking if they can hurt you worse than you can hurt them, they will dominate you. Being as they only respect force, and being as we have much, much greater force available to us than they do, we must apply that force decisively and undeniably if we want to keep these animals in their cages.

It is a mistake to treat with or think of these vicious bipeds as other human beings. They do not think like you do. They might as well be another species from another planet. What would work on you doesn’t work on them. This is the first hurdle in dealing with monsters. In this regard the civilian population of Gaza is every bit as at fault as the Hamas governing body those civilians installed and support. Never forget that the civilians of Gaza danced in the streets when they heard about the massacre their choices have spawned. They need to learn the lesson of overwhelming force. Too.

It’s simply a matter of killing some of them now so that you don’t have to kill many, many more later. Those monsters created this situation and they will keep doing so as long as the price is acceptable to them. The only way to stop that is to make the price unacceptable.

The question is therefore one of how much force is enough, not how much force can be applied to destroy Hamas without hurting any more Gazans than can be avoided. The Gazans have brought this on themselves.

The Israelis understand all this because they live with it on a day-to-day basis. There are Palestinian Israelis both Christian and Muslim who are not a problem to Israel. They live and work side-by-side with Jewish Israelis peacefully every single day. Those people have chosen not to be or support monsters. Even the Israeli Muslim Arabs, despite being Muslims, have abandoned their barbaric culture and embraced the far, far superior, prosperous and more civilized Israeli culture.

They’re not the problem even though they come from the same Arab culture and religion of those who are the problem.

The issue is then one of how to convert the problematic to the non-problematic. The answer is to beat the problematic into a bloody pulp until they give up being a problem. That’s the only thing that works with that culture.

As if that were not bad enough, and hard enough, there are Westerners who support the monstrous barbarities that culture is prone to. Those people have no excuse for doing this, they live with all the benefits, peace and prosperity of the West. They know better.

Those Westerners who support barbarians have themselves intentionally and consciously rejected the greatest civilization ever known to mankind in favor of barbarism. It doesn’t matter what their reasons are, they are barbarians too.

You say we have the overwhelming power. Without the right Representatives of our patriotic values, we’re f’d.

I SAID we have overwhelming power AND the crucial part is the will to use it. So yeah …


I’m not as sure as you are that the current administration is willing to use that power, as they are sending aid to both the Israelis and Palestinians/Hamas.
They’ll want Israel to come to a peace agreement with the dogs.

I didn’t say I was sure the current administration would be willing to use that power so I’m at a loss as to how you can be “not as sure” of anything as I am. I stated what the problem is and what the remedy is, in both cases with clear arguments. I said that the application of power is what fixes the problem, how and why that is so. I did not say that I had any confidence at all that the fix would be applied.

If you’re going to have a conversation you have to pay attention to what the other person actually says. While you’re doing that you should try to avoid putting words in the other person’s mouth. Speak with your own words for your own thoughts, don’t attribute something you want to talk about to something I did not say. That’s a logical fallacy called a “straw man”.

I’m talking about the problem, why the problem exists, and what can be done about the problem. You’re complaining about the political incompetence and self-serving shortsightedness that is hindering the resolution of the problem. See? I’m paying attention to what you said, you’re ignoring what I said so that you can complain. By stating the obvious.

This is damned irritating because it treats what I have said as inconsequential and unworthy of thoughtful response. You didn’t respond to what I said, you made up something I didn’t say so you could address that instead. I’m talking about the problem and what solves it. You’re bellyaching about our political opposition. Not the same topic at all. If you want to complain about our political opposition then put that in a post and start your own conversation thread. See if anyone else wants to complain along with you.

In my view of things there is way, way too much ineffectual, impotent crying about our political opponents and not nearly enough work being put into solutions to the problems that they create and of the world in general. Our political opposition is deserving of all the criticism it gets but whining about them doesn’t solve anything.

Here, in this case, I’m defining the problem and presenting the solution. If the best you can do is play Captain Obvious about our political foes that’s not really helpful. Though I’m sure it’s something you like or need to get out of your system now and then. That’s OK but …

Try not putting words in my mouth when you do that.

l appreciate the time you took to clarify what you meant. My bad.
Also, the lesson is not lost on me.
I must raise my game to sit at the table here.

Thank you for taking what I said in the edifying spirit that was my intent. That was very gracious of you to see it the way I meant it instead of as some sort of ridiculous challenge to ‘prove’ you’re right.

You’re right about one thing, the game is a higher one here. I’ve been on networked discussion and comment platforms for over 40 years, since the early days of BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems) and if I haven’t seen it all, I’ve come very close. Thank God this place isn’t like FaceBook, the YouTube comments or any of that other enemy territory. You’re well behind friendly lines here.

This is the one place where I’ve found in recent memory where people can come and actually speak their minds without censorship. Scott Ott once told me that there is only one word that is banned in the keyword filters and he assumes no one would use that particular word anyway. We can say what we want, the way we want to say it, and in however many or few words we choose to say it in. That’s a huge privilege in today’s digital environment.

So I’m a bit protective of this environment and tend to not just let nonsense go unaddressed. I see the best defense as a good offense. I know Bill and Co. need all the members they can get but I and several others, myself being a primary instigator, have driven people who merit it to silence or departure. It’s not a good idea to pollute this particular place. I’m not talking about you, btw. I’m talking about people who clearly deserved that sort of treatment even though they might call themselves “Conservatives”. I’m not a bit kind to the un-housebroken.

I understand your disgruntlement with the political opposition and rest assured we all share it. If you want to express those feelings you’re free to do so. Start your own comment thread by posting any thoughts you have and see if anyone else wants to discuss it with you.

I promise I won’t hijack your thread by interjecting my opinions on Middle Eastern problems and solutions. I’m just asking you to reciprocate the courtesy. So that we don’t all just go firing off bitching and complaints all the time and can have real, genuine, adult conversations about whatever topics we care to bring up.

I don’t know if you’re new here or not, if so welcome aboard. There are some really great people here with some really intelligent, thoughtful, deeply considered views and a lot of high powered occupational types. This comment forum is several cuts above the norm that lives out there in the wild on the ‘net.

If you’re not new then you haven’t said anything that particularly stuck in my mind so I’d remember you. I will now. Don’t take me not remembering you personally, my mind isn’t nearly as sticky as it used to be 🙂

Oh, yeah, and P.S.
I didn’t take all that much time responding to you. I type northwards of 90 words-per-minute so I type about as fast as most people talk. It didn’t take significantly more time for me to type out what I said than it took for you to read it. Just FYI for future reference; My posts tend to run long because I’m not struggling to say as much as possible in as few words as possible. Don’t click “read more” on something I post unless you mean it.

ACTS just clarifying. When you say we have overwhelming power and need the will* to use it, are you talking about the US, or Israel?
I think both points need to be addressed to Israel. Biden’s trip, I suspect, was to erode Israel’s will to do what is required. If Netanyahu told Slo Joe to pound sand, which I also suspect, my own feeling is the only delay thus far has been getting those 300,000 soldiers that answered the call ready and in place for whatever action they deem necessary.
That many people don’t spring into place overnight.
And while the attack took place on a Jewish Holy Day, there are no more until Chanukah in Dec. I think the next 6 weeks will be . . . interesting.
*Then he showed these men of will what will really was. . . .He lets the last Hungarian go. He waits until his wife and kids are in the ground and then he goes after the rest of the mob. He kills their kids, he kills their wives, he kills their parents and their parents’ friends. He burns down the houses they live in and the stores they work in, he kills people that owe them money. And like that he was gone. (From a very good movie, back when they made such things)

RASE, I’m wondering if Netanyahu gave the Scranton Kid the same farewell that Barry Soetoro gave to Netanyahu as he left The White House, past the garbage bin on the back entrance. No fanfare, no long good bye’s ,just ‘see ya see ya, wouldn’t want to be ya.’
Probably not, because if that did happen, MSM would call it the biggest insult since, ever.

I’m talking about the West in general. Israel needs to deal with this, it is a clear and present danger to their sovereignty. On a larger scale Islamic bloody handed terrorism is a threat to all of us, and the proof is that all of us (speaking nationally not personally) have experienced it to one degree or another. So I’m saying that the threat is clear and present and the West should support Israel in whatever measures it takes to eliminate it. It requires political will to ignore the barbarian monsters in the West that support other barbarian monsters and do what needs to be done.

I think you’re right about preparations underway in Israel to accomplish the neutralization of this threat … To Israel.

The Israelis are not going to be able to do what they know needs to be done in just 6 weeks. They will not ignore their own Holy Days but they’ll work around them as they have done in the past. This is something that’s going to take months or even years to bring to a final end result.

So I’m saying that the threat is clear and present and the West should support Israel in whatever measures it takes to eliminate it. It requires political will to ignore the barbarian monsters in the West that support other barbarian monsters and do what needs to be done.
And this, along with our own border security, which is now linked together, should be THE talking point for the next 13 months by all GOP candidates. Forget about taking pot shots at each other. Behave like the CIC you want to be and provide leadership on this.
I think you’re right about preparations underway in Israel to accomplish the neutralization of this threat … To Israel.
I hope I am right and that it starts soon.

Our own border security, our relationship with both allies and enemies, opportunities to attack Western culture and values running the gamut from terrorism in the US to influencing our elected officials … The ramifications of the rot this is only a symptom of are wide ranging and urgent.

It’s a rot that needs to be dug out by the roots and you’re right. It should be a major plank in the platform of any Republican candidate who has any desire to win the Oval Office.

There’s opportunity here to show these monsters and the monsters who condone and support them, for what they really are. Blinded by their savage, primitive animalistic mindset the barbarians have gone way too far this time. This has forced their supporters to go into full blown damage control by claiming beheading babies and raping grannies is justified or denying those and other abominations happened.

Any Conservative politician worth a vote needs to hold their feet to the fire over that crap and not let them pull back until they’re well and truly burned.

Nope. Can’t watch this one. I spent 20 years in the military to protect and defend the United States. The current “occupant” in the White House and his administration are continuously selling out the country and supporting our sworn enemies (the enemies are the ones doing the swearing, not us). Until the world realizes that islam is a religion of death, they will continue their acts of barbarism – with the full support of “progressives” around the world.

God told Moses, who told Joshua that when the Israelites took the promised land, they were to destroy all the people who lived there. Joshua disobeyed that command. Then later, when the Israelites asked God for a king and God finally gave them one, that king, Saul, was commanded by God to destroy the Amalekites. King Saul was to destroy every living person and animal and destroy the entire Amalekite civilization. King Saul disobeyed God, and thus set himself up for failure. Those commands from God still hold true as He has never rescinded them. Maybe, just maybe, if the Israelites finally carry out those commands from God all these millennia later, they will finally possess the promised land He gave them.

Bill’s bad dog, rabid dog is interesting but does not go quite far enough.
What we have now are rabid hyena. They start out bad and then get worse. They hunt in packs and pursue anything that is not of themselves.
There is only one way to deal with these creatures.

Stealing Bill’s analogy and in answer to Scott’s solution, is it really possible to reason with someone devoted to the religion of the rabid dog?

What’s happening in Israel is a precursor of things to come here in our own country. How many of these radicals have already infiltrated our open southern border? 2500? 25,000? or a quarter million.
Look towards the current protests across our own country right now in support of the animals who attacked Israel to validate this reasoning. It only takes one terrorist to encourage and recruit thousands more. Whether they are BLM, ANTIFA, or HAMAS/Palestinian sympathizers, they are all the same, Anti-Western Christian/Jewish Culture (yes I do include Judaism as well because we share the same beginning & morality)
Hell it’s already happening, just this past week, a Jewish woman was murdered by radicals in Michigan.
Our own country is now at Revival or bust. The bust being the next American Revolution. I still pray for Revival because I have kids and hope to have grandkids someday, but I am actively preparing for the bust as well.

I think Israel – an many others – have had their Krikkit moment wrt Hamas.
For those who were not Douglas Adams’ fans, let me explain (not a full dive so those who are fans don’t nit pick, I am leaving out lots of details).
In “Life, the Universe and Everything” there was an idyllic planet where everyone was truly happy. Their planet was surrounded by a “cloud” such that they never, ever saw stars or had any inkling to even think that were not alone in all creation.
One day a foreign, “man-made” object crashes onto the planet and they go out to the heavens to investigate.
From the book-

 They flew out of the cloud.

They saw the staggering jewels of the night in their infinite dust and their minds sang with fear.

For a while they flew on, motionless against the starry sweep of the Galaxy, itself motionless against the infinite sweep of the Universe. And then they turned round.

‘It’ll have to go,’ the men of Krikkit said as they headed back for home.

On the way back they sang a number of tuneful and reflective songs on the subjects of peace, justice, morality, culture, sport, family life and the obliteration of all other life forms. 

This is where we are with Hamas.
It’ll have to go!
It needs to be obliterated.

I could not agree more. I also feel this way about anyone who would intentionally hurt/torture a child or an animal. There is no rehabilitation, no saving grace, no redemption. I wouldn’t shed a tear if they were put down quickly and completely. No one who could do such a thing deserves to live in a civilized society.

“No one who could do such a thing deserves to live in a civilized society.”

… or anywhere for that matter. Perhaps we hire a SpaceX heavy lifter, and launch them into a decaying solar orbit.

How many steps away from this are we when our FBI is raiding the homes of pro life protesters and parents who don’t want their daughters getting raped in school bathrooms? Look at what happened to Jay Bishop in Portland.
The most disturbing part is how many on the Left support this

Being of “The Left” is to be afflicted with a mental disorder, which is akin to sociopathy.

Release the videos. Only then will people understand the depravity of this organization and the support it has from the population. We go too far insulating us from the realities these people represent. Of course it will engender great anger, but free societies try to live by their moral codes which values human life. Bill’s comments on the Japanese and the death camps emphasize the nature of this enemy, and they will come for us when given the chance. If you want to win, you must confront reality. Iran is the prime supporter of these people. What will we do if that nation gets nuclear weapons? It is time to destroy those structures and take out the oil facilities. Harsh? Yes. What of the repercussions? Instilling fear in our enemies is necessary and neither Russia nor China see Iran as essential to their strategic goals.

I’ve been struck by how many people are choosing to believe that the videos of the atrocities by Hamas are A.I. generated fakes. Yet if Hamas releases videos of supposed Israeli atrocities they are swallowed whole. I do think the Hamas atrocities should be posted for everyone to be able to see them, but there is already a very large segment of the world who can’t handle the truth, and instead are choosing to think their eyes are lying to them. It’s shameful. When you couple that with the moral equivalency arguments, it fills me with despair at how far gone our culture is. We baby boomers are just about at our end, and after that we have generations of people who are illiterate in the realities of history and human nature. May God have mercy and send a Revival, as someone else has commented.

I used to try and mollify my nascent dislike for the Muslims back in the day by reminding myself to try and see things from their side. Suppose I was a devout follower of the faith and these images came from the West, from the United States, of culture that was poisoning my children’s mind, polluting their souls, undermining any chance to shield them from such easily accessed depravity. I’d be furious, filled with hate at the source of this debauchery.
Well, that ship has sailed. Any peoples capable of these actions cannot be supported. There is no justification that could convince anybody that this action had its basis in, say, retaliation for past wrongs or revenge. The Palestinians just committed their own genocide in the eyes of the rest of the world. Too bad for them, but I don’t care if the door hits them on their asses on their way out.

I actually would appreciate the door to be that of an old Iron Maiden (spikes and all that) and that it would repeatedly hit them “on their asses,” backs, heads, etc. All of this to accelerate their “way out.”

Part of me wonders if there is something wrong with me when this doesn’t surprise or shock me. But it doesn’t surprise Bill either.

But then again, I know history and human beings flawed nature. Ecclesiastes 1:9 “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun”

Its going back to before modern civilization, back to barbarism. Destruction of morality. Saying there is no evil and therefore, no good either.

It scares me what my mind can imagine. And with my Chemical Engineering and computer skills, I can cause havoc if I wanted. Once I had a conversation with a detective I knew about a stupid thing a criminal thing did. I said so. Then he said, somewhat mockingly “What would you do then?”

I told him. No planning in advance. Laying out my plan in real time. He then, totally surprised, said “We would never catch you, unless we got lucky and caught you in the act. And that would be very unlikely.”

Thank God, that I am not that.

If you were that kind of person who would use your skills for evil, you wouldn’t be a member. All of us are capable of the utmost horrors, but we have the constraints of moral clarity to prevent the worst of it.

Our world has fallen as it has time after time. Let’s pray that God will have mercy upon us, and that He will help us rise again🙏

In the kind of crime you’ve described, the criminal has many advantages.

If the victim is truly random, in the sense that the criminal has absolutely not connection to the victim, and if the victim is just a normal person who has no idea that he is a target, there are any number of ways that the victim can be cleanly and effectively assaulted.

If the criminal also has some practical skills or knowledge that can be adapted to the assault, then all the more clean and effective possibilities.

That is what terrorism is all about. Anyone can be a victim by anyone, in a manner that the victim may have never even imagined. It IS terrifying.

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