Yes, that is the reprehensible advice given to Joe Biden for success in 2024. What does one say in response to that?
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Yes, that is the reprehensible advice given to Joe Biden for success in 2024.
Yes, that is the reprehensible advice given to Joe Biden for success in 2024. What does one say in response to that?
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20 replies on ““Americans Love Abortion””
Jesus never told John the Baptist, “Before you dunk Me, John; you’ve got to knock off with that mean-spirited, unloving, judgmental, ‘snakes and sons of snakes’ stuff. We want to LOVE these people into My Kingdom.” Pro-abortionists are Satan-worshipping bloodthirsty savages. That’s objective reality, whether the deceived realize they are deceived or not. “Truth in love” doesn’t mean you can demonstrate love by withholding or camouflaging Truth. I’m so tired of all the politically correct hand wringing and pearl clutching.
My first thought when she said abortion is more popular than Joe Biden was “Wow. What a high bar to clear.” I was a little surprised it took so long for y’all to get there.
(which I know is a bit ironic, since I’m watching this 23 days later…)
Just wondering if doing away with the likes of BO and JB would be considered a ‘late term’ abortion…
It is likely to be so, since neither of them has exceeded his selfish infancy.
My husband and I have been watching Bringing Up Bates. It’s a family reality show with 19 children all born to the same Mother and Dad living in Tennessee.
Their treatment of the new babies in their family is the direct opposite of the Left’s demonization of human babies. One daughter had 3 miscarriages. When she became pregnant she was given a baby shower where they released several white balloons in honor of the little souls who were miscarried and now with God. Their wiitness was faith-filled and very inspirational to the point of tears.
Excellent commentary. Well done to Scott, Bill and Steve.
“…abortion has a higher approval rating than (Joe Biden).”
By default only. An unflushed toilet has a higher approval rating than that man!
Edit: I made my comment before the video was finished. “Root canal” is better! Ya beat me to the point, Scott!
“having a higher approval rating than Joe Biden” should not mean he embraces the idea to pull up his numbers but should instead say he is politically dead man walking.
The word that springs to mind, my friends, is “demonic.”
Wow. I don’t comment much because I seldom have something new to say.
But wow, Scott. Great summation and kudos for even broaching the subject.
Scott, I pray you are right that the extreme pro abortion issue would be a no win for Biden but I am not so sure with the moral degradation I see in our country.
Hate it as much as you want, but abortion is why the mid-terms were disappointing for the Republicans and why the Democrats have a chance to re-elect Biden. I believe that 65% want to keep abortion as an option for “birth control”. It’s an outgrowth of the diminution of our society, the secular success in abandonment of morality, the destruction of the family, and the willful blindness it takes to define the unborn as “cells with potential” rather than a living soul.
There were so many other election system failures and hidden corruption to speak of. They were set in place to cheat us and were manipulated by felons/traitors. The abortion issue was only a small part of it.
The midterms were also lost becasue dead and non-existent Republicans stayed home, sort of like 2020 and what we can expect again next year
I hate this, but you’re way off. Abortion was the major reason by a long shot. You take away Dobbs and Biden gets no one showing up.
I actually agree with you on Dobbs, and said as much last year. The problem is that it doesn’t matter whether Deomcrats show up to vote or not, their votes will still get counted and they will win every major election that they want to. Look no further than what Abortion Mouse pulled in AZ in 2022
I’m uncomfortable whenever I hear Biden or Pelosi described as Catholics, it seems to me that neither of them even has a soul.
First – Scott – I commend you for broaching the topic. I can already here the screeching comments on YT because this is a discussion among three white men. But we need more discussion like this. Now onward.
Safe – Legal – and RARE!
It amazes me that not one R politician can call out a D on the debate stage or during a campaign and get them to admit that RARE is still important to them.
We should be able to agree that the correct number of abortions is actually Zero.
Even the most leftist should be able to say that. Because it would be, from their side, that there are no unplanned and unwanted pregnancies.
(note that I include both modifiers Unplanned and Unwanted. Every unplanned pregnancy is not viewed by that couple as a bad thing, many (most?) consider it a happy miracle.)
But given the many ways today of not getting pregnant in an unplanned manner, when it is unwanted, the actual number of abortions should be trending to Zero.
I can already hear the screeching harpies saying, but what about rape.
Rape is an abomination. But in those cases where a female of child bearing age is raped, this can be handled immediately with plan B. However, the other part of this from a responsibility standpoint is that there is almost no reason, especially for the screeching harpies, to not have your teen-aged daughter on some form of birth control. Rather than presume biology and hormones are resistible for your child better than they were for you as a teen, talk to them and figure out your safety plan. (I have an alarm system and firearms with trained wife and daughter as part of our home protection plan, as soon as Ronette was getting interested and some of her friends were already partaking, we had a several long discussions as a family. She lasted longer in her life than I did, which is good, but I don’t believe that abstinence works for most people, we are not wired that way. This is not the same as consent to have a teenager become sexually active, it is a realization that they will.)
Given that we still have a law that mandates everyone have health insurance and that a dozen forms of birth control are mandated to be free for those, the argument of cost is specious at best.
Perhaps my Heinlein influence shows in this but I recall the ease at which he covered teenagers having sex in the future by simply saying that the young lady had her 5 year inoculation upon onset on menarche. No unplanned, unwanted pregnancy in his future history, therefore no abortion.
This is what we need to get behind. The trend should be to zero because we have eliminated the unplanned and unwanted pregnancy.
The devaluation of human life continues. I’ve lost track – which circle of Hell are we in now?
Disgusting! These people are monsters.
And it doesn’t stop there. Democrats are always pushing crap legislation “for the children.” The truth is they are indifferent to them. The biggest market for child sexual trafficking is the United States of America. This could be stopped if there was a will to do it, but as often happens lately with good, or moral ideas, it has been left to private enterprise, because, largely, gubmint won’t do it.
Please go see The Sound of Freedom.