Take a wild ride through the weirder news stories of the week with Stephen Green’s Right Angle Lightning Round (patent pending 2020), featuring Bill Whittle and Scott Ott.
On this episode…
00:37 Japanese beetle survives passing through a frog’s digestive tract 90 percent of the time. Should President Trump fund a study on that beetle to find out if there’s a way out of 2020 for you?
02:50 Baseball ratings down as players kneel to honor Black Lives Matter. Stephen Green desperately missed baseball, until they started playing again.
04:58 Florida has more positive COVID-19 tests at the same time that Florida has more hospital beds. Miracle? And is it fair to argue with facts and data?
08:23 “I’m not a communist.” One contender in the Joe Biden veepstakes — Rep. Karen Bass of California — once expressed condolences to the Cuban people on the death of their brutal, multi-generational dictator, Fidel Castro. Will Biden announce: “I’m all about that Bass”?
11:42 Portland film center cancels showing of ‘Kindergarten Cop’ so Portlandians avoid the trauma of seeing police (who all are racists) magnified on the big screen. The local ‘Karen’ who protested the screening compared the Arnold Schwarzeneggar comedy to D.W. Griffith’s KKK-glorifying ‘Birth of a Nation’ which she lumped in with ‘Gone with the Wind’, among racist films.
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Bill Whittle Network · Beetle Eaten by Frog Survives: Is There a Way Out of 2020 for You Too? [Lightning Round]
8 replies on “Beetle Eaten by Frog Survives: Is There a Way Out of 2020 for You Too?”
Hi guys and everyone, This is the BEST media check site for bias, etc. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com
I’m old enough to remember when the phrase “Someone who has a d*** is a male” was considered settled science & not Hate Speech
I’d replace “Kindergarten Cop” w/ “Hobo with a Shotgun”.
“Song of the South” and “The Dam Busters” would also be under consideration.
Definitely Damm Busters!
It’s not a too-MUH!
The left may have stopped taking their Lithium but they keep eating their daily dose of magic mushrooms and keep puffing on that magic dragon.
Reality? Who needs reality when you can simply make stuff up and insist it is so simply because you imagined it and want it to be so.
SNL Church Lady would have a relevant comment here: “Aren’t they Special.”
Today’s Left has become The Church Lady.
It is an insult to The Church Lady. At least she used reality based sarcasm to make her points.
The left is totally detached from reality and don’t even know or care that they are. Their goal is the negation of everything including themselves.