Corruption, ineptitude, senility… forget all of it.
Biden talked about American values and didn’t once mention freedom or equality before the law.
That’s all you need to know about Joe Biden.
~Stephen Green, 2020, 3rd (2nd?) Presidential debate
Cheers, Stephen.
9 replies on “Best “Drunk Blog” Comment Ever …”
Scott apparently reopened his Scrappleface twitter account and was sending out some good ones. I don’t have Twitter but saw a few. I will post some of the best below.
Reporter Asks Biden about Burisma and Ukraine, on Her Final Night as a Working Journalist
Black Parents Add Section to “The Talk,” to Explain, Why — O, God Forgive Us — We Have to Vote for Joe Biden
Biden Promises to Rule with an Iron Fist Over All Americans without Regard to Party Registration
Biden Accepted No Foreign Money. It was All in U.S. Currency and the Exchange Rate Was Terrible
Read ’em all and I was dying! Scott is an under-known genius.
For a time in the early 2000s Scott had his Scrappleface satire read by Rush quite a few times. That was when I first heard of Scrappleface. When I started listening to Trifecta along with Afterburner, I didn’t know that Scott Ott was the Scrappleface guy. The satire skills are high with that one. Hope we don’t lose him to the Bee!
Clearly, Biden and co. think some pigs (Biden and Son are especially corrupt) are more equal than others. According to them, freedom and equality before the law are both old white man ideas and thus racist. Hence, they permit themselves the power to do anything to reach their goal: total destruction of what makes America, America. We the People are not to question or object to whatever they say and do.
I object!
Auto thumbs up for Orwell reference!